*unlocks chest development*

*unlocks chest development*

Attached: 1735981237515235.jpg (1000x701, 51.48K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>*unlocks shoulder pain*

*locks elbows at the top*

>unlocks sternum

>shoulder durability 78/100

>red indicates where the pain is felt during the exercise

>gives me shoulder pain instead of bench gains

All this fags with bad form itt

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Shoulder Pain Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Retract Your Scapulae Like Nigga Use Proper Form Haha

it goes away pretty fast. when i first did dips, i felt like a bone broke, 2 week later, tried again, still fucking hurt.
6month later, no more pain doing dips

nice meme. overhead press or bench is way worse on the shoulder.

why is this thread so funny

I started doing dips because I wanted to work on my triceps, but I already do 10x3 bench press reps every workout.
I tried to adjust my form and now I can't feel any strain on my chest anymore.

Am I fucking up for doing it this way? Should I be doing something else for triceps instead? It's working so far.
I got warned my a gymbro that it might affect my shoulders, but so far so good.

>Can now easly do 10x3 with 25lbs added

When will I get wings ffs

I can't even do one dip

>getting wings (aka lats) from dips

My triceps are comically big from getting a home dip stand
Did nothing but dips and watch yugioh for three months

Should I just do X till failure then?

I got wings from doing shoulder presses without leaning onto anything. Meaning I carry the load with my back too.
No clue if that is healthy or normal though.

sounds like a good time to me
must've been living the dream

same I just kept doing them tho, man was I a dumb teen.
I had to grab my chest before every sneeze / cough or it'd hurt like hell

pullups give you wings son

>injures sternum

Incredibly based

triceps vs chest on the dip is all about the angle

what's the correct angle for chest?

head more leaning forward
try a few reps with different angles and you'll see for yourself

So I'm doing ok then.
I could feel it more on my chest when it was angled slightly downwards, meaning my back wasn't straight when dipping. So you bend ever so slightly forward I suppose.


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whenever i try to go more upright for triceps it hits my front delts massively, to the point that they fail well before my tris have had a proper stimulus, advice?

Straight up cannot dip without sternum pain. Feels real bad man.

suck five dicks say 2 hail marys

3 reps with only 25 lbs?

doing on my chairs far apart feels pretty good

How can I practice this if I only have pic related?

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buy parallel dip bars they cost about as much as your bad

Oh shit

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Based gamechanger digits friend

Look, leaning forward does not make THAT much more difference, as if a slight lean forward is the difference between getting a crazy horseshoe IFBB pro level tricep and just a DYEL one.
Unless you are doing them at an insane forward angle approaching 90 degrees where it would be like a maltese press it's going to be very much lower chest and triceps dominant.

>doing dips using 2 barbells
holy fuck, incredibly based

Rings dips are much harder to do than bar.
Unless he's already trained, he'll spend a long time doing negative.

Did it go away? I used to do dips and it was fine. Then it started hurting and it still does after multiple years. When I try dips or sneeze... :(

I don't understand how people can try to engage in romantic relationships when they are not in a state of attractiveness.
My rule of thumb is: Would I fuck me, if I had my tastes but copied to a woman? If no, why would this girl?
T. no fatties

no because your body stops you from going too low

If you get shoulder pain from dips, you've done something very wrong.

>weighted dips

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How much donyou weigh? If you're not a fatass and you still can't do one, support your feet on a bench until you can do 30 that way in one set and then start doing them without a bench. Take your time, you'll get there. If you are a fatass, stop being fat and your dips will get easier. Either way, you'll make it if you really try.

>doesn't buy a free standing dip and pull up rack for $170 on amazon.

Do you even care about your gainz?

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Are you fucking kidding me? It hurts like hell when I sneeze and I never connected these points
>do bodyweight dips for many reps
>no pain besides expected muscle fatigue pain
>do weighted dips for low reps
>no pain at all
>never get sternum pain or weird chest doms or anything
Everything looks fine, could it still be dips causing chest pain when I sneeze? I can clearly feel the pain on the outside, not inside the chest

>weighted pull ups give you wings son
fix'd that for you

No I meant to say 3 set of 10 rep,but in my overall training I will do around 9-10set usually

I love doing inverted dips

you mean hanging rows

Once you overload your serratus you're stenum/rib joint holds the weight. You can easily damage your cartalage this way, me and most of my lifting buddies have had mild forms of this at some point.

If you feel this pain in the sternum, cut some reps off the end of your set because your form is failing. If you feel this pain while sneezing/coughing, take a month off dips and watch a ton of form vids before restarting.

Weighted dips are based/10 and will skyrocket your bench numbers, but it's very easy to fuck up your sternum joint if your form falters

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*gives you permanent sternum pains*
Thank you Yas Forums for recommending these to me.

who mogs who here?

who mogs whom*

Free or $170, which is it huh?

will dips give me steinerism?

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