I deadlift 500lbs and I still look like this.
I wasn't meant to "make it"
Are you French? You have that Med/Dinaric phenotype.
What the fuck? How did guess? Yes I am French.
Pic related for those who don't believe me about 500lbs+ deadlift.
You clearly have traps. Looks like your arms fill out your tee shirt sleeve.
Post a shirtless pic. But you probably look fine faggot
He has the never mewed in his life phenotype
500lb deadlift isnt even impressive and deadlift is a horrible indicator of overall strength. Maxx Chewning is 160pbs soaking wet and can deadlift 600lbs but struggles to bench 275.
Have you considered doing literally any other lifts for hypertrophy?
I love deadlifts but you're clearly going out of your way to only focus on that and intentionally look like shit
I bench 290
>cheeseburger/creatine bloatmode
>guaranteed spine issues
>looks beta
Should have taken the Squatpill, now you forever belong to the Quadgoblin guild.
How do you weigh?
>implying I don't Squat
>grow a beard
>get a haircut
>remove glasses
woah dude very hard
powerlifting and bodybuilding are not the same
I'll repeat my question.
Have you ever considered lifting for hypertrophy?
You have zero mass and are soft af
Please eat and lift for hypertrophy if you ever want to escape your DYEL prison
stop deadlifting, start squatting/front squatting more and start doing cleans to fix your chicken neck and you may have a chance.
How much do you weigh?
>2 hands
yep, you don't actually deadlift 500 lbs, this is effectively 250 lbs
here you go, no need to thank me
>stop deadlifting
Did you honestly expect deadlifting to fix your ugly face? lmao
Fucking kek'd
My sister has my genetics, why is she able to date Chads?
fuck i have the same phone case
well.. I didn't like it anyway
Before you say he isn't a Chad, look at his gains.
all women need is a pussy in order to succeed.
sorry you didn't start with a burial gift fag. cry more.
Holy shit. She's literally him with long hair.
I rot, while she goes out on dates with Chads.
Same genetics btw
Op btfo
Your sister is relatively more attractive than you. She is far from attractive but you're really fucking ugly.
>balloon head
>no jaw
>brown eyes
>ugly nose
>I rot, while she goes out on dates with Chads
You sound like a pathetic, defeatist, beta cuck. What makes you think any woman would want that?
jesus christ just fuck your sister already.
holy fuck what do you want from me?
to feel bad that you're crying
This board is so obsessed with appearance. I don't know if it was Tinder or social media that fucked up this generation's self esteem, but pretty sure you don't have to get ripped as fuck and look like a male model to get laid, kings.
Oh yes, totally, it's because the guy isn't tall and handsome, it's all because he is not a defeatist, pathetic, beta cuck, yes. thats right. He just so happens to be tall and attractive, yes, just a coincidence.
Cut hair short
Change frames
Cut the beta aura off
just kill yourself already
Blackops2cel, meet your new partner, Deadliftcel.
Exactly. People be 4/10s and still go out there with confidence and have no problem finding a partner. This board got meme'd in every possible way.
>but you're really fucking ugly.
Wow thanks for that, didn't know until you told me,.
Bro tell your sis to hit me up, I'm in le centre
Just don't procreate user, it's for the better. Just enjoy life hooking up and alone. Do it for the white race. It's eugenic. Soon the white race will be filled only with the beautiful, high IQ whites are lower-tier beta whites either have hapa or mulatto children or a childless MGTOW types
So I remember when I was in high school, my best friend was this short fat kid with a face that was about a 4/10. I remember going with him to random parties and watching how he interacted with women and just being in awe of how good he was. There was quite a few times he'd pull me away from the party while 8/10 tier girls were all over him, and he was just like, "I don't even want this girl, man. She's so annoying. Do you want her?"
He literally mentored me on how to get girls without even realising it. During this time period, I started studying pick up, and when the scene skips forward a few years, I end up having a family. I'm probably only a 5-6/10 myself, but I've slept with a thot tier amount of girls.
Now that I'm older, guys see how girls act around me, and they ask me for advice. I make sure they don't browse Yas Forums because seeing threads like this just perpetuates the kind of mindset that keeps you cucked.
I guess it is a thing for every circle to have that fat short friend full of confidence. Mine was getting only the ugly ones tho, but it's still something considering his looks.
Meh, that's still impressive in my opinion. The amount of guys I know that never ended up losing their virginity or having more than 2-3 sexual partners / relationships. The guy is likely still very gifted with a persuasive personality.
100% lies and or you're 65 years old.
I'm 28, senpai. What I wrote is a very condensed summary. The individual stories and things I learned would be novel length.
More food
More sleep
More volume
okay so how do you pick up girls
LOOKSMAX for sad french tips
Get rid of glasses, get a new haircut (go to a salon or good barber and ask what they recommend you) start wearing only white and black t-shirts and tanktops to the gym and in public, wear slim/fitted pants, get some nice white sneakers and some good pairs of shoes (derbies, chelseas, etc) , cool jacket, dress in sexcore etc, get a skincare routine, bursh your teeth
Its bullshit. Its just plain bullshit.
You only hear these stories on the internet, you never see that kind of guy ever getting any success in real life.
You're just making shit up, for some random reason, to bring peoples spirits up, feed the bluepill cope.
>longer hair
Change de lunettes
Laisse toi pousser les veuch un peu plus et coiffe les en arrière
T'as juste a lookmaxx comme l'ont dit les autres frères, taper 240kg en dead c'est plus dur que de bien se sapper igo
This is kind of like asking a mechanic, "Okay, so how do you fix a car." I can try write something up, but it would really just be a shitty introductory chapter, and I doubt it would click unless you saw someone doing it in real life or stumbled upon it through trial and error.
You don't believe it because you've probably never seen someone start talking to a girl in a social setting and then end up making out with her / fucking a few hours later.
Regarding my motives, I'm basically just a nostalgic old fag thinking of my earlier years and how I came to understand how things actually are. As you get older, you get this drive to impart what you know, and most of my skill is in this area.
I also would have guessed French ancestry, regardless of where you live.
>metrosexual trim beard and tan
>brand worshipping
peak lower class. might as well just wear a shirt that says "I'M POOR AND OVERCOMPENSATING". I bet you wear your airpods even when your iPhone isn't playing any music.
>only white and black
lazy nerds in compsci follow this rule. I know because I'm one of them. Chads wear colorful shit and sometimes their colors don't even match and it doesn't matter, just makes them stand out even more.
this is obviously a fake thread, no normal person would post himself, and his sister on 4chin
so pick up as in smash and never talk to again or what
So you want to go on dates with Chads yourself OP? Cause that's what it sounds like.
As for your original question stop training like a powershitter and do some hypertrophy work with weights you can handle for more than a rep. I bet you just go to the gym and fuck around chasing higher numbers while just eating whatever.
Deadlifting certainly has its place and 500 lbs is a great number, I don't care if anyone says different (I can JUST barely grind out 495). But it won't make you look good.
Pick up as in the practice of developing a magnetic personality that generates attraction. It wasn't just ONS. I was in LTRs on and off for years.
This is a terrible body
Grow some facial hair
>no normal person would post himself, and his sister on 4chin
Normal persons, on Yas Forums? LMFAO
okay please stop posting your fan fics