/sqp/ - Squat Plug General #14

/sqp/ - Squat Plug General #14

>what is a squat plug
A squat plug is like a lifting belt for your anus. For those with weak anal/rectal muscles, they can be useful for giving those muscles something to press on, enhancing your form and preventing injury.

>why do I need one?
You don’t “need” a lifting belt either. But if you’re ready to take your gains further, you’ll need both.

Use this thread for all squat plug questions.

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does this prevent hemorrhoids?

That's why I got one, after my buddy told me what he went through, there's no way I would even risk that. So now I have a squat plug.

I just ordered a new Rogue Defender SP. I'm a big guy but straight, never bottomed. Is 4cm a good size for a beginner?

It's literally the best way to prevent them.

Can using it while lifting give you prostate orgasms?

I started with a 4 incher, and moved up to 8. It's a perfect fit and it even has a cute tail attached.

only if you're gay

if you have a partner, let them train you with their fingers a few weeks (working up to a fist). its the best and most safe way to work up to a professional size squat plug. 4cm (diameter?) definitely is too big for a novice. youll want to train for something larger than your working plug because you want to get it in with no lube. this increases the tactile contact with the anus to encourage stronger muscle response.

Is this thread and these replies for real?

are you for real? do you not know that all serious squatters use a plug to avoid injury? i bet you dont use a belt either lmao

diameter lol!
Ok I just ordered a 3cm to start. I'll use it lubed at first, then do my 4cm lubed, then compete with the 3cm dry. I might use multiple training plugs long-term for muscle confusion.

I'm more than sure that this trolling

t. sub-3pl8 squatter

Of course it's a troll, do people really still fall for this shit?


Fucking dyels.

The one who created this theme clearly gets unhealthy pleasure from it

If you aren't plugging you're setting yourself up for failure newfag.

It’s all good until you’re on your last set and you cum in your fucking joggers. It definitely makes it easier but DO NOT USE A SQUAT PLUG IF YOU HAVE A SENSITIVE PROSTATE. Happened twice before I learned my lesson.

my gym pal bought me a remote controlled plug where you can make it vibrate at different intensity and idk something about it just feels off, he said this plug is better than regular ones and I asked how but he didn't give me an actual reason

The vibrations stimulate your muscles more, giving you more stability and strength


If it's all joke I'll be really mad because I just started using it last week,

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This is how you kill a meme

Lol the state of plug fags in here...team squat bead master race reporting in.

beads are a pain in the ass to clean, i have a smooth squat plug, you can just pop it in the dishwasher and its spotless after, beads get stubborn at the string connections

FACT: squat plugs are just a cope for poor glute activation

Fool!!! Beads are better for deloading.

Whats the difference between butt plug and squat plug?

only one of them is used exclusively by fags

the other is a buttplug

You can activate them harder with the plug in. It's actually going plugless that deconditions you

>they think the squat plug is a joke

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Do you guys keep your plug in during non lower body lifts? I recently found that using a lifting belt with my OHP really helps, contrary to my expectations, and I was wondering if maybe a plug would help in a similar fashion.

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Of course,it help getting your glutes firmly engaged and it helped me a lot when working my way to 2pl OHP. After that though,I'm considering switching to squat diaper.

equipped lifting is a joke. stick to the plug, keep it raw
I use a plug for non-warm-up OHP sets, it helps

While I hit all my PRs with one, I had to change gyms when I farted while squatting and it came loose and fell, be careful using one of these things guys

Wear tight thongs next time. They help keep it in.

honestly, whenever i use one i feel like cheating, i can easily add at least 20 pounds to my max squat

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What kind of lube do you use for your sqat plug ?
I use almond oil.

I have diarrhea, should I use a squat plug or nah?

you probably shouldnt go to the gym in the first place if you have diarrhea

also you probably should go to the gym if you have diarrhea

The squat plug will help hold all of the diaringus in

>Are squat plugs real?

I usually use the gym's squat plug because I can't afford one for myself yet (poorfag I know). Should I worry about the whole coronavirus thing?

What do you do if you squeeze your squat plug out in the middle of a set? do you finish your set? rack the weight and try to get your plug before someone notices?

Fortunately I haven't had an accident yet, but I've heard a horror story or two about dropping a plug in front of a cardio bunny and the fallout.

If you're gym isn't sterilizing their public squat plugs you should find a new gym.

Can someone recommend me a good squat plug? I'm not really sure which is the best for lifts, and I mean THE BEST

As I said in the previous SPG, I regret not using my plug sooner, it’s actually surprisingly beneficial even as a newbie lifter for better strength out the hole. I didn’t use a plug for 2 years lol... can’t believe it.

You prevent this from happening by using a properly fitting squat plug. Plugs that feel loose are a sign that you need to move up to a bigger size

Bro, u can get made of slightly expanding material to help prevent this, don’t use a regular if u got the shits, I got several types in my bag in case of this

can women benefit from using a squat plug? I'm thinking of shilling the idea to my gf
she currently doesnt know I use one, so I will bring up the idea as using plugs as a couple sort of like an experiment

What about deadlifts?
Can someone recommend me a plug for deadlifts, or will my squat plug work just as well?

I rather have less gains than use a squat plug like a fag
Kids these days and their squat plugs...

deadlifts generate much higher internal pressure, plugs aren't sufficient
you need a deadlift diaper

No one's gonna inspect your ass to check if you use a plug lmao


Your nose is showing shlomo

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you can use your plug for everything if you feel like you benefit from the muscle activation, it does make certain movements uncomfortable, and bench exercises are straight out