when are you going to stop going to the gym?
When are you going to stop going to the gym?
In april
>letting a virus steal your gains
homegym masterrace here
fuck china
I'm going through a break up and need lifting. If I catch bat flu, so be it
It's just the flu.
People are ignorant
>getting btfo by the literal king of manlets
>ftw was about to go to the park to do some calisthenics and it started to rain heavily
Fuck, now I have to go to the gym and risk it.
Imagine being scared of the flu, 3,800 deaths WORLDWIDE. I have a far greater chance of death on the way to work, lordy.
I'm not scared for myself, I just don't want to catch it and pass it on to someone vulnerable, like a boomer or someone with a compromised immune system.
Considering 3,700 people die daily in car accidents I'm not too concerned about this. 150,000 people die a day.
It's just a fucking flu
If you aren't an infant, previously immuno compromised or old as fuck and near death you'll be fine
Pfft if I had it first thing I would do is go to a nursing home and all boomer dense areas. Kill all these old miserable fucks lol
The point is not to catch it and pass it on to those people.
>I don't want to pass it onto people
Top kek
Jejejejejejeje ;)
Car accidents don't escalate
We're 2 months in and barely in these past 2 weeks it started spreading around the world
A lot of shit is happening and the economic impact is also very serious
>Not wanting to kill boomers
Lol get a load of this faggot
>just a flu
you're as stupid as you are arrogant
just stop having family members, easy
Lol no one but stock holders gives a fuck about the economic effects
Bring on the plague
Actually it's a good time to buy stocks.
You save all your money in a regular bank account?
k edgelord
you'd probably be the biggest pussy if this shit reached your neighborhood
Tell me one way in which it's any different from the flu that kills the very old and young every year.
>my parents are 80+ or infants
My grand parents are dead and the rest of my family is shit idgaf
i'm not going to explain anything to a dimwit
I'll die before I retire like most of my generation
>Stocks are a safe way of saving $$
Stocking up on masks and water faggot?
>I don't pay taxes, have a savings account, earn interest, buy things or invest any of my money
Boasting about being a NEET with no grasp of money isn't a good thing son
So it's got a longer incubation and spreads easily. Please go on about how it's any different than a normal flu. Condescending faggot can't name one biological reason
Over 80% of Americans don't own any stocks
I'll repeat my point again most Americans don't give a shit about the stock market lol. It has zero impact on their day to day life
>no cases in Africa because it's an inferno hellscape and the virus can't survive in the heat.
when i die
White people are actually done for this time aren't we?
If it was was the flu there’d be a vaccine for it you simp
There's no vaccine for the common flu, moron.
I have already
Not because of corona chan but because I can't pay it, also it was kinda shit
I am in the process of building a gym in my attic
>tell me one way
Its 20-30x more deadly than the flu. It has a R0 of 2-3 (each infected person will infect 2-3 more people) compared to the flu which has R0 of 1. 1 in 5 cases requires hospitalization and breathing assistance which hospitals will NOT be able to accommodate if the outbreak becomes large, which it will.
You're putting people's lives in danger by spreading misinformation such as 'it's just the flu'. Be sufficiently worried and take precautions to stop the spread
Oh my days, you’re a moron. There’s no vaccine for a cold, there’s vaccines for different strains of the flu
>It has zero impact on their day to day life
I can't tell if you're trolling or just 12
this wasn't me btw, I'm still not going to explain shit to you
>Stocks are a safe way of saving $$
Are you stupid? Over a long period of time you can earn several hundred thousand more in stocks compared to keeping your money in a bank account. Did you bang a bongo drum at wall street and think stocks are evil? It takes no effort and is free money.
>Put your money in the stock market where it will lose 90% of it's value and you'll wind up with less money than you put in.
>Put your money in a savings account and earn 0.000000001% interest and never clear the inflation hurdle.
Unironically it's better to just spend your money the instant you can.
>All these years they've been lying to the entire planet with the flu jabs
Not him but you're special ed son
>italy in national quarantine in less than a month
It'll be like that most other countries in 3 or 4 months
>>All these years they've been lying to the entire planet with the flu jabs
>2% death rate
Yea I'm shaking in my boots lol
Looking forward to all the 80+ deaths though lol. Spread that shit far and wide senpai
2% death rate with round the clock care. 20% hospitalization rate. You don't mind being hospitalized during a crisis and possibly not receiving the care you need?
>not going to mosques, synagogues, and chicken shops
I searched this graph and nothing came up
You're a faggot, shut up.
What do they do with this care? Monitor your fever? Lol hospital won't do shit for you except give you fluids and meals. There is no cure for a flu. I'll take my chances with a 2% death rate if it really kills 1/5 of boomers
This would be based as well but remember who it really stands a chance of killing. Old people. You gotta make it out to BINGO night and euchre tournaments
>What do they do with this care
at best, give you extra oxygen because your lungs aren't working properly
at worst, have to use a ventilator to literally replace the entire function of your lungs because they are full of fluid and cannot function at all
Good thing I'm not in shit shape like 99% of these other fatties and drinkers. Not worried bro I drink my fluids and eat my veggies bring on the plague 2020
>20% hospitalization rate
I'm 22 i'll go to the gym and not give a shit
Why do you post bacteriophage in a corona thread ?
Never going to make it. You need physical gains, intellectual gains and financial gains. I hope you did not only train for one of them user...
lmao that's good
it doesn't actually have that high of a death rate.
Most people cannot distinguish COVID-19 symptoms from those of a bad cold or the flu. There's also an astronomically low amount of test kits available to check it. That 2-3% mortality rate you hear sensationalized on the news is heavily biased because on average people with really bad symptoms are the ones getting tested.
it's pure sampling bias.
Imagine not boosting your immune system with proper nutrition and exercise. Pathetic.
never, I will mog the virus
finally someone with a working brain holy shit
Are you saying two countries have blown up their economies with quarantines for the flu?
Home gym master race and live in the bush master race. Enjoy your Chinese virus guys