why do fat people keep trying to make excuses for their disgusting habits?
Why do fat people keep trying to make excuses for their disgusting habits?
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Okay so dont buy raspberries buy frozen vegetables and fresh root vegetables, dont eat fruit at all if you cant afford it, fruit isnt a requirement for good health its optional.
Why do they always try to come up with bullshit cop outs. Frozen veg, eggs, rice, beans, sardines, pasta. All cheap as fuck and healthy.
Why do retards take something that's meant for visualisation literally? This is like seeing one of those pics with sugar cubes next to soda bottles and being all "but hoo eat 154 sugarcubes duuh"
Obesity is an addiction.
I don't believe those are the same ammount of calories at all.
I have a hard time believing that picture on the right is 1800 calories unless it’s all coming from the chocolate and the drink
Theyre not the same, whoever made that is a retard.
I'm no commie but its pretty sad to see the absolute state of the extreme political left. I know its been said to death but commies really devolved in the last century. The left used to be a bunch of edgelords going into space to prove God's not real. They used to promote fitness as a matter of absolute necessity. They used to be almost respectable in their pure dedication to shit all over what you loved. Yes they did blame capitalists for shit that wasn't their fault back then too but at least they did it from a less pathetic baseline and at least they didn't just larp about taxing millionaires but instead outright worked them to death in camps. I don't know how they went from gulags and soviet nationalism to a bunch of fat trannies whining on twitter using buzzword salads to sound smart. The leftists of days old may have been much more cruel and dangerous, but i would take them back in a heartbeat just to get rid of these annoying faggots.
That isn’t 1970 calories on the right. Literally half at most.
i feel like over the past few years i have gotten reasonably good at estimating calories, allow me it give it a shot
the picture on the left is probably around 1400 calories max. (whopper combo with fries is around 1050 plus 350 for milkshake)
The picture on the right is around 600 max
>I don't know how they went from gulags and soviet nationalism to a bunch of fat trannies whining on twitter using buzzword salads to sound smart.
KGB infiltrated acadamia in the 60s, the blue hair tranny bullshit is what you get when you give socialist ideas to consumerist Americans.
Kimbucha is like 50 cals max
>I don't know how they went from gulags and soviet nationalism to a bunch of fat trannies whining on twitter using buzzword salads to sound smart.
(((somebody))) killed all the potent antishekel advocates
I'm pretty sure what Marx intended was a bunch of pleasure addicted sex weirdos with strange haircuts smashing capitalism by owning Facebook fitness mom memes through rationalizing their own obesity causing diet of the Whopper® combo.
I'm pretty sure physical health was promoted by everyone, radical and moderate, left and right. Except jews.
better dead than red
Based and liberty prime pilled
Milkshakes over 350
She would be fine if she only ate that in one day probably.
This is what I'm finding on Kroger Frys by the way. Bought all this shit yesterday
.5 lbs of Steak(put spices and assorted shit on it, throw it in oven for 20 minutes)
Brown Rice(boil water, put rice in water, 5 minutes)
>can of corn(open can of corn, heat up corn on stove, voila)
In total all of this is $5.78
Do people not know how to fucking cook or shop nowadays?
It's always so weird watching insane fat ''people'' use retard logic to justify their life decisions.
None of this shit ever makes sense
>raspberries are expensive
>all these foods cost X amount of money and have 1870 calories
>you can buy 1870 calories of fast food for cheaper
>therefore I will not try to lose weight and I will eat 4000 kcal of fast food
Literal nonsense
in a world where capitalist innovation allows anyone to bulk buy rice, pasta, chicken, eggs, milk, cereals and yoghurt for ridiculously cheap prices, commies still think eating healthy and cheaply is impossible. 6 dollars and a half for one meal isn't cheap at all.
You could say the same about the extreme right. People are just soft nowadays.
The sad thing is, fast food isnt even cheap. $5-7 for a 1kcal meal is not cheap, especially if youre a fat retard and eat that 3x daily. Thats like $450 a month on food, $300 if youre counting calories.
A better point would be to point out how nutritiotionally deficient shit like those 25 cent ramen packs are, but even then its not hard to get a nutrtionally balanced diet for slightly more.
It's far more cost effective to eat healthy.
>400g Black beans x3 £1.50
>1kg White rice £0.45
>350g Broccoli £0.57
>650g Chicken breast £3.80
>Big Mac £3.19
>Medium fries £1.09
>Medium Coke £1.11
The healthy option provides you withh multiple meals whereas the unhealthy option is a single meal and even then may not satisfy your hunger. You can't be obese and poor, you're just obese and bad with money
Because rice isn’t marketable.
It's more of a new world mentality per say, can't put it exactly into words but it's as if they don't have their own roots/understanding and instead just rally to some retarded extremity like the current left you see in burgerland. Sometimes easy times and plentiful wealth lead to insane amounts of decadence.
Physical health was promoted in the USSR and other socialist countries as well. Although you could argue it's kinda incorrect until you get to post-Stalinist times because of malnutrition and famines it was still encouraged and my grandparents remember it well, despite my grandfather having the standard jew gut.
Said grandfather visited his brother in burgerland and while going around buying food he pretty clearly stated that cheap food isn't an issue to get, even stuff like cheap veggies and meat but their quality is shit even in comparison to the cheaper shit here we got here in Desertkikeland. Sure you can get good quality meat and veggies if you pay for them, but the price per quality and difference of prices between it and cheaper stuff is rather high. Not a whole lot he said about street food but he's not a fan of it in general.
>You can't be obese and poor, you're just obese and bad with money
This shit right here is part of the reason I hate fats so much. Obesity and poverty correlate. Usually its a combo of
>they eat junk food
>they eat too much
They could fix either and alleviate two problems in their life, money and health. But no, theyre lazy, stupid, and dont give a fuck, so they get to glut themselves while getting gov gibs too. Then they get medical issues and get to drain the taxpayer of that too.
Fuck fat people, they are proof that welfare should not exist.
Based. I miss yugoslavia bros
Agreed. Although this person has a point in that a LOT of "fitspo" options to "stay healthy" is retarded overpriced hipster shit like quinoa or gluten-free gmo-something bread. Like... put a normal meal for christ's sake. Some chicken, a bit of rice or a soup, salad, some beans.
add it's like the people who are suggesting this never actually eat this way. It's all crap that needs a lot of prep and costs a lot. Meanwhile normal food is doable and sustainable and cheap
I just stop listening to people if they say "bourgeois"
After a bit of searching I've found that the drink is 50 calories and the chocolate is 160 calories. So 210 calories for both of those items. They expect me to believe that the rest is 1,660 calories?
Ok, I put what I could find into a calorie tracker. I decided to be generous and assumed the largest amounts for the "healthy" foods.
The people this is targeted at dont care about reality, they just want a cope.
So yes, they do expect their readers to believe the right side is 1600cal.
>middle class people don't realise poor people don't choose to eat mcdonalds because they want to, they do so because they work manual labour jobs and whatnot that makes it hard to eat healthy and by ignoring the harsh realities of being working class, your judgement is nothing but cruelty
thought i'd translate her post for all the brainlets ITT who think big werd bad
Thats not what she said you faggot. Cope more fatcunt.
I also assumed the smallest amounts for the burger and shake. The healthier option doesn't even come close to half the calories of the burger and fries. As for price, I won't contest that. I'm sure a kombucha drink and meme chocolate are pricey, but no one is saying that you need those things to eat better than fast food. You'd be better off drinking free tap water than you would drinking a 50 calorie drink, that probably costs four dollars. And I buy dark chocolate bars for two dollars and only eat one square a day at most. It's 40 calories per square and there are 18 squares, it lasts me a month.
that's weird, you replied to my post but didn't have an argument
>big werd bad! argument bad! me feels over reals twitter lady make me feel upset!!!
That's still wrong though. Eating healthy is cheaper AND makes you stronger. There is no reason for getting fat other than if you were raised in a fat household and don't know any better. Once you become an adult though you quickly learn to eat healthy for your finances unless you're rich and never have to budget food
>I don't know how they went from gulags and soviet nationalism to a bunch of fat trannies whining on twitter using buzzword salads to sound smart.
People started encouraging their kids to go to college regardless of whether or not they were suited for it.
>misread something
>gets pointed out
>hurr durr but wheres your argument
Youre illeterate and stupid. Regardless of what her point is, it can still be countered with
>just eat less of the junk food
>I can't bring food to work and need to eat fast food or nothing at all
>I better add fries and a shake to my order as well
Flawless logic
What calorie tracker are you using?
You don't even need lunch. 3 meals a day is a complete meme. It's a fad, people ate 2 meals a day until the post-war era. Bowl of oats in the morning and your typical meal in the evening. Intermittent fasting is the future anyway.
Even ignoring all of this, there is no employer that could prevent you from bringing lunch aside from the military who provide you with food
>For the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty: and drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags.
this is late stage capitalism not communism you autist
Life is about coping until you die. Every single thing any person does(including you) is just one large cope. They're fat and they like eating. That's their cope. How do they keep up their cope? By coming up with smaller copes to support the foundation of their largest cope.
Turns out that this is the original image. Look at all that food on the right. That's three whole meals and snacks!
"Lose it"
eating by the clock is completely unnatural way to eat. everyone should be listening to their body to know when it needs more food.
>y-you misread it because I said so
based 80 IQ poster
care to give me your direct translation big guy?
I count like 550 calories there.
>Ignores all the anons pointing out how retarded the notion that being poor makes you fat is
>Focuses on the one user who said (you) translated it into lamens terms wrong
I didn't make write the tweet nor am I debating a bunch of people who are legitimately revved by "big werds", I merely translated it into a slightly more readable form for the brainlets (you) in this thread
If she's worked you into a lather you can take it up with her, embryo
Oh cool, I can just stop wasting money on all these frat and retarded health foods
and just eat a burger and fries instead for the same calorie intake.
>people who are legitimately revved by "big werds"
People aren't complaining about her word choice, they're complaining about the unhealthy cope she's spouting you utter retard. It's not even difficult to understand, thats the vocabulary of a 17 year old that wants to sound smart and explaining to peoplewho neither asked nor were mistaken of it's meaning because it has >big werds is a telltale sign of a 17 year old that thinks they're some kind of intellectual or a genuine autist.
Based tesco poster. Spicy tomato sauce mackerel is the superior choice though
Its not that complicated you spastic. Its literally
>the rich are assholes for crtitiquing poorer people for eating bad while not ignoring the financial factors that cause them to do that
Thats why the prices of the food were highlighted. All this shit about manual labor jobs you pulled out your ass based on the mention of
The main emphasis was clearly cost, you room temp iq retard.
Once again, if you're threatened by big werds and can't understand the simple point she's making then you're just as retarded as every working class chimp kek
>hurr why everyone not eat healthy me eat healthy eat healthy ez big werd not make sense no need small werd me understand *misses the point entirely*
I love it
Some random literally who actually has you spitting and spluttering right now because your brain is malfunctioning trying to comprehend a paragraph
This isn't new, fats make excuses for everything.
maybe if that bowl of nuts is actually like 20 cm deep
Ok retard
Daily reminder that marx hated niggers and jews
Dare I say...
> the fucking tard
The logical conclusion to capitalism, according to Marx, is communism. Under your jargon, this early onset communism.