Hiding power level

>hiding power level

explain bros

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We haven't seen a human at full strength, either.

i believe that image is wrong, because bodybuilders make shittier fighters than normal men

so gorillas that bodybuild would be weaker as a fighting animal anyways so they don't even come into the equation of how strong gorillas can be

It's something said by DYELs for fitness. If you life heavy people will notice, hell if you lift anything close to a damn people will notice.

>Being able to generate force doesn't come into play during a fight

Bodybuilders are shittier fighters than martial artists but if you think the average man (average bench is 135 for a 198lb man in America LOL) is gonna take a bodybuilder in a one on one fight, you're a gay, coping, retard brainlet

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Bodybuilders are shit at generating force though and will inevitably gas in half a minute


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>tfw born at just the right time for genetic engineering to become reality

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Dude i thought i was dyslexic for a moment when reafing your post. Y u make me feel dyslexic?

>get girls with height, face, personality, blahblah
>get to the crib
>take off shirt
>girls spill spaghetti
>wash my sheets in the morning
If you display your shit al the time you come off as neurotic and weird. Jawline and forearms say enough, ddont put the carf before the horse

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>bodybuilders make shittier fighters than normal men
Brock Lesnar would beat your ass

Street dights don't last 30 seconds. Most bbers would knockout a dyel in 1 hit

Compared to the average person? You're an idiot.

I think I could beat a gorilla in a fight

No joke.

I've been doing MMA for 6 years now, and boxing for 7 years, so I could.

And lifting for 4 years. 6'2 and 190 lbs.

I am incredibly fast, and just as reactive. I would just have to wait for him to charge me, dodge him, and then punch him in the face. I will not let loose, one mistake and the gorilla is done for. Of course as always, there will be faggots from here to think this is impossible. Nothing is impossible with willpower my friends, and second of all it's not with your dyel bodies that you will ever accomplish anything.

Any man who have trained whatsoever can beat a gorilla with a knife. Bare hand doesn't have to be more complicated, it's just a question of technics.

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That's an American, not a human.

That's a fictional character, not a human.

Ok .-.

Why do MMA fags think that they can fight anything or anyone and win? Is there some initiation process that makes them all delusional? Or is there something about MMA that just attracts insecure guys who wish they were Goku.

That's exactly what I said, idiot.

They're born at max strength. They're naturally 45% muscle. The same as a well trained human.

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lol just throw something at it thats literally why humans are op in fighting
just fucking chuck a rock at this niggas head wtf is he gonna do about it, cant even throw it back
haha retarded gorilla

gorila hav smol pp

Based haha poster

It’s a copypasta

You seen the vid of a chimp throwing shit at an old lady and it lands on her lip?

hiding a power level?

did Elliot hide his power level?

lol unlike you braindead double digit IQ drones the supreme gentleman was able to digest the final redpill: that in modern society women are the gate keepers of our most basic instinct: reproduction

for 99.999% of humanity, woman were in their place, divvied up like the cattle they are, beautiful women going to those deserving: the rich and handsome (like Elliot) and the lessors to the common folk. nonetheless every woman was in their place and things were balanced.

but now in modern society every whore's value is hyper-inflated to the point where only the top 20% of men are deemed suitable mates, that is until these whores are used up, jaded messes and ready for a beta male to take care of them.

Elliot knew there was no going back. the damage was done and there was only one thing to do: punish the whores for their hedonism. Where you drones lack the balls to even call a whore a whore to their face, this brave man went out and made the ultimate sacrifice while exacting his punishment.

so no, hiding your power level is as pathetic as a slave master apologizing for disciplining a disobedient slave








>only the top 20% of men are deemed suitable mates
Cope. I can't imagine being just "average" lol

nice pasta

structured, easier to read and digest

why are you so easily triggered? that's a character flaw and something you should really work on

you need to have been edited while you were still a bundle of cells like a blastocyst
genetically modifying a living human being is many years away.
why do you think they call it a designer "baby"
also if that's what joe rogan said he is wrong, there are many genetic and environmental factors with influence a gorilla to always be near its max all the time.
maybe with roids and optimizing myogenesis, but their bodies essentially already are.
structurally animals are not all that different.
generally a gorilla, a lion, and a human all form muscles relatively the same.
an environmentally conditioned human would be at a healthy natural state of physical fitness.
a roided optimized person get very big and really at that point when everyone is roiding even gorillas it'll be the shape of the bones and levers that really matter, things you can't really change.
an ant doesn't have muscles like us yet can carry many times it's own body weight, do you think ants are hitting the gym everyday? no it's their structure.
gorillas are in need of being big to protect themselves but more importantly to compete with each other for control over females.
gorillas are in constant combat, you aren't trained how a gorilla is. you would die instantly.

the space is completely unnecessary and structurally wrong, you only leave a space like that when you are going to write something completely unrelated to your initial point.
also projecting is also a character flaw to work on, just because i call you out and you don't like doesn't mean that i am triggered, keep trying kid, you will learn

Is everyone on this site retarded or just 12? Go punch a large dog in the face as hard as you can and watch it barely flinch. Now try that with a 300lb gorilla.

Of all the gay groupthink memes on here the 'hurr reddit spacing' one is hands down the gayest.

> You no type exactly like everyone else here, point not valid

there is not point to write like that, reddit or not.
also he is shitposting, not making any point or argument.

>Reddit spacing
Didn’t read

fights don't last that long anyway. It takes like 5 seconds to crack some faggot's skull with a good punch and you can put a shutoff notice on his door, because it's lights out for that dude.

They aren't factually speaking they generate plenty of force, they just haven't trained properly enough to learn how to pace or breath right to not gas. Fucking Mike Tyson was bigger than most body builders at the time besides roid freaks and there's plenty of fighters now how are "body builder" tier. What you're saying is pure 100% uncut copium.

There's no point to space text? Have you read anything that's not a smartphone in your retarded life? Also, is there any point to whining about paragraph spacing even if it is unnecessary? Are you suggesting you would have said something about it if it wasn't a faggoty meme on here?

the meme is the unnecessary space, making new paragraphs when you are only writing one point, argument or topic is not needed.

The gorilla would tap you and cave your skull in like a grapefruit.

Brock lesnar is an MMA fighter, I think he meant that lifting weights doesnt make you good in a fight.

No, you're a meme. A living meme parroting generic cliches that you read here try and cling to some sense of superiority in your shitty, hollow, smartphone addled life.

humans need to go to the gym because we've been pulled out of a 'natural' environment by civilization (not saying its necessarily bad).
we don't use our bodies the way they evolved to be used
most people's diet is also pretty shit
gorillas spend all day being gorillas
humans spend all day sat indoors

wow, what a rebuttal you sure showed me.

You know I'm 100% right. Also I'm not rebutting anything, I'm merely mocking you, you fucking moron.

>generate force to move weighted loads multiple times
>shit at generating force
hmmmmmmm something doesn't add up......

no we were born way early on that. but its ok because we never have to worry about being designed to be the perfect costumer or some such.

plebitors are so easily triggered and never do more than throwing meme insults arround, good night kid, hope you sleep well

dubs of truth

>Your skull

Now imagine he would actually put some effort into it.

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>Its a copypasta
No shit dumbass.

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lol he would dodge it even if it put some effort into it. He did bjj for fucks sake

Eventually the ape gonna pay one of his 4 hands on you and squeeze hard brainlet.

You are so fucking retarded.

That fag pastes that same response on every gorilla thread

Why does MMA fuck people's brain?

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lol faggot


t shirt

We've seen humans at above what's possible for us naturally, actually. Because steroids exist.


This is a street fight, not an MMA/boxing match. It will be over in under a minute.