There are people on here RIGHT NOW who said yesterday that the reddit fag licis or young twink mateusz could take out Thor.
What's your excuse, faggots? The outcome was obvious and he didn't even have to try hard.
Thor Wins, Cucks Seethe
Thor is in Top Form and will be for the next 5 years
Martins was in Top Form last year, but is struggling atm, he can bounce back if he focuses again
Mateusz hasn't peaked yet, but it seems like he has more potential than all the other guys.
Overall, with 2020, the Reign™ of Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson begins
>What's your excuse, faggots?
Lost 4 out of 6 events to the same guy. Also dropped the implement that was impossible to drop.
>Overall, with 2020, the Reign™ of Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson begins
He's been winning for years, user.
The current crop of ''''strong''''men is sad. There's a fairy manlet in the top 10 ffs
>What’s your excuse?
I lift for aesthetics
I know, but, correct me if I'm wrong, never with such a force that other strongmen said: holy fuck how the hell does he do it with such ez (Throwing/Deadlifts for example)
He actually dominated harder in other years, seemed to have grip issues after deadlifting.
It went exactly as I expected it to. Mateusz was really strong on the first day, but you could see that he was giving it his all while Thor was trying to not exhaust himself. You could immediately see that Martins Licis wouldn't beat Mateusz.
I like all three of these guys and the rankings sound about right.
What I really disliked about the competition was that there's some lispy faggot numale with blue hair competing. What the fuck was that?
He's a literal faggot.
How does it feel that a literal faggot is stronger than you, and will be stronger than you ever hope to be?
I don't care how strong he is, I want these sub-humans gassed.
Imo Kiels will never be the top guy. By the time his DL gets up to where it needs to be Tom Stoltman will overtake him. His only chance would be if Tom continues to bypass the Arnold's or regresses/gets hurt. Literal weaponised Autism, best in the world at stones, strong DL, good speed, and actually beat Thor in a keg over bar event.
>Lost 4 out of 6 events to the same guy
Tbh he lost the final event because he didn't need to win. He secured the points he needed then went for the record for the banter. If needed I'm fairly sure he could've won the event.
>What I really disliked about the competition was that there's some lispy faggot numale with blue hair competing. What the fuck was that?
Why do you care? You seem unreasonably triggered.
So if that subhuman mogs you, then what are you? Youre lirerally below a subhuman lmao.
Nice logic, tranny
It's the normal response for people who aren't mentally ill
You sound bitter that a man who literally takes it up the ass is more fit and stronger than you.
Why does this upset you so much?
Here's a picture of you
Someone mentioning that there was some weirdo freak competing upsets you enough to become his white knight and post some stupid strawmen about how someone cares how much he can lift, like anyone mentioned it.
>the normal response to a gay person existing in your vicinity is to get triggered
lol ok snowflake
I just want to understand how much it makes him seethe that someone who had had anothet mans cum on his face is more of a man than he'll ever be. You clearly care. You hate it.
It clearly upsets him, and upsets you too. It's pretty sad mate.
here's a picture of you
High chance it's literally one of the people in this picture.
>Yas Forums strong men, one of which competed at one of the most important competitions in his sport
>vs fat larping incels who probably couldnt run a mile
Wow. Man you really showed him!
Can't wait until they die from AIDS.
Not him but I honest to God hope you get anal cancer and die a painful death.
Fuck you, fuck Rob, and fuck faggots.
HIV is entirely managable with modern medicine. It's pretty much a nonissue nowadays if you live in a first world country.
How does that make you feel? Even if they have AIDS, it won't kill them. It won't do shit to them. The one thing you used to be able to hang your hat on to kill faga doesn't work anymore.
You'll die from complications related to your obesity before they die from AIDS
All I care about is when he will finally break the 501kg deadlift
Yeah, so go around spreading willfully, get people pozzed you absolute subhuman faggot. Your day is coming.
You sure showed me. Faggots are now carrying AIDS and spreading it without dying. Fucking owned. I can't recover from this.
Skip McDonalds today and eat a salad today. Maybe go on a walk too. Maybe you'll outlive the average faggot if you do that for more than a few days
"Fast food < semen"
t. Mentally ill subhuman
only retards thought licis or even mateusz were in any shape to beat Thor
Yeah user, to have AIDS you have to fuck first so you are safe.
You retarded ''epic burn XD'' canned replies would work better if AIDS was just sexually transmitted. Faggots can spread AIDS to anyone in these competitions where people scrape their knees and palms all over the weights.
I love how the insane faggot can't just ignore that someone mentioned that there was a weird numale in the competition, he has to bring up that he is gay, has to be a white knight for the mentally ill gay man, he has to talk about cum and how straight people are BTFO epic style by fags who lifts and he has to defend AIDS. All because someone says ''there was a weird faggot numale with a lips, what the fuck was that?''
Its because fags mogging the shit out of fat homophobes like you make you seethe. It exposes your complete insecurities that a dude like that is more of a man than you'll ever be.
You are mentally ill. Kill yourself.
Don't cry so much queen, you are prettier when you smile
And it isn't mentally ill to be so upset someone who doesnt like girls outlifts him?
I mean can you imagine caring THIS MUCH about the sexual preference of someone he will nevet meet?
All this talk of homophobia reminds me of myself, I wememba when i was worried about getting "caught up", so I subterfuged and y'kno kept alot hidden, then I tried it, didnt like it, and accepted it
>By the time his DL gets up to where it needs to be
doubt it senpai he has back problem, thats why his deadlift is bad.
Probably the strongest manlet in the world
for someone who talks about HIV and AIDS a lot you don't have any understanding or what it actually is or what modern medical treatment of it is
if you want to have a strong opinion you should at least do some ground level research
Sorry i am not a degenerate who wants to bother understanding your fag death disease. Go back to bed, queer, tyrone is waiting
he literally lost 4 out of 6 events, what is he dominating besides deadlift again?
Thor wins but it is this cunt that I'll be remembering. Watching him was a real treat.
i'm not a homosexual i am a medical student
if you want to have a strong opinion on something you owe to yourself to at least have a basic understanding of it to avoid looking like an idiot when you go on emotional tirades
bag over bar
no one was even close
Dumb faggot. You'll get the rope too for enabling their faggot lifestyle with your jew medicine
Consistency man
Hey queen you still here? Are you alright? You seem too concerned with this topic you should get some help
>muh day of the rope
>jewish medicine
Larping as a crusader on Yas Forums isnt healthy
Here's another fag
what a legend and an inspiration. 'The sheer fucking will'
It was known to anyone who actually follows strongman. Mateusz just loses too many points on deadlift event to make it up and win against consistent Hafthor.
they should give him a special prize for the effort
He’s not gay though???
reminder that Kieliszkowski doesnt count his calories and trains in a literal barn
fit absolutely btfo
He's fairly young, he can still raise it. Not to Thor/JF/JP levels but another 30kg will work wonders for him as damage control.