God fuck im so bored, my city is so small there's nothin to do here just 10k people

god fuck im so bored, my city is so small there's nothin to do here just 10k people
the only thing to do really is martial arts and gymming a fuck ton but even that can only be done a few times a week so i just sit on my PC browsing
is running a fun hobby that can be done for many hours? or cycling with a bike in butt fuck knows nowhere? the weather is a bit too boring to bike around but once summer comes i will.
is swimming in the sea good cardio btw?

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get some friends nigger

i cant get any on this shitty place, everyone has their cliques, nobody interacts with anyone outside their group, meetups do not exist, courses for languages is filled with people, people that are over 60!
the question to be frank isn't about getting, it's easy to be likeable and become a friend, but to find anyone my age is impossible! everyone is either at work, home or university, it's only old people out on the streets.

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Where you at bro you sound like you live where i do

I am from an island with only 1000 people, maybe 1/4 of that in my village. It's a tourist destination in the summer so the count rises a little bit but it can still be boring. The only fun I've had is when I was bartending, meeting people and flirting with girls and I swear those were the most fun times in my life. I have now moved to a city of a couple of million. Even though I am now constantly surrounded by people I have never been more bored in my life. The point is - wherever you go the shit is pretty much the same lad it's mostly what you make of it so keep working out, get friends to cycle with/workout (it's a bit harder in smaller places though) but if you cant do that you can always start going to bars and you can meet people that way.

Tl;dr read it you lazy cunts it's good advice

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Ya I live in a bigger area and I still have no idea where to meet young people besides the mall.

I'm really starting to get too lonely.

Hey bro chill out. I live in luxembourg and its dead as fuck too. All my high school friends left for uni and im the only one who stayed here to study. It gives you time to lift and study so you can party harder in the summer. Thats how im trying to look at it. Maybe i will change my uni tho im sick of not meeting any girls and people in general

fuck off with your trite bullshit image cunt

Let me repeat myself if you're lonely and cant find friends (i kniw very well about cliques and how shitty they can be) you HAVE to go to social places/activities/jobs. It can take time but as long as you're not a sperg you'll find people to hang out with. BUT - keep in mind friends are temporary, you'll have good times with them but one day you'll either find someone better or get stabbed in the back by them. You can't do anything about it it's a circle of life, everyone wants something and most of the people are being friends with you because of that. The amount of time I had people hanging out with me to steal my girl, appear they're in a cool clique so they feel more important than they are, etc. is way too high. So keep focusing on yourself and your goals because if you put that high of a value on friends dude when you find someone your emotions will skyrocket and the only thing you'll think about is hanging out and time will pass you by. Not to mention you'll be devastated when they leave/fuck you over and go into a self destructing spree for a couple of months. (Might be projecting a bit but that's how it usually goes for everyone that's socially starved)
Remember to keep you as the number 1

I'd be fine with being lonely if there was stuff to do around here, like muay thai, boxing or anything. But it doesn't exist here, yet. When it comes to working on myself i'm at the moment filling out time with knitting and carving wood, not exactly entertaining but it is fairly relaxing.
I'll go fish this summer, swim and bike around with no destination in sight, just enjoying the speed and the wind in the hair. I look forward to it

How are you supposed to make friends if the ones you do have don't know anybody and hate going out?

really based advice. fortunately i don't become attached to friends at all, but i can definitely relate to the self-destruction when a romantic relationship goes to shit

He doesn't care. OP just wants to capitulate and not improve his situation

meetup groups, work, gym classes. i've found temporary friends in all of these settings but ultimately it doesn't work out. in my experience the vast majority of lifelong friendships are formed in school/college, and anything that occurs afterwards is fleeting

Which island mofo? Do you know if there is a proper gym on Fanø? I visit there often, and I only found some 'health center'... I suspect there is some underground gym somewhere..

>not traveling with your own barbell and weights

What about a girlfriends, I mostly just want to have a bigger circle so I can meet a decent girl.

Do you have a satisfying job? I dont know how old you are but personally what gives my life purpose is money(not a jew btw but I want to build a better life for myself). Hobbies are great and all but you need a long term dream to keep you occupied. Imo with money comes social status and more self respect. Ofc you can do other things to attain that in life but for me having money(being an owner of your own businesses, investing) makes you resistant to people bullshit unlike other careers (ex. Politics, corporate ladder).

You already know what has to be done man, dont question how you feel about them. If your friends dont like going out with you and doing shit are they really friends or just people you know? Slowly phase them out and meet new people imo

I've known them forever, they mostly just don't go out in general but we talk all the time.

It just sucks because they can't help me meet anyone.

langeland, i dunno about gyms i just gym in my uncles garage, has all equipment i need.
im a neet at the moment, im waiting to apply to a few schools and see if i get in, i wanna study and learn before i start working. 21 btw

Most of the time I am travelling with your mom, and she gives a tough enough workout.

oh shit, my sympathies.

same, and in my experience the only place i've made long-term girlfriends is work. you'll see people slate this with dumb sayings like "don't shit where you eat", but the kind of faggot that equates dating with shitting is mentally deranged
obviously depends on your work environment, but the good thing about it (for me at least) is that it's a setting where you can bump into them occasionally and build up rapport gradually over time, see if you have anything in common and if so, eventually see about doing it together (e.g. hiking, yoga class, acting classes, concerts, etc)
with my first girlfriend, we'd been talking for a while and on one occasion she was talking about her favourite movie, so i said we should watch it together. then she brought the dvd round to my house and the rest is history
in my experience, you won't connect with many women. maybe 1 in 50, maybe in 100. but just be friendly and eventually you might get lucky

That's hot

If you're odds are 1 in 50 you might as well cold approach or use tinder? Besides I don't work with women and when I did they were all over 25 and getting fat, fuck that.

Ok let me rephrase this. If you know they'll be there for you and you'll be there for them (up to a point) keep them around but dont waste too much time on them. Real friends go out with you and make memories. You need physical friends, just talking over the internet isnt enough.

I am aware, that's how people work man. Everyone is a bit scared to try new things, you cant force people to do the right thing for themselves because they will lash back and stop trying at all. They dont have the experience required so fear of failure is a factor that usually fucks us up. I'm writing this so he remembers this thread when he actually gets in this situation and doesnt stop trying after he gets fucked over by people because of his social inexperience. Keep trying, there are good people out there and remember every relationship is give and take. Most of the people are going to try to use you at first and thats all right, let them. Up to a point of course, if they do something thats too much for you tell them to fuck off.

Now this is from my personal experience but all we've ever been taught about girls is a lie/illusion being kept up by them. There are good girls out there but most of them have a set amount of standards and go for guys that their social circle deems worthy. Imo all girls are sluts etc. I'll write a seperate post about them if you want but most of this shit is really hard to put into words so it takes time. Basically dont believe in fairy tales of romance and till death do us part because women are basically children throwing tantrums when things dont go their way because they dont know better and had stuff served to them on a silver plate all their life.

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I can't help it, I want to fall in love with a girl and stay with her, but there are so few worth it.

That literal aspie is more expressive than me.

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Now this is going to sound generic but you've got to think outside of the box. We've all been taught about the way "stuff is supposed to work". Go to school, have a group of friends, school is going to get you a good job and you'll find a girl to have family with and have a good life. What these primitive shitheads forget to tell you is that life is a competition and there are a billion of other people doing the same shit as you are. So how many business do you think there are out there that will gladly pay a graduate with no experience a high salary? Or let me rephrase this - businesses are there to make money for the owner who is trying to make as much as he can while paying you the least amount of possible money. I literally fucking laugh when people tell me they make like 50k a year thinking they are important. Now imagine how much his boss is getting out of that guy. Same logic can be applied to higher salaries but most of the people that earn more are either highly irreplaceable or have a business themselves. Sorry got carried away but basically what I want you to understand that you should go to school and work at the same time so you can get experience on how things work for later, how much your boss is going to try to fuck you over and how much your coworkers want to see you fail. Go to a nice bar(not restaurant they are fucking boring to work at) and tell them you want to learn. I'd highly recommend any of you spregs out there to be a waiter just so you can learn how to be a social person.

nobody has ever touched me like that god i feel like crying i havent had a hug since 2016

>mo all girls are sluts etc. I'll write a seperate post about them if you want
not him but yes please, i keep falling in love with new girls despite being fucked over before. i need a reality check

I-I'd hug you user

Look what I'm trying to say is no matter what you read, what people say to you it wont matter until you go through it yourself. The best possible way for you to realise this shit is to get a gf. To have the most beautiful time of your life where she cuddles with you, promises she will love you forever, scrath your hair when you lay down, kiss you and hug you on the streets etc. You'll feel like youre in heaven, you'll want to give your life for her and make sure she never feels bad etc. And then one day the love of your life will go out with her girls and not come home. She will chest on you and hope you never find out. You wont even think of it at first and she will realise if you didnt find out the first time she can probably keep doing it. She will become more distant and you will think it was something you did that made her lile that. You will cry like a bitch, you will hate the world, your self esteem will plummet to 0 and why? Was it your fault? Nah man, she just got bored, she just wanted the extra dick and now that her focus shifted from you nothing will bring her back. And the problem is she will cuck you and even if you find out she will continue to deny it and tell you she loves you. Staying with her will be heartbreaking and leaving her will be heartbreaking. But ofc man you need to leave because you are not a pussy, it's just the emotions messing with your head.

Now I got carried away(this isnt the exact situation that happened to me but its usually how it goes). Basically you need to try it out for yourself but above is the worst case scenario. Just be aware that it can happen or smtn. I think you get the point - be careful with women and dont put them on a pedestal because they are people too fickle and backstabbing as all of us but the difference is a guy will tell you when its done, they can keep milking you until you have nothing left if they want to and most of them will just because they can. Also dont chase after women desu


Holy fuck and I thought I was cynical... geez.

Either way I would never cheat or backstab so why are you sure women will?

Also I need to actually meet one first.


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That means you're stong dude. If a little bitch of a person who had hugs every single day of their life didnt have a hug for a month theyd probably check themselves in a mental hospital. Most of the people today are way too spoiled hedonistic bitches. Life isnt as exciting in the movies. You have moment in your life when you feel so alive and complete and moment where you think nothing matters at all. It's just part of the process.

Basically the post above but they are the same as you with their dreams and independance etc. The only reason is they live for social status and the worst thing you can do to a girl is make her an outcast because everything she ever believed in will become irrelevant. Theres a reason why you hear about them backstabbing each other one day and being best friends the other. It's just unimaginable to us guys. They will cover for each other and form a circlejerk cliques echoing same retarded opinions day after day. I dunno man zI'm personally tired of their shit. Also the guys that put up with it to get pussy and throw under the bus just to be a part of their little group are hollow husks of a human being and they deserve everything that comes to them for acting like that. Remember that you have the power to form your own group and make the life as you want it to be. Dont be someones bitch

I'm an optimist man but this is basically what they(and basically everyone) is capable of but I find most of the girls to be a loaded gun. I'm not saying every girl nor a guy is like that. There are wonderful people on this world but there are more people that will do that to you. Give everyone a chance, you wont lose anything by doing that but remember to be prepared for the worst.

Good advice nig

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Good advice. You need to go through it yourself to actually understand how much women can hurt you. Like user said the will make you feel like you are the happiest man walking this world. The feeling of comfort is what will bring your end. The moment a relationship becomes stable women start finding it boring and turn elsewhere. Kinda sad. Unlike what they say they dont want you to express your fears and worries. They will leave you the moment they see you are going through and actual rough time, at least thats what happened to me

Quit whining. There's a bridge to the mainland. Get a fucking scooter or move.


ouch that's so accurate it hurts

why is everyone so lonely anyway

You need a creative hobby to round out your existence. You've got exercising down which is great but you should take up something like wood carving or painting, music , whatever. Or move.

Your English goes to show how fucked American schooling is. I learned Spanish for 6 yrs. Can't shit, and here you are using English slang and shit damn

You could run a chain from the sprocket onto a dildo where the seat used to be. That would spice things up for about 30 seconds.

>all girls are sluts
This what beta heathens truly believe. Get out of the house incel.

Check out longboarding. Also mountain biking.

Hope she reads this, bro.

What did it say?

I will never be as happy as that literal retard is because of what is assumably a message made of baked goods.
Fuck me.

ignore the other one, this shit is exactly what I needed, thanks

Move to my city and I'll stop by to hug you every day, I promise.

>is running a fun hobby that can be done for many hours?
Sure, I used to do that to pass the time.
The problem with it is you get shin splints if you do it too much, so you should mix if with cycling.

they're called simpletons for a reason user. why exactly would you think being more intelligent than him would equate to being more happy? in reality, the opposite is true

I know, that's the issue. Why couldn't I have been born a tard, so I could be a happy NEET?

what the fuck is this webm??? Is the hot chcik pranking the guy? Lmao he fell for it, probably got bullied for the rest of his life and commited suicide. Vrgin ass loser . Based stacey slooth

that would be the dream life, but we can't all win the genetic lottery user; some of us have to keep the world running smoothly so that the tards can enjoy their lives.

spoiler: she fucked him and was impregnated with a mongbaby. and your cuck ass is paying for it through taxes. rekt

Idk man. learn an internet skill

The girl pretended to like him to get a reaction for the camera.
He may have been happy for 10 seconds before he realized she wanted nothing to do with him.


w-what's the cake say?
are they gonna do a race-mix?

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