Im fridge mode now

im fridge mode now
thick stocky dense and powerfull

how will /fit compete now?

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Do you wanna suck my thick, stocky, dense, powerful dick?

Odjebi budaletino

Keep curving wormchad

Post chickens balkan fridge

Guys. What the hell is fridge mode? Having obliques?

still planing on going to the balkans this summer. If you're looking for a nice curved dick to suck, the offer's still up

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Having shoulders as wide as your hips

Is this google translate? Who the fuck speaks like thjs

Admit it. You were gone cause you got hurt.

You know? You always say shit like "I can front raise your squat " but you don't even seem capable of squatting your front raise.

Odjebi pederčino

Odjebi i ti

Not gonna lie, mirin'.
Looking really solid.

Shit, that (You) at the end wasn't meant to be there

Why'd you delete all your videos balkanchad?

What's your height and wingspan Balkanchad?

>how will /fit compete now?
Not well, the annual dick sucking contest isn't for another 4 months.

Post lifts faggot nobody cares about your body

Nasrat všem balkáncům

good job dude

225X0 curl
315X0 overhead press
400X0 row

Is that in kg?

read the post again

km actually

Ok i did. Will you answer my question now?

show us that powerful thick ass balkangigafag

Nobody know which units Balkans use to measure their weights. Probably pieces of old farming equipment or AK-47's or something.

>curling 225 tractors for 0 reps

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opako je na Yas Forumsu ovih dana izgleda.

go suck a cock balkanfag

Did it improve your dick sucking game, homo?

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can't compete with милoшeвић

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who is this?

miss dis lil nigga like you wouldnt believe

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I have his chimp mode and 60 pull ups videos. Can upload them tomorrow.

So you got fat?


K.....keep me posted

looking pretty decent desu mate. too bad you're got autism form and you suck dick on camera
otherwise mirin

no i was gone because i developed severa insomnia i cant get rid of and my work capacity suffered a lot, i turned 19 yesterday and i cut contact with all my friends included girlfriend, i have tendency to mental problems from mother side and i think im developing them, thats why im getting fat, also have severe shin splits from running too much and poor nutrition, im tired, im tired of taking care of my farm my home drinking and doing too much weed i just wanted to motivate you faggors to lift and surpass your limits, my body started ro break apart at this point

but i will make it

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Sending positives from Romania, girl!!!

Based gigafag

Kolko kila si we, pedal?

Dear Balkan Demonchad
I do not agree with your form.
But I agree with your fire.
Keep burning, Demonchad. Find peace, find sleep, rest well and train hard. And then teach us what it is like to be mogged again.

i dont need your pity faggot my mom died at 23 of cancer and had mental problems at that point it was almost obvious i was going to develop them at some point addin i had a stressing childhood and teen years it accelerated the process, my uncle told me to prepare to die young thats why i lifted like a madman as much as i could, i didnt make any record and my name may not be remembered by anyone but some fatnerds on Yas Forums but at least i did my best fuckes hot chick did some drug and banged some slut im fine with that i will not see my name on a golden medal.or in the football field but at least i cheat curled your bench

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You should die with her

Stay mad Chris


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hello balkanchad, i love your vids and it motivated me to 'lift' , could you give me some sleekchris for my mouth form? thanks xoxo:

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Dont give up big fag bro, I believe in you

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Mogchimp is coming for ur spot balkan, just a few more months before I hit my goal weight and mog the ever loving fuck out of you... u mad?

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Maybe if you didn't lift like a faggot and suck cock


You should have just admitted defeat. Sick of seeing you on here larping.

You deserve to suffer you fucking faggot.

lol faggot

Finally a post that makes you seem like a real person
Keep going balkanbrah you will make it

Nice Lips bro. Real Nice...


Lol why even try and lie? Everyone has seen the evidence that you are a raging faggit

looking solid and thick

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How do I go from cooler to fridge unit?

Under your insufferable persona and the alleged dicksucking, deep down I can sense a gentle soul.
I lost my parents when I was young and I know it's tough. The temptation to do stupid shit will loom over you forever because you got a lot of shit to cope with. Avoid alcohol and drugs at all costs, and best of luck.