The ultimate redpill

>The ultimate redpill
This can't be true bros...

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>juicy as faurk

this is assuming that he will actually do any of the things he said he might in the last slide

in reality, not only is he coping but he is just gonna sit around and do nothing and instead make 0 gains

Then don't lift metal pieces. You can mountain hike, swim in natural waters, rock climb in nature, etc, etc.

>You can mountain hike, swim in natural waters, rock climb in nature
that's gay as fuck tho-
it makes sense now

Cope: the comic

>there's only two options: 14 hours a day in the gym, or 0 hours a day in the gym

This is next level coping.

4 5 M I N U T E S 5 x A W E E K

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>just 45 minutes workouts
youre not training hard enough. post body

>wearing a tank top in public

he deserves to be bullied 2bh

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Implying you need more than this?

Amazingly, I can go to the gym AND grad school and still have time for a social life. How long does cartoonfag think people actually spend in the gym to get the body in the comic? That gym guy is going tonlive longer, have better mobility, and a lower chance of dementia as he ages too, fucking cope.

The body in the comic is top amateur early pro IFBB. That’s at least 15 hours a week in the gym.

while it's true a mortal man can only commit to a limited number of things due to time constraints, most people probably aren't even close their limit, especially if they don't have kids

this is massive cope.
imagine being such a retard you don't master every facet that describes a human being.
Not even bothered, it's not my issue to fix people and hold their hands.
also listening to
doesn't make you musical.
creation is one of the most human things possible, and creating your self should be part of that.

you can tell the person that made the comic never went to the gym once in their entire life. thinking you can't do anything like fucking reading or hanging out AND going to the gym is beyond retarded.

I've seen this posted multiple times but never saw the original, does someone have a link? I bet it's from twitter.

That's the original tho

Why can I tell this was written by some fat subhuman 56%er

> not lifting while listening to audiobooks
It's almost like he's coping for something

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I listen to rap while I work out.

I mean the original place from where it was posted, which I bet it's a twitter thread.

audiobooks are absolute trash-tier to listen, it's like reading a book but without any of it's benefits (like expanding your vocabulary, making your mind work, and so on). You might as well just listen to regular music.

Very based. Audiobooks are the patrician lifting audio supplement

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The artist who made this spent hours doing so just to diss guys who work out while the gymbro lived his life. You tell me who's more boring user?

Having the knowledge and understanding of a new book is 100x better than listening to the same song you've heard dozens of times before.

it's pretty easy to avoid having no meaning outside of lifting, but yes, you're autistic if lifting is your whole life

>half assed distracted listening
>knowledge and understanding

>implying being Yas Forums doesn't add mental gains

Pro-tip: be jacked AND interesting. The author of this comic is just lazy. Pure and simple.

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mom look i posted the thread again

>worthless piece of meat tries to put other people down
the only people that you should be concerned by, are the people who are better than you

It's absolutely true and we're all coping but atleast look good doing that

what a fucking bore, am i right?

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There are shredded 90 year olds. Also lifting doesnt take up that much time. Like an hour a day

holy trips, that piece of shit is not only ugly and fat but also boring and petty

Only a very small percentage of the population have the IQ required to think about the motivations behind a person lifting.
And only a minority of that population would agree with the comic.
Most people would just think "wow this guy looks nice" and that's it.

>I'd rather lead a curious life than a muscly one.
But you can do both.

But the top left is exactly what women do. The fatty artist just doesn't know because why the hell would anyone ever 'mire him?

it's kinda like sleeping, just a healthy thing you should do that's easy to squeeze around other tasks because it's not mentally taxing

Even with a 4 year old, I find myself on my phone way too much. I should be speaking fluent Italian right now.

>In 50 years we'll all be saggy
This nigga talkin shit about my boy Scoob.

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gotta gove it to that faggot, looking better and younger in 2001 than 1989

I was in pretty good shape for a natty and then I got a heart attack at 26 after a single Test+Tren cycle. Fast food is less bad for you than roids and toxic gym culture.


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Scooby was on test for a number of years, but we don't know when he started.

Did he start taking Test between 1996 and 2001? That jump looks pretty unnatural for someone who has been exercising his whole life.

That's 5 whole years dude. Of course it can be achieved natural.

Nah audiobooks have their place. They're useful if you want to get a good overview of a book and digest it at a high level. They're also convenient in the sense that you can do them while doing other stuff. Only a pretentious person would limit themselves to one form of input.

She's a woman so it's not gay.
And it's also not gay that I want her to peg my ass raw

Socrates was a ripped wrestler
This comic was made by a coping faggot

>t. 102 IQ

>implying keeping fit doesn't prevent sagging by keeping things taught and you healthy, meanwhile fat causes skin to overstretch and sag
he's not going to be saggy, and is going to end up looking better than that other guy in old age regardless.
Dude is just major coping

Take the gaypill boys


You know better than mike mentzer bro?

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in 50 years you will be dead from the beetus

Briddy much dis.

>I could go to the gym too

>Could but doesn't

Gets me every time

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