/fraud/ - 8" arms edition

/fraud/ - enhanced lifting but without the food or the lifting

Read all of reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index before asking your absolutely retarded questions. no exceptions.

If you must ask your absolutely retarded questions, include your age, height, weight, bodyfat percentage, and time spent training as a preface.

No, we cannot tell you how to dose your AI.

Oral only cycles are retarded and you're a retard for considering them.


Attached: umirinbrah.png (686x616, 627.77K)

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Anyone have any experience with taking 1.5g test e / wk?

What would a pinning schedule for such a cycle look like? Would you pin every day or would you pin 3ml E3D?

why would you go so high on test?

500mg/wk is good for making gains. It's good to achieve a nice fitnesss model look. but that's not really what my goal is. my goal is to get fucking huge. to get huge, you gotta do like 1.5g-2g total roids. test is one of the safest and healthiest steroids since it's bioidentical to hormones your body already produces.

To get huge you need to be a good responder to aas otherwise stick to the lean aesthetic fag look

how do you know if you've never tried it?

What is that guy trying to do?

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natty troll confirmed
believe me i used to type like this to try and get some keks, end up succumbing to injecting superior anabolics like a fuckin man

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why are oral only cycles retarded?

If it's test e, it's a long lasting ester as opposed to test acetate meaning you would only need to pin 2 or 3 times a week

Test A - everyday
Test E - every few days

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you need a test base. it means you need to fuckin inject test along with whatever your fuckin doin

Because they will shut down natural test production

Yeah, you only pin test e every 3-4 days, I get that. What I am asking is, if doing a 1.5g/wk cycle, would it be better to spread out the injections everyday of the week or would it be better to inject 3ml test e 250 every 3 days? I've never injected that much volume into a muscle all at once.

dis niqqa natty?

he said he's natty and he's obviously a high bf%. without knowing how long he's been training or any other stats, it may be possible he's natty. he may also consider TRT natty. he may also have done some cycles in the past but is now on TRT an considers himself natty. he could be fucking blasting right now. all are possible.

Is injecting the only possible way? as in if you consume it it will be wasted/destroyed by your system?
as opposed to pinning test?

he's pretty ripped now.

there is no oral test
dont worry so much about injecting
with 25g needles u feel nothing when u hit glutes

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I'm not worried about, I'm not even considering it I'm just curious. thanks tho

Is taking winstrol considere hrt?

leave and never come back

no because no doc is gonna prescribe winstrol

just inject lmao
being natty is a waste of time
the only time being natty is good when ur just starting out, getting your powerful newbie gains, learning lifts and diets
after 6 months watch everything grind to a halt

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post physiques DYELs

Attached: 02-09-2020.jpg (553x468, 28.36K)

he's got cystic fibrosis and he's trying to bulk up.

I... wouldn't say ripped instagram.com/wellsy351/

>6'2, 205, 13% BF
Starting a SARMs stack in a couple days. Ostarine, cardarine, and clenbuterol (yes I'm aware clen is not a sarm). Should I add in T3? The goal is 6-8% BF by June with as little muscle loss as possible.

>(yes I'm aware clen is not a sarm).
and neither is cardarine m8

t3 will cause muscle loss especially in natties
throw in 200mg test and for the last few weeks 20mg anavar

sell me some test then

Is it worth it to do one cycle to speed up my progress to the natty limit? I had to take some serious time off the gym due to an injury and I dont want to have to go through all that bullshit again.

5'10, 165, 10%, 4 years training previously

3mL is no problem in quads or VG, and I'm a small boi (5'11" 190). That said, I think running more than a gram of test is dumb, stack deca and/or eq instead for the synergy (unless you have a good reason not to).

thanks. actually didn't know that

so add t3 and test?

just test, don't fw t3 unless you really don't mind losing a bit of strength and size

I already have gyno, will steroids make it worse?

not necessarily, no. you will need to monitor your gyno and have AI and raloxifene on hand just in case though. I also had pubertal gyno before starting roids and it never got any worse or better. Actually added muscle mass and lower bf% does make the gyno less noticeable or rather, I'm less bothered by it.

how much should i pay for illegal steroids?
how much do i need for 1 cycle?


Best way for me to get a girl like this to marry me? Buy all of her drugs for her at zero cost outside of sex.

Attached: Screenshot 2020-03-08 14.39.09.png (1920x1080, 1.52M)

Getting girls to like you isn't like one of your h-game visual novels. You can't just buy them gifts and watch their affection meter go up. You have to meet them organically and you have to be natural and not weird and escalation an acquaintanceship to a romantic relationship. These muscle girls are just people, user. Just talk to them in the gym like you would any gym bros... unless you're a robot autist in which case just give up and fap to 2D

>Oral only cycles are retarded and you're a retard for considering them
Hmmh retard oral only cycles are what olympic athletes use to break records

>You have to meet them organically

How do I do this without coming off and a creepy stalker / rapist?

>These muscle girls are just people, user.

I have been so de-socialized it's hard to talk to anyone, especially females.

> Just talk to them in the gym like you would any gym bros... unless you're a robot autist in which case just give up and fap to 2D

Not only have I meet them, I've had sex with them. I'm kinda of a chubby guy and I get riddin into oblivion by them, their huge veiny muscular hands giving me hand jobs. I'm pretty sore after they sit on me and play around with me. It's just I've never had a "relationship" with one. Very business like sex we have, some holding and cuddling after.

Yas Forums Big PeePee Stack user here. Sorry I haven’t posted for a while. I just finished 6 weeks of 1500iu HCG 3x week. Penis gained 1.25” of length and 1” of girth. Starting to feel pretty emotional and weird at week 6, so stopping for now. AMA.


You gotta be trolling LUL

Thoughts on the Arnold Classic winner?

Posted this yesterday but fell asleep

I work on a ship and do 10 weeks at home 10 weeks on the ship.

Any cycles for a first timer that could be done in that time? I was thinking 6-8 weeks of prop/+oral.

Don't really want to be taking pct when I'm on the ship, although I could. Just hope that it doesn't show up on a drugs test or get confiscated during transit somewhere. Ideally I'd like to do cycle and pct within the 10 weeks I'm at home, but from looking it just seems on the cusp. Especially for a first cycle where they tend to be longer.

Replying to I can work out on the ship, it's actually a decent gym on there. However with work scheduling and duty hours / the unknown. I'd rather not be having to pin or take pills. It's more about getting them on the ship. We have security and regularly get boarded by customs for searches so don't wanna risk having vials on me.


Either I am retarded, or you are triply retarded:
>6-8 week cycle at home
>Plus 4 weeks of coming off / PCT
>Only home for 10 weeks
>No drugs of any kind on ship, ideally
Your math just does not add up, which is why no one has responded to you

Like I said, an ideal one would be 6 weeks + 4 weeks pct. Then I'd be all good for going back.

If I need to take PCT on the ship, that's alright. I could just put the pills in a paracetamol box or something. If I needed HCG, I'd rather get that out of the way before joining.

Why no source talk? I learned where to get my shit from here. Fuck off

Do you inject into your peepee? How big were you at the beginning of this experiment? 1" of girth is huge...

Where can. I get the shit

Eroids dot com
Sue me OP.

Sub q, stomach. I was 5.5” long and 5” girth. I’m a blackanon, so I’ve been desperate to add size. Girls are always visibly disappointed when they see me.

So now you're at 6" girth? I am jelly.

How old are you?

hung black dudes are alot like hung twinks.
They all got long dicks until they gain weight above skeleton level. Then they average, also blacks bottoms are into raceplay which is sick

Just under 6, but yeah it’s nice.

I’m 28.

based as fuck
Thank you

Interesting, thanks. Let us know if the gains stay or fade.

How much does a cycle. Of steroid cost

Average is about $1,150 per month.