Aight guys looks like i have confirmed coronavirus infection

Aight guys looks like i have confirmed coronavirus infection

Local authorities said i should stay at home and not leave so basically im home quarantined and get food delivered etc

I live in czech republic(eu)

So what im asking is basicaly this. Doctors said with my current infection level other person would be already stuck in bed but i have no fucking symptoms at all and feel grear

I am on steroid cycle atm (500mg test, 500mg boldenone and 40mg oral winstrol) and gonna add some masteron soon..

My question is could steroids somehow delay the virus symptoms or smt i dont even have a fucking cough or temperature i feel great and workout at home everyda,

So i workout at home

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Like in my opinion steroids should increse symptoms cuz they increse red blood cells so the spread in body shouldbe faster but no. I have no symptoms at all

What do?

>What do?
Czech these for starters


Is this the first person with this coronavirus on /fit?

Based numbers.
In what city do you live?
Be happy you don’t have the symptoms, enjoy your stay at hone and wait. Maybe you have stronger imunity and it will take more time for you to actually have any symptoms.

you are a celebrity now buddy

Go to the gym and infect everyone for the memes

We’ve probably got a few asymptomatic coofers in the US spreading it around already

Brno city, south bohemia

Actually i was making fun of coronavirus all over Yas Forums in last weeks and now i have that shit. Karma lmfao. Now im one of the first people in my city to have this shit

perhaps you should ask the dogtor not fugging teens on malysian fishermen forum?

Probably got this shit in public transport also i work as a waiter so i probably infected couple hundred people even tho i always wash my hands etc. I got kinda paranoid in last weeks and was washing my hands obsessively with alcohol gel etc. And never sneezed in my work or anything but im sure i infected couple fucking in my job

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They dont know shit man. This people are complete npcs

You Brno fags deserve it. Luckily enough I am far away from you so there’s no way how you will be able to infect me. On the other hand, it’s still just a fucking flu. Average age of people who died of it in Italy was ~80 and some of them were even polymorbid. There’s also a chance your doctor is retarded and somehow managed to fuck up your tests.

Was going go get retested in a private lab but czech authorities took away the licence of that lab because they have reliable testing method and already discovered couple infected

So they want to have people tested only by state medical facilities

holy based

Btw im 25 so yeah probably not gonna die.

Also having fun with steroids lifting at home but i have only low weights at home

Yeah, I know. Situation here in Pilsen looks fine tho. No corona-fags confirmed and people generally don’t care about it. You basically just have to wait right now. Nothing much to do.

the dude who made that chart was 19

at least when you're done with this minor cold you don't have to give a fuck anymore.
impressive, very nice.
I'm in seattle, basically a cease pool, but more than usual now.
I bet the homeless people are just seething with it.
No sickness but I don't really care.
I'm 19, healthy as an ox, i'll be fine either way.

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>czech authorities took away the licence
of course they would



coronavirus is a nothingburger its even weaker than the common cold that you get every year

go home kikeberg

Kikeberg ofcourse sure

Yeah expect homeless people just drop dead like in china soon.

You guys in pilsen have illusion of safety i doubt there are no coofers there already

Praha? Can I drop by and get infected? I'll bring beer.

Stop your cycle while you are sick, trust me

Take it easy for 1-2 weeks then hop back

So im gonna stay without testosterone for two weeks? Lmao that sounds stupid

Also im on sustanon so the halflife of esters will ensure some roids still gonna pump in my body

Boldenone has half life of 21 days bro

Yeah come here bro im gonna hug you in my gym shirt :D

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Oh nevermind, I am not going there even if you paid me.

Would take me one month to get clean and im not gonna do that right? Sibce i personally believe steroids are the resoin i feel great with thia disease inmy body, lungs and brain

We don’t have illusion of safety. We just don’t care about it. No confirmed here yet even tho I think there might be some.

Keked hard.

I miss Stoya

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>that pic
fuck I've been there. Worst experience in my life.

Can you elaborate? I would like to hear your story cus i have similiar experience i believe. Dont want to waste your time so you can be short. Thanks

this can you elaborate

share your story

Not him, but even a turbo autist, like myself, can see this. Last fall, a lot of my old high school classmates graduated and came back into town. One girl, was clearly the second type. She had a few male orbiters she kept on a leash, was ‘involved’ with some retard from the navy (easy to detach), and was touchy with me. Now, the trick she has pulled here is a subconscious one; she thinks she is like that with everyone, and she’s just acting like ‘one of the guys teehee.’
Basically, if you feel the attention is coming from nowhere, and she has the orbiters and a recent, or pseudo current, ‘relationship,’ she doesn’t actually care about you.

Have raw garlic delivered and see if that helps.

You guys are young and looking at this wrong. It's not a specific personality type these women have rather this is what happens when men are weak and idolize women especially in a highschool setting. You will see this everywhere the women is the center of attention with four close friends/beta orbiters who are all in love with her. Of course not paying attention to her is going to work because all she sees around her are weak men who idolize her which isn't attractive. Trying to say this is a personality type isn't going to help you in anyway your not seeing the bigger picture. Any female can end up this way.

Dubs of truth but...

Bluepilled betas is not the reason chicks are like this. Its written in their dna to subdue weak boys

That's only because we allow it. A man should be the prize and first place, but women grow up being idolized and many men fall for the trap of wearing their heart on their sleeves and standing by some hoe in hopes she will see he's worth something. I lost a close friend to suicide because of girl who didn't respect him, I know countless men that don't assert them selves and latch on to women. A male celebrity or powerful figure doesn't need to cater to women because he knows another girl will be there in two seconds flat if his current one leaves. So a man like this will never experience these women.

I'm trying to write it down without looking like the giant beta that I am.
But basically I had the biggest crush on her and she was constantly flirting with me, then we kissed and I told her my feelings afterwards.
She lost all interest in an instant in me. Told me she never had feelings for me.
Then I tried to get some distance, but suddenly she becomes ultra clingy, and flirty again, basically acts like I'm her bf. I gradually come along and try to get close to her again...Then suddenly she tells me she lost all her feelings for me(despite telling me she had none to begin with) from one day to another. I'm heartbroken for the second time, and try to go my way.
She cries for weeks because I'm not her puppy anymore, I pity her and try to befriend her again, this time so she says she will not flirt with me because she knows it hurts.
Took a month and she started flirting again and kissed me. I thought maybe she does have feelings...but nope. I back out again, she cries again, but this time she confesses to being in love with me, but she just needs some time. I tell her she can have the time, but want a relationship we agree...2 weeks later she tells me "I never had any feelings for you sorry". I back out, she cries for weeks, gets really suicidal, everyone blames me for breaking her heart(wtf). Same thing started over after that, just that I stopped it immediately but I was still madly in love with her, and she tells me I would never have a chance with her because I'm not her type etc, 5 minutes after trying to hold hands and cuddle with me.

She literally told me she has trouble to feel empathy, and is into men who "are not into her". The whole time she was always extremely concerned about how this makes her look like to others, thats why she was crying, because it might paint her in a bad light. Even friends that talked a lot with her about what happened told me that, not once did she think about how this affected me.

You allowed a girl your not dating to break your heart twice while she wasn't heart broken even once. There's a clear power issue here, she has all the power and you are her dog. She may have been attracted to you at the start but once you got too invested she left. This proves what I said about us allowing this. It's not a type of girl or a personality this is just how women are. She acts like this to you so you label her like the ops picture but she will meet a man who she falls for cause he's not a beta, and this person you describe again won't exist to him.

Also her saying she loves you and the tears are all fake. It's not possible for her to be In love with you in this situation. She's just using you. Also just because a female flirts with you or kisses you doesn't mean you should fall for her. How many women have you dated? And how many have you slept with?

Dunno dude I get it.I definitely share a lot of the blame for this by being a beta faggot, but most people/women would not have acted like her in the first place.
Most wouldnt kiss a guy they have no interest in for starters, or swing from "I love you-I don't love you-I love you again" no matter how beta the guy is.

me too man. fucking crazy bitches

You mean BEST experience of your life? BPD sluts are by far the most memorable rollercoasters of your life assuming you know how to play them and don't get suckered in their maelstrom like an incel chump

They all woul..and I'm sorry the more beta you are the worse the treatment will be. When she kissed you and flirted with you I do believe she was interested in you that's why she did these things but you proved to her that she is more valuable then you and that's where the attraction ended. It's entirely your fault you could have played your cards better understood women better and had her wrapped around your finger as we speak.

Propably. But lately I think the only worse thing that could have happened to me would be an actual relationship with that kind of person.

Thx for derailing my thread guys im stuck in my house pumped up on roids and u talk about pussy

Aight gonna coom i guess so horny on that testosterone :D

This is Yas Forums my lad. It always is like this

I aint complaining just saying

Try being on steroids and in house arrest basically

Cant see a chick im fucking, have to fap like 6 times a day

You can be asymptomatic and still be contagious
Prayin for your gains lad

If you’re ill, that’s the last thing you want to do. Preserve energy.

Did you read my original post? I feel fucking great :D

Same shit happened to me but I didn't know what the fuck was happening at the time. It felt like my heart was being ripped out over and over and I hadn't even kissed the girl. In retrospect, you need to treat the girl like shit and not catch any feelings by flirting with other girls. Do not show weakness. If you can't escape then destroy her mentally first or she will destroy you. Don't trust anything or anyone.

They literally prescribe corticosteroids to treat people with inflammatory respiratory diseases so yes, steroids could unironically be helping you if your story isn't a LARP.

So as long as i have my gear im fine i guess...

Have enough roids for next 3 months and then i need to order more i guess

Man I wish I could still destroy her. All I want is revenge. But I fear its over since she knows what I feel.

accurate advice

This is a plebeians thing to desire. No real man would ever wish suffering on another human, no matter how wronged he has been by them.

I've experienced similar heartbreak. Wife turned out to be BPD and a narc, but I was already too deep in emotionally to control anything so I let it happen. Took me 2-4 years to recover from it, she ended up cheating on me. Right now she is bearing the child of the man she left me for, while they were dating we were still fucking.

One important step for me in the recovery process was to forgive her, and make peace within myself. I'd been holding a grudge towards women because of her, pumping and dumping them as some kind of payback, when really it was just my unresolved trauma. Don't hold on to grudges user, they will destroy you.

Nice digis