WHO HERE /30+/?
>Boomer Health Edition
WHO HERE /30+/?
>Boomer Health Edition
I'm about to turn 31, I've been on the ch0nz for over 10+ years too
Where'd the time go?
Is derma roller good against cellulite?
At what point in my 30’s can I collect social security checks?
lmaowut... 30+ is the best time for man
Going to hit 35 this month. Have a mixed feeling about this.
no wtf are you retarded
>turned 30 a few months ago
I don't know how it happened, but I woke up recently and realized I had finally transitioned. I was so busy working through my 20s that I didn't realize I did all the checkboxes by 30:
Bought a house last year on a 30k salary. Proud of myself for that. 1 acre of land.
Hobbies are my main driver: gardening for my own food, homebrewing for my own beer, motorcycle for travel and good times.
Career: Transitioning into my final career area. Will finally make more than double 30k lel
proposing to my GF this year.
The fitness came easier with time actually. I've settled into a stable pattern of getting up early, going to the gym, drinking my coffee, making a salad for lunch, and then cooking something with leftovers when I get home.
Life is good, brosephs. My 20s were turmoil, getting myself realigned socially after college, moving up in my career, unsure of who I was.
Now I'm gettin' it. You don't see many movies about 30 year old heroes, because...well, the struggle ain't there anymore. I feel like I'm moving into the zen part of my life; traveling a lot, hanging with friends often, and just enjoying life on max-relax mode. That doesn't make good movie material, because there is no inner-turmoil. and I'm fine with that.
I just ticked over into boomer land last December. Harder to stick with workouts lately to be honest. But I work with a guy who is 39 and jacked as fuck and looks young so I have hope for my 30s.
I'm happy for you. Honestly I believe 20s are the worst. From what I gather no one knows what they're doing then, myself included. You just party or fail at things and get hurt or walked over by people.
My life now at 30 and some of 29 has been the best, got a great job and just feel more confident and purposeful.
Very nice.
I hope to be similar by next year.
But first, as a 31yo, I'm going to finish this minge binge I've been on for 18 months.
I've finally done everything my weedy, sad, simp of a 20's me wanted to do.
35 here
Just hit a 510 highbar double in belt + sleeves yesterday
Though whenever I'm not not working, training, or eating, I'm napping or sleeping, but fuck it, keeps me from spending on bullshit
43 here
All gains are gone... Senior age group in kickboxing, NoGi, and BJJ tournaments... just kill me now.
38. Better shape now than when I was in college and in my 20s. Did stupid shit, ate like shit, drank too much wasted so much time. From me to the young guys and girls: don't waste time, don't kill yourself with crap, be active and in the community.
34 year old Boomer checking in. Feels great actually. Smart enough to actually pay attention to training and diet (though I could do better on both) but still young enough to go hard. Also got a lot of the boxes checked. The only issue is having more responsibilities and less ability to just power through shit. When I was younger I could just solve a problem by brute Force now I gotta think. Too much is on the line now plus I ain't got it in reserve like I used too.
48 here.Oldfag. Been lurking for nearly 3-4 years. I can no longer do shit like squats without worrying about my knees. So i do ss alternatives on machines with lower weights. Its better than nothing.
32, been hard at lurk since 04.
Recovery takes longer, cardio is worse, but still gaining mass. Lifts are almost back to what they were before I snapped my shit up a couple years ago.
If you can't do a deadlift with good form, you can't fucking do it.
32 years old getting called a young guy by gym boomers and getting asked for advice by gym zoomers.
31. Trying to no longer be obese to avoid any sort of health issues later down the road, even though I dont have any now. But I've been obese since my teenage years, so it may be too late.
Stop feeling old if you're a 30 year old male who spent their 20's on this board (actually lifting).
The good thing about all the retarded boomer shit on twitter, and the proliferation of 30 yo manchildren who've never broken a sweat since high school PE, is that everybody pictures 30 year olds as creepy old dudes with beer guts and noodle arms who use their disposable income on escorts. Everybody still thinks I'm 24. Probably still will until I hit my 40's and start greying.
my dad climbed a 6k mountain at 59, run a marathon at 60, so stfu
Married user in my 30s, when do women stop being such miserable bitches and is it safe to take a one way flight to another country and buy a place with some cash saved up?
When you've had 5 full months of a disability, regardless of age.
31 here, longtime lurker
Been lifting a year now after, much like that other user, drinking and just generally treating myself like shit in my 20s. I was anxious and felt like shit all the time, working a crap job.
Lifting and getting my life on track has made this last year the best of my life, and while I still struggle with drinking too much, it's slowly getting better. Getting more mires in the last year than I ever have, and I'm not even that big.
Marriage is a two way street, my dude. I tried being nicer, happier, more out-going, and my wife did a complete 180. Sometimes, you get complacent without even knowing it. Try to do the little things with your wife that you used to do when you first started dating.
Nah hate her too much, fuck her. But I appreciate the advice
Finally, an actually based boomer instead of that dumb fuck we have here. Keep it up brother, you are making it
This is based advice. It boils down to 'you get out what you out in' and that's true in all facets of life
>tfw 20 years old in 1 month
what am I in for wise 30+ anons?
>run a marathon at 60
I notice it didn’t say he won a marathon at 60.
Congrats user, you made it
32 here. My hair has gone in a blink. 2 years ago I could still rock a fade but now I'm Norwood 4. I miss my hair but it's not that bad. I shave with a razor every 3 days and I look fresh as fuck even when sweating at the gym. I haven't noticed any decrease in womenly flirts. SO says she doesn't care. Hair loss anxiety is overrated... as long as you keep yourself clean. Also don't forget your neck bois, it's the key.
41 year old here. Former UK paratrooper so I was always built for running/ottermode. Decided to lift hard 2 years ago to see just what potential I have. I'm as bald as they come, the cartilage in my left knee (and left ribs) Is all but gone but I'm doing well.
I'm a manager in an office now and out of the 24 people that work for me, 18 are obese and the rest except one are overweight. It sickens me to see these people losing their war against mortality so early on.
How many of you are wizards? I've only got one more year left.
36 here. My girl is 35 and pregnant. Hair starts to become grey. Laughing every evening in bed when browsing this forum. Full of childten and children problems. Glad I had none of this shit when growing up.
30 years old here.
Lifting 10 years
Only ever suffered one serious injury
Listen to your body anons
I failed to be a wizard by just one year.
Imagine being 36, in bed with your gf, and browsing a Mongolian basket weaving forum while laughing at people on said forum.
Damn dude. Your life is sweeeet
36, hanging tough. Keep on keeping on brothers.
>My girl is 35 and pregnant
Less than 10% chance of having neurotypical kids.
>30 yo
>about to 31
>no gf
>no stable job
>unable to make frens
>live with parents
>just weighted and I gained 4kg since February
Heh. Guess it time to an hero.
It is!
All the tests are done. Healthy child! Can't wait to be a father.
Congrats bro. Have a qt gf but I'm afraid of having kids because we're both mildly spectrum-y.
Are you a virgin wizard?
Noice physique!
34 this Judas Friday. I've been commuting by bicycle the past few months and recently tried to start 5x5, but I keep crashing from laziness/a decade of being sedentary. Any recommended changes to 5x5 to go easier on my legs but maintain training above them?
34 later this year. Lurked here on an off for a good 10 years. Recovery takes perhaps a a day longer than before. I used to hit a body part every 3 days now its every 4 or 5. Strength gains might be slower but it's hard to tell because i'm currently cutting about 30kg of fat that I gained since turning 30. 14kg down so far, doesn't feel much harder to lose than when I was fat in my early 20's.
I work around a lot of young QT's in my job and some of them seem to like talking to me so I assume i'm not an old man in their eyes yet. Most people guess i'm around 27 so I got that going for me. Hair's started receding pretty aggressively since last year though so we will see how that lasts.
Kinda fucked up my 20's in a massive way by going into long term relationships and prioritising those over career development. I'm a mature student now due to graduate next year. Even if the job market doesn't take a second look at me, i've been smart with the little money I do have and make a nice income from having 2 investment flats and my own home with spare bedrooms.
Overall not at all anxious about my age just yet. Most of my friends already have several children that they love but a wife that they hate. I'm hoping when I've got my body sorted I can just be a degenerate and sleep around until i'm 40... Unless by some miracle I actually find a good woman to stick with.
35 here. Current body. I’m still making gains.
I'm turning 30 in April.
I used to be an absolute pussy slayer, go getter, etc.
Now I've had several knee surgeries, have a dad bod, several drug addictions, graduated college with a meme degree and can't get a "real" job for several reasons.
I want to die. I have a gf who loves me, I live in THE most expensive place on earth, and I want to die so badly I can practically feel the maggots in my mouth.
I'm not a boomer. I'm 33 and I'm a millennial and this is considered young.
I know nothing of cellulite except that it ruins women.
Derma pens or stamps are far better than rollers as well.
>proposing to my GF this year.
Everything sounded good up until here.
If only this were true. Dealing with women is always a net loss equation.
It is still best to always be the best you you can be though.
Post body
>Brags about laughing at retards to retards while about to have a literal retard child.
Not bad, user.
10/10 would sugg
Thanks, famalam.
Same feels bro. 35 is like the end of youth
Bro you went Joe Rogan mode. Good for you, an inspiration to us all!
Its not
Samesies friendo! 36 for now
Fair enough