How am i supposed to compete with them?

How am i supposed to compete with them?

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made for bbw


put on a uniform and play on different team in their league??

They remind me of the skid mark jocks from LetterKenny



You don't

i dont wanna compete with them i wanna get assfucked by them

Another question: why do you NEED to compete with them?

>needing protective equipment

because i want to have sex with hot girls?

If you are above 18 and still at the "want" stage, I've got bad news for you.

Why does them existing prevent you from having sex with hot girls? Sounds like a ‘you’ problem man

You don't. Just bend your ass and take it.


This, and ultimately give them a career ending injury.

play for a better team.

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Ok listen I'm the most average man (5'11, average peen, average bone structure) on planet earf and I've been thinking this through for a long time.

1) get reasonably jacked
2) some kind of combat sport... Bros respect this automatically
3) military. I'm a lieutenant in the army. Bros respect this automatically too
4) get rich. I'm working on a PhD in engineering rn. Let's hope it works for the dough, although I'm in a good place and have good mentors so I'm optimistic.
5) be funny and interesting. Bros respect this too
6) date asian chicks because guys you can find ones that are objectively attractive and these bros are somehow less interested

Literally every single one of those fags was a benchwarmer who didn't play a single minute, stop idolizing retards.

You're not. Ever heard of the term "staying in your lane"?

By atleast fucking trying you sack of pathetic shit.


>date asian chicks

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You’re not. You take the girls they don’t want.

Why do you think you deserve to have sex with hot girls if you're not hot yourself?
If you're ugly and out of shape, which you obviously are or else you wouldn't be making threads like this, then you're fishing from a very pool and not competing with these guys at all.

> military
> respect

by becoming something greater.

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Military service does not make an unrespectable man respectable. But if you're reasonably jacked and reasonably handsome and in the south (I'm from Texas) it can make a good man appear even better

97 number real attractive boy

dont recognize these guys. did they actually play for usc?

These guys are twinks, abs to cum on. Bitch ass niggas.

These guys were the laughingstock of the team, no?

i wanna compete with you for getting assfucked by them

What’s your sport then? I can’t wait to make you look like a retard if you say rugby

>asian chicks
Please stop

I am a man of the times

>white twinks
>USC unis
There's no way these retards are stepping foot on the field.

Just take wrestling, you don't have to be big since you fight people your size.

97 is my idea of making it

Pants are squeaky clean. They don’t even compete

These guys are in their 30s now.


yep, this is a pill OP will learn to swallow as he gets older. If you want to fuck a hot girl that's chad level, and you aren't a chad, then you need either money or social status. Those are pretty much your only options if you're ugly.

The good news is both money and social status can be acquired at any age, and yes you can fuck an 18 year old in your 40s. If that's the route you want to take it's probably a good idea to move to southern California or Miami, because the "sugar daddy" thing is very real there


god i want a bf

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Both technically and actually true

Not once did he say he 'deserves' it. Every man wants to fuck hot girls you autist

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you can beat them in terms of physique and social skill, but in terms of raw sex appeal you'll never beat them.

You can "want" it until you're blue in the face. Doesn't mean you're going to get it especially when you're not willing to work for it.
If you don't get that, the autist is you.

By not going to USC. Awful school that inflates it’s test scores and accepts bribes. Also, it’s football program has been caught cheating multiple times, resulting in their only national title being stripped.

>date asian chicks

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While Norte Dame is a better team than USC, why not play for an actual good team?

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By being white

>perfect hair

This board is so fucking gay.
>How do I compete with attractive people wahhhh i want my dick sucked by wahmen wahhhhhhh coomy zoomy coom boomer
Just go lift some weights and blast some tren faggot

fucking usc fucking shits



on the field playing american football faggot

>tfw more hairy than this homo

Graduate high school and get a fucking life but it looks like you’re already failing so you might as well kill yourself