Fit thinks they could win in a fight against a bear

>fit thinks they could win in a fight against a bear

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I unironically could though. I can lift well over 1/2/3/4 and am over 200 lbs

I would simply outsmart the bear.


I could unironically kill a polar bear with my hands

By bringing a gun

Exactly. Just challenge the bear to a battle of wits. They're not that smart, it'd be an easy win.

I’ve been false charged by bears more than once, always while hiking in the Smokies. It never gets less scary.

>muh gun

lol. By the time you draw, aim, and fire, the threat is over or youre dead.

this. only dyels make bear topics like this. once you hit 1/2/3/4 for 5 reps each you're sort of on a different level than most tubby humans, you're litterally a kiling machine

the bears teeth and claws would be a threat, sure, but you'll be strong enough to pacify his arms/neck. then what's he going to do, reason with you? lol

is Hoyce Gracies little nefew who had CANCER and was a RAINFOREST PYGYM BABY could beat macho man randy savage in an 11 minute no HOLES barred fight to the death the HELL IN THE CELL cage match on paperview tv, I can kill a ber

With a spear maybe.
The trick is to judo themselves into suicide.
It would be amazing to be superior to a bear in grappling though.
Fuck they're great.

>those claws
cant even cut a slice of bread with those. Just bring a knife and slice open its gut.

It's for puncturing and ripping, not cutting.

Lol I’m a blue belt I’ll just pull guard

There is one recorded event of a human killing a bear(grizzly IIRC).

What he did was jam his arm in the bears mouth so it couldnt bite and somehow managed to bite the artery vein at the throat, probably clinging on to the bear somehow.

Big oof

>Thanks bro

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Dude fires one shot at a non vital area of a bear. You come with a fully loaded shotgun and unload into that bitches face, bear is fucked.

>aimed so he wouldn't kill it

So's my dick but you don't hear me going on about it. Punk ass bears, always frontin


wow that's a cute paw, too bad it wont help him when i bash his fucking face in with a stick lmao

>which he had aimed at her side so as not to kill her

Well there's your fucking problem. Shoot to kill, no exceptions.

And a fully grown male grizzly will demolish all you retarded larpers.

buck shot would be a far better choice in the scenario than a slug dumbass.

this place has so many fucking retards who think they know their shit but are really total fucking morons.

you're a certified retard, bears are killed by hunters constantly.
carry a rifle with a bigger round, the beat will drop pretty fast

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While westoids run from bears, Changs in China trap them in cages.

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You guys would get raped six ways to sunday by an adult male grizzly bear. Absolutely annihilated.

I mean, once I get my thumb up its ass it's all game over from there

>My ancestor :)

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yes? certainly not your weak sauce ass lmao

this desu
shoot to kill or don't shoot

No it wouldn’t. Bears require big ducking cartridges to take down. Buckshot is an awful choice because each pellet has severely limited force behind it. Slugs are quite literally the best option for a shotgun cartridge. Fucking hang yourself retard.
>t. Have family that go bear hunting every year

That show falling off literally saved his life it doesn't look it but that 1 second it took to smell that show was the difference between life and death. That dude is so lucky.

This dude looks like a fucking faggot

Disgusting subhumans

What are the odds of beating a bear with a spear or axe or something?
Basic Weapons humans can make is fair game imo

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i would use the gym's bars as spears with my gymbros and fucking KILL BEAR

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i hate this fucking bugs

Psh yeah okay I would knock that bitch ass bear out with my 12 gauge slug biceps. Get wrecked pooh bear.


>move to wilderness or Balcan country
>aquire bear cub
>raise bear as and with dogs
>socialise and train the shit out of it
>have 600kg of fuzzy meat tank
>saddle and ride
>die from overwhelming sense of accomplishment

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>Having your weapon holstered

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I dont understand your post


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>non-retractable claws

No, you use 9,3 × 62 mm caliber. Pic related it’s the one on the far left, for comparision, from left after 9,3 x 62 they go: .30-06 , 7,92 x 57 mm , 6,5 x 55 , .308 winchester

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Spear if you are strong and have a good and long enough spear

Axe if you are strong man and can time it.

you're a complete fucking retard and your entire family should kill themselves if they're hunting fucking bears with shotguns. I'm not surprised they've raised such a complete fucking dumbass as they themselves are total fucking morons.

a single 00 buck pellet to the dome from up to 30 feet away has enough force to go through a bear's skull like a hot knife in butter and at 30 feet buckshot spreads about 10 inches, unlike that fucking slug.

mind = blown youre arguing something you dont have a fucking clue about. seriously, kill yourself you prepubescent fucktard


If you use caliber with a hunting rifle you can have five of those in the weapon and still no scope a bear at 100 m, 400 with scoope

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you have the reading comprehension of a literal nigger. youre a slav, arent you? youre either a slav or some dumbass teenager.

we arent talking about what is best for hunting bears you fucking dumbass we are talking about what is best for killing a bear that is charging at you 30 feet away. jesus fucking christ the amount of absolute fucking retards on this site is astounding

holy shit you're embarrassing yourself

Sorry didnt really follow I just saw you two discussin which weapon and caliber for a bear, and no matter distance this rifle and that caliber is the best choice.

at 30 feet, a 12 gauge shotgun firing 00 buck has a spread of 10 inches. 9 lethal pellets in a 10 inch group. a semi-auto shotgun will fire 8 shells in 3 seconds by anyone who has shot before

so please tell me how it would be better having a fucking bolt action rifle in CQC when the other guy has flung 72 pieces of lead at you before even put another round in the chamber? you dumb mother fuck, please go ahead and explain

not an argument, and this is an anonymous forum dumbass, you really think I care what some other prepubescent virgin thinks?

My fat diabetic uncle took a bear in a fight and won, it snuck up on him and in shock he fired a crossbow at it, hitting it in the head and scaring it off.

If that fat schmuck can do it anybody can with an actual weapon.

This is embarrassing. Just stop posting.

>Naked pavement ape thinks he can kill a 1t killing machine.
You are ultra retarded and beyond delusional.

1 pellet from 00 buckshot has roughly the same energy as a 9mm on the lighter end, which is absolutely not enough to guarantee safety, and WILL NOT go through a bear’s skull. There’s a reason that bear killing revolvers are magnum chambered calibers you idiot. Stop posting, I doubt you’ve ever held a gun, let alone gone hunting and killed an animal.

Ehm, if they are 10 meters away from you when you notice them chagring you you are dead allready , it would take less than one second for them to reach you because they run at 40-60 km/h.

But you will not find yourself in that situation, you will most likely notice a bear at minimum 30-50 meters, then it close for that kind of rifle because you will be able to aim and fire, and you have five shots and if only one hit the bear is either dead or not a threat.

We use it to kill these, they are 230 cm from ground to the back and weigh 700 kilo.

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Nice, but he didnt kill it, just species mogged him

Of he brought a shotgun with 00 buck he would have killed it

>you really think I care what some other prepubescent virgin thinks
>some other prepubescent virgin
>some other

>a bears skull is stronger than concrete
do you enjoy being a complete fucking moron?

"""""bear killing revolvers""""" hahahahahahaha

a fucking .22 LR will go through bone at 30 yards you dumb mother fucker

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>a cinderblock
>bears have thin skull bones
Done giving (You)s to people who have never fired a gun in their lives

>22 lr
Maybe human bones and light game, not bear or moose, dear possibly.

1/2/3/4 is for 10s. DYEL?

what a complete fucking retard.... look how many fucking dumbasses are ITT, I've counted 4. holy fuck kill yourself

Post proof that you own a gun, let alone have hunted.

You become a freak among men, like big lenny or Andrew Collura.

When will you be in a situation where you first notice a bear charging 10 meters away? You will hear it before then and your field of vision is more than 10 meters, but if you first see it from 10 meter and have your rifle on your back it’s still the best choice if you dont have an insane magnum Gun and is a Quick draw