This is a gold mine. I love reading peoples excuses to eat garbage

This is a gold mine. I love reading peoples excuses to eat garbage.

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A bell pepper is a perfectly fine lunch you fat slag

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Meat, eggs and rice aren't expensive

Fem/fit/ is here, apparently.

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Not eating is actually healthier than eating fast food.

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>pass out on the job

I'm sure

Fast food literally has the opposite effect on me compared to the same calories from healthy sources, feel hungry 30 mins after eating at McDonalds

>eat both sides
>they both starve
im bulking.

It's literally engineered to be as addictive and non-filling as possible, it's fucking insidious if you think about it.

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>Literally same amount of calories in both pics
>Would still rather choose the unhealthy options with much poorer nutritional contents
>Still dares to say they would pass out on their jobs
>Thinks skipping breakfast is a good excuse to eat unhealthy

Didn't know writing a blog post is that demanding. We don't need these people.

you could eat 2, no three, shit, why not 4 packs of ramen every day with 100% of the seasoning and still be healthy as far as calories. but that's not what you eat because you're a fat pig and worse, a woman! sad!

Eggs make me feel pretty full for a while.

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>can get 12 pack of ramen for the $7
>better then buying raspberry and eggs
For that same amount you can get a carton of eggs, some raspberry and still have money left over to get another vegetable or fruit. I swear it’s like the fat is clogging their brains

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Maybe it's clogging their arteries and preventing oxygen from reaching their brains easily.

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why do these people lie to our faces about healthy food being expensive? Why is it so hard for them to say "I have no clue how much vegetables and rice cost because I don't buy them"?
They're completely fucked. It is so much cheaper to eat less calorically dense food
t. Former skeleton on his first cut, mirin the financial gainz from not eating 3000 calories a day.

Why do fatties and normies in general constantly equate salads as eating healthy

jesus christ fatties really are horrible people

Holy shit, these sacks of rotten lard are defending their poor diet choises by declaring that they dont have the ”mental energy” to do one of the most basic chores required to stay alive?

Anyone else eat bell peppers like apples?

i did the math, ramen is 0.052 cents per calorie whereas white rice is in the realm of 0.00026 cents, depending on how much you buy. literally 200x cheaper than ramen

Not a big fan of raw bell peppers. Stuffed bell peppers, however, are fantastic

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Because the ads that they see for "health foods" are made by companies who push out mediocre shit for a massive profit margin to afford to push those ads. Burn down your local Whole Foods along with the McDs.

Whats with these people thinking scrambling an eggs is some mighty, time destroying labour?

Well I cut them up but yes, they're delicious raw.

>eat mcdonalds for high-quality mind and body fuel so I won't pass out at my job
>mcdonalds doesn't give me the mental energy to prepare good food even if I wanted to

Sometimes in the morning I think about all the steps I need to make scrambled eggs and decide I’ll drink just coffee instead

Salads and fruit*

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Why do these people think that eating healthy means eating only shitty salads. Do they not understand that there exists meals that are both cooked and healthy? Literally just don’t eat mechanically separated meat deep fried in basedbean oil.
Even with a salad, you can just open a can of sardines over spinach and you got a decent filling salad.

Also amazing how our extremely busy friends sure seem to have enough time to spend engaging in nonsense on twitter.

This one cracks me up. Should everything at the grocery be less than $2? Aka dollar menu

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2.5 hours of meal prep on Sunday averages to ~21 minutes a day. It takes longer to go to Mcdonalds.
I'm seething at the amount of cope.

>A bell pepper is a perfectly fine lunch you fat slag

nah they make me itch like crazy and taste like shit

Have you ever considered that you might be allergic, user?

>most of the negative replies are from fat women with gay/tans flags in their names

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fuck i should probably stop eating them

fuck fat people
>bulk bags of brown rice
>frozen mixed veggies
cop some seasonings and you're eating healthy as shit for cheap and it requires almost no effort to cook

>comparing chicken nuggets to peaches
This has to be a subtle false flag. Either way it's pretty funny. You've got to have the brain of a toddler to even think this makes any sense. I mean they have a similar shape and color, so they must be the same thing, right?

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Lol why do fat fucks think they have to buy branded expensive "healthy" foods? You can buy a huge bag of brown rice, carton of eggs,, oats and a bottle of milk for under $10 and it would last you a week.

I had eggs and grilled bell pepper today actually


People who get "lightheaded" or are about to "pass out" because they haven't eaten for a whole 6 hours piss me off so much. These people would have died so fast a thousand years ago.

This lol. Eggs, milk, oats, rice, and beans have such a good calorie/dollar ratio. You want micronutrients and shit? Get frozen bags of veggies and microwave them. It's not hard.

It's funny, why do Americans think eating a salad or fruits cancels out the burger they ate before? If anything it adds even more calories. They should just not eat anything else.

>Comparing 1 chicken nugget to a whole cup of fruit

I can't blame them. Their parents most likely didn't know any better and you don't learn anything about nutrition at school, there was no direct way for them to learn it. All while being formed into mindless consoomer NPCs. Of course they are annoying, but I can't hate a sheep for being a sheep tbdesu.

Lol they think their sugar/shit food addiction is hunger

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>want micronutrients
knowing these people, vegetables is too much to ask
pop a multi, easy peasy
real problem with is “ugh it’s so bland and i don’t know how to cook it and it’s hard and my time and also i have a thyroid condition also weight loss is proven impossible”

They just can't fathom how time not spent simply consooming can be worthwhile.

I guess if you buy out of season produce maybe, but otherwise produce is cheap as hell per pound

Let's all have a laugh at these delusional retards, but dont let this shit get you mad bros. Let these cunts bitch and complain while they kill themselves and we will all keep improving.

>profile picture is some kind of drawn girl

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>I swear it’s like the fat is clogging their brains
You don't know how right you are.

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It's perpetuated by all types of dumb asses. I see it all the time even on Yas Forums - "eat a salad fatty". The majority of Anglos think being healthy means eating salads, expensive fruits, and dieting, which of course fails every time.

People can't cook for shit, that's the problem. They have no idea how to make healthy, tasty and affordable food. Every food thread on Yas Forums there's that someone saying suck it up and eat that boiled broccoli and chicken.

Look how bland and dry this shit looks.

How is a whole, raw, bell pepper suppose to convince the dumb, fat masses?

Here's an actual appetizing bell pepper, but this probably looks like too much work for fatties. If people want to show good, healthy food, they need to stop showing sugary fruits, stop showing salads, and show things like saucy stir fries and seasoned starches.

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These retards would die at a costco. I spend $100 and get 4 items.