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I'll start: are rep and set ranges memes for beginners to get hung up on? For example is 3x5+, 5x5 or 3x10 really that different from each other?
is swimming really good for rotator cuff/delts?
How do I spend more than 40 minutes lifting weights? I do like six or seven different exercises and then I’m too shaky to do anything else— should I just do baby weight and calisthenics?
Also, yes, I am a skele faggot in his first month of lifting/bulking, so I am an absolutely weak bitch
What routine you running spook?
how do I improve my time on rowing machine? and keeping my knees straight is so hard ffs.
Nothing too organized. Today I did shoulders and back so some lateral raises, those lat pulls in a push up position, some lat pulldowns, shoulder press, forward row, some pull-ups, and then I was too fatigued to even do pushups so I went home (I’ve still got energy, I was gonna do some more shit tonight)
Any routine I should try? I know I ought to have one I’ve just been focusing so much on eating as that’s my biggest prob
Aight well not gonna lie what your doing seems kinda crap. Running this for 3 weeks consistently (just 9 days of exercise)
Thanks man
I repaired an old static bycicle. Will it help anything other than the legs? is it a good exercise to just lose some fat and improve cardio?
what is the best exercise to remove man tits?
did any of you do 531 FSL on a cut? if so, how did it go? What did you do for accessories
if you did something else: what routine would you recommend for a cut?
How much working out can one realistically do without leaving them bed-ridden for days? I'm going through some shit, and it's either break things or break me but I at least want to be able to lift again on wednesday as scheduled
>For example is 3x5+, 5x5 or 3x10 really that different from each other?
yeah, the set/rep range will largely determine intensity and total volume, along with total time spent at the gym. But at the end of the day, if you go to the gym and work hard you will make progress. The rep and sets will determine which area of weight training you progress at more tho.
can anyone here post the skin care vocaroo?
how fit can you get without going to the gym? I don't want to go to the gym. I don't have the time even if I wanted to anyway.
So long story short this online "gf" I had fell for me cos I was ottermode and cos of muh dick.
Turns out the person she was saying was her "bro" in tie up prank pics was actually her boyfriend?
So I noped the fuck out of that shitstorm (and also found out she's a shota loving pedo.... reported her to the cops) and now after being told I'm "perfect" and dropping the ball on lifting for 6 months, I need to get back in the game.
How do I build myself up again and stick to a routine after being out of it?
make a plan for every day you want to work out and schedule your day around the gym. if you're in school, work out around your class times so that you're actually getting out of the house. if you've got a job or have errands to run (groceries, etc.) make the gym a part of your commute
Sounds like a plan, i'll be back at work soon with my seasonal job so I won't be lazing about all day
Plus I'll be smug af knowing I made a loyal hoe turn on her bf like that and grassed her pedo ass up to the authorities, need to get back in that shape again soon
fork putdowns and table pushaways
Fuck off
I work and study come on guy give me a break
I work, am taking 16 credit hours, and am disabled. It takes 3 hours a week out of 112 waking hours. Fuck you
what I would do in 3 hours a week in the gym I can do at home lmao
GF is underweight, around 5'5 102lb 19% bf (if she did her measurements accurately). She's trying to gain weight, and I'm trying to figure out a long term goal but know little about girl growth. If I assume she gains 0 lean mass then at 110 she's 25% bf while still being underweight according to BMI, which sounds insane to me. But I also know women struggle to gain muscle relatively. How long can I realistically bulk her for?
Post pic of squat rack
oh you have a home gym? Then do the same thing as you would at a gym.
I-I don't have one dumbbells are enough
Oh yeah dumbbell squats and dumbbell deadlifts are really good
You're a dumb nigger. Fuck off.
see? he agrees with me
If, when I get back to work at my service job at a hotel, I take advantage of free staff meals (cooked breakfast/dinner with meat options everyday) should I save cash by not buying whey anymore and getting free gains from work?
Getting hip and lower back pain after squats, anything I should watch for to improve my form? I'm a skelly lifting beginner baby weights btw
Holding breath during multiple reps? Is it based or cringe?
I've tried it today and it makes it harder than breathing as you normally do. Read that it improved endurance in swimmers and cyclists. Any experience for weight treining?
Do I count the bar? I feel like I'm getting memed on but I don't know which is the meme.
what do you guys eat at night when you get tha munchies?
Looks like somebody lost his juice box today!
What does it mean when I don't really see a pump after my workouts? Like, my biceps isn't really bigger after a workout the way people say the go "pumping". Am I doing something wrong or are pumps unnecessary for progress?
If you lift it you count it. So yes
Switched from 4-6 reps on main compounds to 6-8 gains are better. Will be 8-10 even better?
Is it better to get the full 8 hours of sleep and skip breakfast? Or get 7 hours of sleep and eat before lifting? I lift first thing in the morning, attend class from 9 AM to 2 PM, and work from 3 to 11 PM.
Who else lifts for thots in shiny down jackets?
Depends. If you have enough energy to get a work out in without eating a pre workout meal I dont see a need to eat before.
No pump means you didnt do enough volume to pump your muscles up. If you do enough reps getting a pump os inevitable.
Beef jerky
Anything below 85% of my 1rm or so it's generally fine to hold your breath for multiple reps. If you're getting light headed or dizzy I would take another breath between reps though. Esp on squat and deadlift
Focus on loading your legs during squats. Back should be engaged and tight but the main load should be on your leg muscles. If your core is not strong enough to stabilize the weight you will use your back more.
For all you GSLP nerds who want some more umph after those first few weeks:
Bench press - 3x5+
Barbell row - 3x8+
Squats - 3x5+
Dips - 3x10
Lateral raises - 3x12
Curls - 3x12
OHP - 3x5+
Incline BP - 3x10+
Chinups - 3x8
Deadlift - 3x5
Skull Crushers - 3x12
Hanging leg raises - 3x6 (or other abwork)
What exercises can I do for my chest that is not using my shoulder?
Nutella sandwiches
boys i have wide hips wat do? give up and become trap?
>should I save cash by not buying whey anymore and getting free gains from work?
It obviously depends on your protein requirements. If you're hitting it without whey, theres no point in buying it.
Bulking at 19% bf?
Just put her on a small surplus or maintenance but with enough protein and just cruise that while lifting weights. Dont overthink it
will jacking off before the gym affect my lifts?
Bench press - 3x5
Barbell row - 3x10
Pull ups Wide grip - 3x10
OHP - 3x5
Squat 3x10
Hammer curls 3x10
Skullcrushers 3x8
reverse Hammer curls 3x10
I'm trying to do this MWF and on friday regardless of workout, juts adding in an extra 3x5 heavey squat set.
Ive been doing SS for about 5 months.
First time actually working out on the gym today.
Squats are hard as fuck
>accidentally went super shallow
>weight on the ball of the foot
>barbell moving horizontally
>felt weight on the knee for some reason
>hip drive
there's so much stuff going on it's hard to keep track
10/10 that was very fun
Why won't my girlfriend stop being a fatass?
I want to cut 10-15 pounds and I've been lifting for 6 months (not quite intermediate lifts). Currently on madcow 5x5. What's a good program for this that only uses a power rack and dumbells.
What if I get a pump at the gym but as soon as I get home it's gone already, especially after I've showered?
That's normal
Bear mode
Machine stuff, like cable flies. Shoulder involvement is inevitable but you can minimize it in certain ranges of motion. Play around with it and find movements that dont hurt your shoulder
Is there any way to keep the pump longer?
More reps, and post workout meal/shake that with fructose, caffeine, glucose, sodium, and protein. Also pumps last longer when you're adequately hydrated.
I'm stalling on OHP, should I deload or keep going with same weight? My sets are supposed to be 5x3, I went 5 5 3 1.
If you're still in the beginner/intermediate phase do 3×5 @70% of your 1rm, than 5×5 @70% of your 1rm in the next session. If you don't fail any sets add 5-10lbs and do it again.
If you're currently over trained, do a deload first.
I can't do more reps though, I always use my maximum weight and do about 12 reps... Should I take less weight and do more reps to keep the pump?
Is 4 achievable natty?