Can we have a /fitlit/ thread? Have you guys been reading anything interesting or related to lifting...

Can we have a /fitlit/ thread? Have you guys been reading anything interesting or related to lifting? No Starting Strength, motherfuckers, that doesn't count.

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reading is gay just lift

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Starting reading Metamorphoses by Ovid this week. While it is very good, it doesn't inspire same insatiable need for gains like the Iliad or some of the Norse sagas did. I don't know if other mythological stories can really compete with anything based Homer wrote at this point.

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What you're looking for is the Aeneid, friend.

I just finished reading Arnies auto-bio. Do yourself a favor. only read up until his movie career

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I will read that next then user, this book is otherwise still great though.

>tfw you realize that striving for wholeness is inherently good
>all inherently good pursuits are divine in nature because they are ultimately ordained of God
>longevity, vitality, and fitness are extensions of the pursuit of wholeness, and as such fill the pursuer with a portion of divinity
>tfw you realize lifting prepares you to meet God
>tfw you realize lifting prepares you to become a god

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stay stupid, retard

IQ is almost entirely genetic. I guarantee I'm smarter than you have haven't read since a book since high school

You have inferior genes

Unlike u retards who read fiction or soiboy white cuck novels, I read military history, wars and conquest. Pretty interesting

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>tfw reading sunshine and steel (in nip bcoz big brain language fag)
>tfw mishima is just fucking crazy but you realize both spiritual and physical gains are impossible without transcending the paradigms of the plebs
>tfw you realize Rich Piana of all people summed it up best when he said "LEAVE HUMANITY BEHIND CMON LETS GET BIG"


how get nip language gains

The best way to be Yas Forumslit/ is to only read Yas Forums and lift.

I've had Arnold's bodybuilding Encyclopedia in my family since I was a kid and bought my own copy a few months ago.

I like to read it before bed, after my evening chess. I've been doing a lot of flexing and stretching between sets like pic related. This book (along with my father's experience in lifting) kind of cemented how I lift in terms of scheduling and intensity. I really love super setting chest and back, etc..rather than PPL, and that's what Arnold has for his beginners schedule. I'm not a beginner anymore, so now I incorporate intensity techniques like drops sets, more overloading and heavy days, cheating and push presses, all of which I learned from this book. Also, if I'm feeling like I want to replace one exercise for another, I usually refer to the book as it has many exercises for each muscle group. Reading this every night has helped me stay more focused by maintaining my interest because of the nice pictures and the general nostalgia of the book. Classic, rudimentary information from the best of the best. All about the basics.

Also I'm trying to have a better middle game so I'm also reading the Soviet middlegame manual. Pretty good.

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Try constructing a sentence you fucking ape.

>tfw you realize Rich Piana of all people summed it up best when he said "LEAVE HUMANITY BEHIND CMON LETS GET BIG"

In order:
>learn the meaning of all jouyou kanji and practice writing every day, use anki and remembering the kanji/kanji koohi if you must
>go through taekim's grammar guide and add every sentence to anki
>Start reading and watching stuff in japanese all the time and keep adding sentences to anki at around 25/day, look into i+1 concept
>do this until you hit 10000 sentences, you will be able to read almost anything in japanese at this point
I did this and got N1 in under 2 years. DJT will say it's lies but they are soys.

Confessions of a Mask was great. I think it was the last book that I read, but I did finish the Book of Psalms a couple months ago.


Have you read Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea?

No. I've been trying to slog through the King James Bible for the past two years at an absolutely glacial pace. I think the last book I read before that was 1Q84 which wasn't very good, and Don Quixote, Huck Finn, Slaughterhouse V, Breakfast of Champions, and Cats Cradle, which were all amazing

I liked confession of a mask

It was ok not great

The key Mishima books are:

1) Patriotism
2) The Temple of the Golden Pavilion
3) Confessions of a Mask
4) After the Banquet

I recent read 5/3/1 and I actually really enjoyed it. There is something to be said for the no-nonsense writing style. I thought it was hillarious and fun and educational; Jim Wendler really doesn't give a fuck.

>tfw aliens will never kidnap you and a buxom young actress and force you to fuck her for their amusement over and over
Why live?

But based taste, keep going lad.

I think you could just ask
>Why live?

I liked it mainly because it kind of dealt with the whole "cuckold looking through a spyhole" meme when Noboru flat out kills him. I'm misinterpreting it I know, but still.

>evening chess
Absolutely based. Can you recommend any books on chess?

Been reading atlas shrugged and it’s been making me irrationally
Angry at poor untalented and fat people.


What’s cringe?

reading some YA novel by a libertarian jew who lived on welfare

If you can ignore the fact that the entire book is pretty much just a 1000 page straw man it’s pretty good IMO

Ive got grade 1(N5 level) kanji, hiragana pretty much down.
Trying to work on sentence structure/grammar now

also pronouncing kanji in different situations is difficult to understand.

Thanks fornyour insight. Ill work on my katakana and double up on kanji next. id love to reread mishimas works in the original language

Yeah pretty much. If you're not willing to read an 1000+ page novel and no longer 15 years old then watch this video on Rand on 2x speed:
It summarizes pretty well the faults but also the appeal w/ Rand's works
>inb4 vidya games
The guy in the video doesn't really talk about bioshock and it isn't really one of those pseudy video game """video essays""".

fuck bros im trying to read some thomas aquinas and it's fun but i feel really dumb doing it because the language is so advanced

I can reccomend so many but for beginners The Soviet Chess Manual is best.

Holy shit i just realized bio shock was based on atlas shrugged. I’ll definitely watch this but I’m too far in to the book to stop now.

the straw doesnt reach into the glass. do you have to pour it down the tube?

there dont seem to many books about weightlifting. im reading tom jones but its kind of a drag so im going to take a break halfeay through to read something a little lighter

You're gonna do it, king. Try reading some secondary sources and always go back to the Only source: the Holy Bible.

I watched it and he makes some good points but I very much disagree with his denial of personal responsibility and free will and it’s consequences. I strongly believe in personal responsibility for our own lives and that people’s lives are 99% of the time direct results of the choices they’ve made. I think this is what makes me connect with the themes in the book so strongly.

The Fountainhead
Roadside Picnic
Goodnight Moon

The distributist is catholic so his opinions are skewed heavily and looks up to GK Chesterton and those types.

I bet you also have a katana on your Xbox 360

Ah makes sense

pic related.

Plan on reading storm of steel next.

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Maybe not as exciting bus equally as based are Herodotus' Histories.

>reading anything written by a woman ever
not gonna make it

Reading Ethics from Spinoza. Based philosopher and a lot of his philosophy is pretty relatable to self improvement and lifting.

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>I read military history

fit things i’ve recently read

seven pillars of wisdom
the history of caribbean piracy
los guerreros del sol

>not appreciating the poetry

What are some books I can read and name drop to trick women into thinking I'm an interesting person?

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I just finished reading Das Kapital by marx and now have started The Tartar Steppe by Dino Buzati

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Kys midwit

Notes from underground by Dosty is a great start, user


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When you're reading a book you admit to your self that the person who wrote the book is significantly smarter than you, so much so that even when you're done reading the book you're still way bellow that person in ability, knowledge and what-have-you. Point being: intelligence is best measured in the quality of the questions you ask your self, that you can easily find an answer to on the internet, without using an outdated communication method that is by no means selective and gives loads of junk information that is by no means relevant today. So, unless you want to be thoroughly brainwashed or belittled, or entertained, there is 0 reasons to read a book. Any book.

Said like a cuck

Hello king

Wow, truly one of the most retarded statements I've read.