The western world's obsession with """""thicc""""" in order to hide the fact that your populations are becoming obese...

The western world's obsession with """""thicc""""" in order to hide the fact that your populations are becoming obese as fuck and incredibly self-indulgent is absolutely disgusting.

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The chinks’ obsession with being “”””thin”””” in order to hide the fact they’re malnourished is disgusting

yes good goy keep eating up all the sugar that we have saturated into your diet to make you complacent and unable to move properly

Is that why they have such long life spans?

>blaming sugar for being a weak fatass
Lmfao cope harder fatty

Yes because living to 110 as some bag of bones Alzheimer retard is a good thing

They also have lower rates of mental illness

Theres a difference between thick girls, thicc girls, big girls, chubby girls, fatties, obese, and landwhales
Generally just means a fat ass and decent thighs, possibly bit tits
Usually 115-130
Definitely a large posterior chain, titties on point, and some minor fat deposits
Usually 125-150
The last safe zone. Almost entirely determined by the overall sexiness of the woman herself. 100% ass and titties with noticeable fat deposits, including a belly proportionate to massive milkers. Tall girls are sometimes also labeled as big girls but this is strictly for normal height
Can vary from 145-170
Where most men lose erections. Generally standard or substandard ass and titties, with noticeable fat deposits, chubby face, and a belly that is disproportionately larger than breasts. Usually the unattractive version of the first three categories
Sizes can vary from 120 all the way to 165, as they tend to have less overall mass than big girls
The girl you dont want to be seen in public with. Ugly face, visible rolls. Weighs more than most in shape men.
170-220, sometimes more
Disgusting in all facets. Zero sex appeal. Any sexual characteristics are literally hidden by fat.
TLC tier fatblobs. The kind of people so fat its noteworthy. The kind of people you see spending 50 bucks on fast food
Weight in the multiple hundreds

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Depends on the woman

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Only a few more years

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The western world isn't a monolith. I still find sasha grey's ass to be peak female form.

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idk bro, i just like what my dick likes

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Yes the HURR THICC meme is an attempt to normalize the fatness of modern women, and also due to the complete forced dominance of black culture in entertainment.
All you retard kids who love giant fat asses are too fucking stupid to see that if you were this age in the 1990s you'd instead be talking about how hot Pam Anderson and other fake titted blonde bimbos are.
Anyone whose taste matches that of contemporary trends is a total loser and a barely human NPC.

White guys who have Asian girl fetishes are always top level betamaxxers

>western makeup
>dyed hair
>those nails
>art school asian
stay away lmao

The meme was started, and now perpetuated, by men trying to rationalize their lack of options.

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1. Slim white girls
2. Slim asian girls
3. Fat white girls
4. Fat asians

And so on

Absolutely patrician

I know this yellow fever beta bucks white guy dating an asian girl I used to bang on the side. he was telling me about how he introduced her to western culture and she had never dated a non asian guy before

I was like, nah she would go between dorm rooms for different dick while the cum on her chest was still wet

then she blew up my phone trying to get me to tell him I was joking because he had a breakdown lol, I was like "so are you single again, want to come over?"

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Low test twink boy detected

Thin people are less likely to develop Alzheimer's

i couldn't care less about the "popularity" of something or your autistic rage to it, all i know is when i was 4 years old i was ogling my preschool teachers big fat milf ass and i have loved thick asses and legs ever since, goddamn i love ass

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Couldn't have said it better myself. Truly the ultimate cope

Alzheimer, also known as type 3 diabetes.

>just pick a photo from my folder that happens to be asian
>landwhales start seething immediately


patrician taste

A daring synthesis

Damn, Didn't actually know about that. Thanks user

based. FUCK that bitch ass OP


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Whilst I agree with what you are trying to explain here, I have to disagree with some of the ordering. To me, (and I assume most bongs) chubby is just a wee bit of fat, somewhat evenly proportioned. Definitely ranks under 'big'


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it's actually
>thick asian girls
>power gap
>everything else

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Big Tits and Round Asses has been going since the early 2000s you fucking mong. This ain't new. The only new bit is fat fucks coopting the term thick.

> t. 34 boomer

>people find this attractive

This guy gets it

are you unironically gay

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Obese is a medical term and it's a lot lower than 220 for a lot of women

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Let me guess, you were also in lil xan, Ed sheeran and the mandalorian in 4th grade too eh? You're not human.

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>The meme was started, and now perpetuated, by men trying to rationalize their lack of options.

I thought it was caused by shitskins emigrating to the US and Europe. They like big fat asses.

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thicc girls are just stronger than thin girls. Your just jealous that my girlfriend can beat up your girlfriend

>exclusively attracted to skinny girls
>live in America
God I fucking hate these fat pigs

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You can be thin and well nourished
You can be obese and malnourished, which is common due to soil depletion and grain heavy foods

>live in Hong Kong
>visiting home
>open up my Tinder
>it's like I am on a fucking whale watching exhibition

Holy fucking shit what did you morons do in the past five years?

wtf I love Guy even more now

I've experienced this. I worked in tokyo for a few years and when I went back to my western city the white women literally felt like they were men because of their size. like when I was talking to them my entire body felt like I was talking to a male

christ how small are you manlets

Come to Ukraine, white boi.

I'm 6'5

once you spend a lot of time around asian women your brain starts to rewire and western women literally look like men unless they're very slim

I eventually went back to normal but the first few weeks were so fucking weird

5'11" so not tall but not huge either. Also been a Yas Forumsizen for a while.

You morons fucked up by memeing THICC.

>Your just jealous that my girlfriend can eat your girlfriend
Fixed it for you, Captain Ahab

But sad that the dumb fuck probably won’t get the reference

The thin girl will never look at a fat girl with envy

More like two years

What type of stupid fucking post is this.

Considering most girls are like 5'5" at best you are already getting into fat as fatass territory at 130.

Fucking kill yourself.

Looks like shit compared to

Maybe, Ukrainian girls are pretty hot from what I've seen. But even in Portugal where I'm prom they're pretty good. It's mostly just the states that are disgusting.

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