Yas Forums transformation thread?
Yas Forums transformation thread?
Left: genuine happiness
Right: dead inside
it wasnt enough for him to steal his sister's shirt style, he had to copy her gender too
For a second I was wondering what happened to the son
I genuinely cannot tell which one is he in the second picture.
This shit is so sad
He’s on the left in the second pic. Look at height, adams apple, and the sister has a small mole on her neck just above the collarbone.
I hate seeing pictures like this
Would rather have a thot daugther that take dick from everyone than this shit
Is this tranny meme going to end with the zoomer generation?
Here's mine
>The house of stewards... has failed...
>those shoulders
>strategically placed hair to hide the jawline
>tilting body to emphasize those lil tidders
my first thought is they should do a video of him fucking her.
Oh fuck, it looks like this chick I had a mega crush on like 8 years ago.
Why are his cheekbones so different in the second pic?
I mean he looks like a 5’7 manlet. It was either that or end up dying as a bitter old virgin.
He gained a twin. Congrats.
Election year sage
if my only became trans i would also be dead inside, imagine your bloodline ending with a disabled lady boi, oh how far weve fallen
my only son*
>[One year passes]
>Perhaps you've come to explain this. [Holds bar graph] Perhaps you've come to tell me why my "son" is dead
Probably botox
lmfao wow. but also so sad.
this poor family, that poor father. god damn. mental health is a serious problem we need to address. we are letting the world convince young men with identity issues convince themselves they might be women... how did we get to this point?
Ruin has come to our family.
You remember our venerable house, opulent and imperial, gazing proudly from its stoic perch above the moor.
Slam poetry is based
holyfuck kek
>left: before you send your daughter to college
>right: one year after you send your daughter to college
pretty sure this is actually 2 different people, the 'original' wouldn't go along with disney's pedo cult shit so they offed her and replaced her with pic 2. Happens all the time.
Is the ftm or mtf.
Either that or the world ends.
>its another Yas Forumsbait thread
this board is dead
looks 100 times better on the right
bro have you seen boomers? shit is just getting started, they have actual trannies in public classes now in HS
it was probably his fault for raising his son that way the faggot of a father piece of shit
hate this fucking autocorrect so much, meant to say zoomers
somebody crop the just fuck my shit up hair on the dad
You know you can turn it off right boomer
I would penetrate both versions of the son.
Fuck no, this is not sad. Because this faggot:
Is right. Forget fucking left-right shit. If my son is an homosexual, I will welcome his partner at my table as long as he still conducts himself by the values he's seen in me.
If he wants to become a woman is because I've failed him as the role model of a man.
Fuck the father.
>With this character's operation, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created
>If my son is an homosexual, I will welcome his partner at my table as long as he still conducts himself by the values he's seen in me
lmao cuck
>before I left for college, I was an avid hunter and very right-wing
>3 years later (last month) I took a "political compass" test composed of over 100 questions ranging from yes/no questions like "Do you think abortion should be illegal?" to scaling questions like "The government should devote more resources to building barriers to establish borders" with agree/agree a bit/neutral, etc. as the options
>get my results back
>I match perfectly with Bill Clinton
Post the transformation from basket case to casket case.
pls post feminine benis I need to COOOOOOOOOOOM
I'd fuck the shit outta you desu.
Pete Davidson had a stand up joke about how we wants to spray paint himself a different race and shit talk his exes in Vogue, made me laugh
Right looks better