Dont see any right now
Current body thread
Looking good
I'm about 5 months into lifting, running another month on small surplus to get more mass before I cut down for summer
There's already one you stupid fuck
Going to bulk for sports purposes but I plan to cut after that. I'm 6'2 220 now
Bro you're not bulking you're just fat and if you "bulk" you're gonna be obese
1 month into my 3 month cut down around 20%bf, shooting for 12
I'm playing college football- specifically offensive line. So yeah I'm gonna be obese but that's the point. Also, my lifts are estimated to be 245/390/440 and according to the Navy body fat calc I'm at 18% body fat so I'm not fat.
There’s one with 100+ replies you attention seeking nigger
bit leaner than i like to be, i train more for function over looks (strength and endurance), but i been skateboarding a shitload lately so i lost some bodyfat
174cm 78kg.
Decent farm equipment, would pay about $200 for.
look at you, you're fat. you don't need to make excuses for anyone here why you want to gain or lose weight but there is no denying that ur a fat cunt
Navy body fat calc is retarded. Use a real method of body fat estimation.
You're short. Other than that, you look good
Does anyone know of a way to find phone numbers that can be used to verify the creation of a Facebook/Tinder account? I cannot find a single free number that has not already been used.
Creating a number through Google Voice is not working either.
I managed to create one Tinder account with a number from a website and it was banned literally before I could even log in.
I used to use the application called Hushed to verify these websites but now they do not let you verify numbers with their numbers.
You are average tall. Looking good, bro!
176cm 67kg started lifting month ago, cutting since october - my plan is to get lean for summer and then slowly bulk
Kek, dubs.
lifting what? Bags of cotton?
How do I get as lean as you? Pls tell me user, it's all I want
im sorry but theres no point cutting as you wont have any muscle to show. just lean bulk
6’6 190, and tips to gain weight while staying lean?
184 cm 86.5kg
Slowly dieting for summer, but I feel I should wait a bit more...
You look like a cyborg nice bod no homo
thanks brotha ive been griding hard =)
yea cant disagree but i wanted to see if i have abs, as i never been this close to revealing them - as a obese kid
Im actually 184cm, bit of a missclick, probs gonna think im just coping now haha
post body
Can I post a pic too if I'm a girl?
bulking going well
I want your body, bro (inside me).
How did you achieve that?
Does height suposse a trat when you meet girls?
nigga not only took this on an ipad but the shits upside down
Why are you so shiny in this picture?
Put a shirt on jew
how can you ask for rates while literally hiding from the camera lmao
Goddamn bros mirin your genetics or roids
Bulking 'till april
Other half looks the same retard
Imagine coming into a thread like this and calling people retards after posting a shot like that
yeah because everyone knows muscles develop in perfect symmetry with each other :)
165 lbs
Started lifting in Jan of 2019, started SL5x5 and eating more in Jan of 2020.
Up 32 lbs so far since 2019.
this is a pretty good natty physique. should look great once you cut down
>natty physique
>classic red lobster look from test
5’7” 134 lbs
Are you supposed to have a really good body in 6+ months? Id say i look waay better than before but looking at my current body, it just looks like the starting point of most men.
Allso, are you supposed to look good in every lighting? In this lightiing i dont look as good
You guys look good i wanna look like this
looks like your shoulder to waist ratio is changing but you're not lifting heavy enough nor eating enough
lookin good user, why you bulkin?
here's your (you)
weak bait.
I dont wanna eat too much since i still have a high bf since i didnt cut down to skelly first since i started skinnyfat. I think its mostly diet what my problem is
if you had put on 20lbs or more during that 6 months then cut you would probably look like
if not way better
Thanks dude, I'm excited to see how I look after my first real committed bulk since I've started lifting
Honestly it's super flattering that you'd try to claim I'm on gear but that's just shitty bathroom lighting I'm afraid
I think I've come close to or hit the limit of as far as I'll be able to effectively progress without committing to a bulk, so I'm finally trying that and it's been good so far. Most my lifts and size have gone up in a short amount of time since I started lifting
Well i was cutting for 1 and a half months on that timeframe and it went really good but yes i wanted to gain some weight but was too afraid to put in fat again so i just did a recomp. But i feel like its sooo slow
Hour a day on the treadmill and still fat, kill me.
Keep at it, doing good
That's about as lean as I hope to be
Looking good as usual
You're going to be a skeleton by summer, start that slow bulk now imo
Looking pretty good, I think thats a solid plan
Shredded af, but this pic is awful
Shit we're about the same height and weight but I'm nowhere close to looking this good. Great work, good luck on your bulk.
Checked, keep it up man
Just give it time, lift heavy and stay at a small surplus. Appreciate the compliment
You've got what looks like some good size though. Once you get cut down some more you're gonna be good
Well damn, nice
$200 I'll come over and plow your yard, and even plow your gf for no extra charge
Yea my picture taking game is below 0 boys sorry , i actually dont use social media so bare with me aheha
Post arm routine
No need to show your pubes man fucks sakes
What do you guys think about my back gains?
5'10 / 195lbs
178cm / 88kg
Ctrl+f lumbar - 0 results found
Time to start deadlifting