Can we get an ACTUAL fph thread

coomers took over the other one

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Turned high test real quick and that was the end

I got you senpai

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I ate donuts. I ate two chocolate covered custard filled donuts. The shame is real kings

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crackheadbro with the assist

Yeah, why not. Did this last thread - someone asked to try and slim down this pic

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Here was the result, as far as I was able to do it.

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Damn she's thicc

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Fetish NIggers

trips for boogies death

So it is written.

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excellent and also particularly based

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After 4 weeks of perfect cutting and no alcohol, I drank 6+ drinks, ate ice cream, ate a glorious omelette and then followed it up with mcdonalds.

Such is life. You drop off, you get back on. Focus on today and ahead of you. The past doesn't matter, since you can't change it.

Great salad for lunch, chicken + stir-fry veggies for dinner. Breakfast is always black coffee.

Its gonna happen

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Oh fuck you killed him user

Dont worry about it brother. It wont affect your overall progress. Hope you enjoyed those donuts. Just get back on the wagon next meal.

The time has come.


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I just ate another dozen donuts.


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LMAO that's cool just give up then - not like anyone you really know would be surprised.

Fuck me, the hooves

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> western women

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lads remember project harpoon?

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Here's the original

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I've been to a lot of metal festivals in Europe never saw something that horrible.
Saw some disgusting stuff but that much never. Shit I were to see something like this I would probably break my oath and drink just to forget this almighty landscape of adipose hell

dubs and its corona chan

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so the chinks shall kill the chunk
Glorious get user

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Would ravage and coom deeply

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Bring it back lads

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looks like his salad dodging days are over

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fucking hell I love photoshop wizards

Same senpai

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> reddit

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These hunters eyes mmmhhhh yeah baby

Pretty sure I was lurking around in the thread when this was going on, either that or the precursor to it.
An user wanted to show tumblrinas how beautiful they could look if they just took care of themselves better. No real success was had, but it was really inspirational to everyone in the thread/s and I presume the user then moved on to celebrities, I may have witnessed it first hand, I can't remember. But that was the premise - to show women who'd given up on having standards that beauty was not beyond their grasp and they had only to lose weight and groom better and they could look similar to models.
A shame then, that to date as far as I know, all women have simply rejected it and gotten offended instead. The result of being weak I suppose.

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Holy fuck lucky 7s

I'd say that one's fucked no matter what with all the tattoos and bitch face.

That one where they turned her fat ass into two women kills me.

The things people will do to avoid loneliness astound me.

why'd she go overboard.

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I can't even retroactively fap to her now, she is just gross to me. Probably a good thing

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John Jacob Astor, on the titanic, whole big thing.


>Let's carve this ham!

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