Tfw no friends, no social circle, no one to do anything with

>tfw no friends, no social circle, no one to do anything with

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Same here. Let’s do something

>"No offense but you have some pretty serious serial killer vibes"

Words that I will hear echo in my head until I finally blow it off.

It could be worse though

imagine having such an insufficient mind that you can't be content with yourself.
I'm sorry you were born retarded.
good luck, it'll be the only thing you can rely on.

Damn bro did someone actually tell you that?

This is a fitness board.

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>Pic of you

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imagine being this insecure about the truth.

a few people, yeah

you don't have to imagine m8y

>no friends to push you
>no friends to compete with
>no fun times to look forward to with said friends, to help you get thru the work week
>no social interaction, no social outlet
>no positive reinforcement

What’s the point?

Get a haircut
Stop wearing hoodies and leather jackets

>No matter who I meet, with in a few conversations they start to treat me like I'm retarded

I swear I'm normal but everyone talks to me like I have special needs. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

>a few people, yeah

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socializing with normies, they will never understand. chin up buttercup, we all gonna make it.

Mental fitness is real

absolutely lost it,fucking KEK. bro wow

hqhqhqhqh lmfao please

try seeing my post here You are a man, act like one.
no it's not.

you give serious "internet bad ass" vibes user, why not chill

I took it as a badge of honor, desu.

>no one to backstab you
>no one to leech off you
>no one to waste your time
>no one to pull you down to crab level
>no one to put you down

if you don't like why are you in this thread

What kinda fake friends are these?

Men have friends. Are you a friendless neet or something? You really have no idea what you’re talking about do you?

i don't want this board to become as degenerate as this thread.

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If you’re handsome it’s fine. White people love serial killers

People change. Or maybe you change. Suddenly the people you thought were friends are shit.

At least you aren't a wizard like me OP. I struggle not to end it everyday.
Imagine becoming this old and still being a virgin.

user you got confused I said they treated me like I'm retarded not they sperged out and acted retarded themselves.

actually laughed at how true this is

>posts coomer thread
>posts is coffee good for you thread
>oh wowie another bbc thread thats so cool
>oh hol up what is this
>this guy be saying he is lonely?
>how can such shit be allowed on my epic fitterino boarderino I have to comment on it

>be me
>work at office with people my age
>always try to be polite and friendly towards them
>attempt to show interest in their boring normie lives
>never said a bad word about anyone
>coworkers regularly plan events together outside of work
>they never invite me

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bro there is a place in nevada where prostitution is not only legal but regulated (hygiene and std tests). they literally line up for you to pick who you like...

same but I also am dying so it's really great

yeah I know, I plan on doing that someday. I'm just lamenting at how I'm such genetic waste to end up like this, I was also trying to help the OP feel better.

I have one friend who fucks 15 year olds.

You are boring or you are autisitic

that glorious schizoid mantra

what's up with all the cuck retards incapable of understanding what I'm saying. Do I really need to hold everyone of your hands?
I refuse, it's not my job to gives men with a slave natures what their slave souls desire.
I am a man who rules himself, and that is the ultimate goal, becoming the only utility you require.
to forge a man should be his own task.
>if you don't like why are you in this thread
literal soi
back to r*ddit retard.
Men? no. not Men.
again try reading my original post

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You guys realize making friends isn’t as hard as you think. You just need to join a hobby or activity or sport or something, you need to have common ground with someone to bond over, first impressions are everything, show confidence, chat with them, open up about yourself and be truthful. People can smell bullshit, and if you’re quiet and not opening up they get turned off.

>tfw have friends, social circle, generally likeable personality but get only frustration and depression from social interaction
Could be worse honestly, life still a fuck tho

>R-read my post again
>aka I have nothing to say and will just keep referring to my retarded fucking comments

It’s okay, you’ve made peace with being a friendless neet. Some of us haven’t given up.

don't put it off, make plans to get it done. it's called "popping your cherry" for a reason... it's just something you need to do so that afterwords you can realize how not big of a deal it is and how stupid it was for you to think it was

>”they’re my friends, of course I should loan them money to help them out”
>”of course they’re my friends, they’ll pay the loan back when they can afford it, I’m just trying to be helpful because I want friends”
>”of course Chad and Brad aren’t fucking my GF Tracey behind my back; they’re my friends and would never do such a thing”
Says the “accuse the other guy of being schizo” shill

so be it.

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people keep saying this, so I'm guessing it's true. Makes me wonder why it affects me so negatively on a deep level then.

Edgey middleschooler

>doesn’t realize people can be shitty from age 0 to dead

naive child.

You’re not wrong. I had a guy I trusted and considered a friend egg my new vehicle and my dumbass texted him the next day being like “dude someone egged my vehicle wtf can you believe that?” And he played along with it and it wasn’t until months later and more back stabbing that I realized what he was doing. It was such a shitty feeling because i trusted him and all it did was give me trust issues, even people who you think you’re close too and act like they’re your friend can betray you

me too, wanna be friends?

Is this thread what r9k is all the time?

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yeah basically. Honestly this board is so shit.
I think I'm just going to take the get out pill and never come back.
fucking r9k niggers.
post body freaks.

95% of all "friends"

The crazy thing is I heard a girl say that about a guy, and the guy is just a genuinely nice person and the girl is a degenerate who smokes weed everyday, drinks, has multiple tattoos, in and out of multiple terrible relationships

I think being just genuinely nice in this era is seen as weird now cause how rare it is to find a genuinely nice person

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How do you guys get into these situations? Are you just shit to everyone around you or something?

>tfw not a single person who has seen my penis is still alive to tell about it

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You sound like a "nice guy" alright....

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I didn't say she said it about me retard