QTDDTOT - Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

Don't disappoint him edition.

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should i be resting between warm up sets?
also is gungko balboa a meme or is it worth picking some up

If I have 3 different exercises that involve different muscle groups, is there any drawbacks to doing a set of each then resting until I'm not winded, as opposed to ex1 set1->rest->ex1 set2->rest etc? Cause it really saves time.

How do I cope with a breakup?
Its affecting my health

You know how there's those DYEL guys that when they try to lift just keep hurting themselves over and over?
Well this guy mentions in this video that when fit non-climber guys start to climb there's usually a wall they hit where they injure themselves because they had the muscle strength but not the tendon strength and after that injury they'll probably make proper climbing gains:
So is the difference between Chad and "virgin self-improver" (using the terms loosely) that Chad accrued tendon strength from a childhood and early adolescence of climbing trees and playing sports?
If so what if the key for incels would not be "starting strength" but "starting tendon strength?"
>you can do both by just lifting
Yeah but what if a guy with a sedentary background began with a year or two of tendon-focused work? Could he possibly see more gains in his first five years of training by way of not fucking his shit every month?

not if you don't need to, are you in a hurry somewhere?

Nazis got theirs

can i do starting strength every day or am i not giving the muscles enough time to heal? squats is the only lift i do every day, iswitch between a and b every day and do extra bench and ohp sets ive been doing this for 3 weeks now
squat 60lb
bench 44lb
deadlift 90lb

squat 60lb
ohp 36lb
rows 36lb

weight 132lb


what am i doing wrong?

>barely horny
>lay down in bed
>incredibly horny
What is this?

sometimes i wake up really horny now and can't seem to get out of bed without jerking it. i never used to do that much since wake up faps don't usually feel as good but i found if you're just laying there thinking about it for a good 40 minutes it ends up pretty okay.

Yea exactly, fuck all those people living in Dresden, they really deserved to be fire bombed

If the peace and quiet of your room your mind is free to wander, and it wanders to sex.

I was doing tricep kickbacks (15x3 at 10kgs) a few days ago and noticed a pain in my left wrist. I stopped the exercises and did some other stuff without problem. A few hours later both wrists felt very stiff and painful. It is now day 4 of this and the pain as only slightly subsided. I can use my wrists fine and haven't lost much mobility, but rotating them outwards from a neutral position is fucking painful, like carpal tunnel syndrome, in the area in the picture. What did I do to myself and how do I fix this?

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He's making fun of the low numbers, dont mind him. It's important to get rest, just do it like it says in the program and be persistent, your numbers will go up. Good that you moved your ass and started lifting, you're gonna make it!

wrist tendonitis probably, happened to me but barbell curls
seriously lay off your wrists for a couple weeks or you'll fuck it for even longer

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Has anyone tried a full body "split"? I've gone back to full body and while I'm making better gains overall, upper body lifts have gone down a bit since on a split they were on different days.
So I was thinking I could get the "full body effect" by doing something like a 6 day split of Chest/Squats, Back/RDL, Shoulder/Deads repeat with Bis, Tris, whatever thrown in.

>lay off your wrists for a couple weeks
FUCK. Well, I guess my legs needed work anyway. Thanks, user.

What is the use of Magnesium supplements? Are they worth it if I'm doing BJJ and lifting?


You can rest for as long as you like user, if you want to wait an hour between sets then that's okay.

I work about 20hrs a week in a warehouse and lately I've been getting some pretty painful spasms in the middle of my back (lower thoracic region). Would liken it a jolt of electricity when I bend over sometimes, so I'm assuming it's nerve pain.

What should I do about this? I try to maintain a neutral back at work but this shit still happens semi-regularly and makes me want to avoid compound exercises at the gym involving my back.

I know I could see a doctor, but then they'll refer me to a physio which I cannot afford.

Quit your job and study to be a physio.

If it feel like electricity its probably nerve pain, start dead hanging. If you're lucky its a disc slightly slipped and will heal if given the room to do so.
Otherwise you're fucked, gg wp

You can do them every day on steroids.
Also you're clearly doing STRONGLIFTS not STARTING STRENGTH

Don't go past 5 sets, focus more on lowering and raising the weight to get maximum contraction time for each lift.

Need an opinion of a workout routine. I'm currently on a clean cut to eliminate bodyfat.

Incline walking morning & arvo w/ ab work

Incline walking morning
Full body in the arvo w/ HIIT on the Airdyne

Incline walking morning
Nothing in the arvo due to Uni

Incline walking arvo
Nothing in the morning caause I work at 6:30am

Incline walking morning
Full body in the arvo with HIIT on the Battle Rope

Incline walking morning & arvo with some ab work

Incline walking morning
Full body arvo w/ some ab work

My goal is mainly to lose weight/fat next post will be what I usually eat

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>dead hanging
Will start doing these. I find it interesting because I only ever have the spasms at work. I've been doing stronglifts for a couple of months and have never had an issue on squats with my back at all.

I'm a big old retard who only did light exercise, trying to get more serious about building strength. If I get adjustable dumbbells I can use any old plate to add weight in the future right? Like no issues with different brands not playing nice

My diet consists of an emphasis on protein

>Post workout 1
Sultana bran with 1/3 cup of full cream milk, and 3 strawberries chopped up & a protein shake

100g lean turkey mince w/ a cup of those microwaveable rice cups

>Post-workout 2
125g lean chicken mince, 4 vitawheats, 20g of peanut butter, & a serving of fruit

Depends on what mum is cooking but I'll substitute whatever

>Pre-bed meal
80g of cottage cheese, 6 wafer biscuits & half a punnet of blueberries (61g)

I want my calories to lie anywhere between 1400 & 1700 at the end of the day

I just finished week one yesterday of SS. I was super sore the first two days but today I am just fucking DEAD. I don't feel like I've injured myself and I have very little soreness but my body is just made of fucking rubber. Stairs present a near existential challenge. I can deal with it and I'm not complaining, but I am wondering if this is normal. Did I not eat enough carbs or something? After my workout I immediately ate a couple servings of Greek yogurt while I waited for my yam to cook. Then I ate a full yam and 1 pound of lean beef. Earlier in the day I'd had a good amount of chicken and a couple of clean, homemade energy bars with no processed sugars or ingredients. Were my pre and/or post workout meals deficient in some way?

Back injuries are weird like that bro, if it starts spreading down a leg or up your back then find the money for a physio.
Essentially everybody over 25 has a shit back but you won't feel anything until it gets close to a nerve, similar to knee injuries in a way.
Start using proper bending at work techniques also, hip hinge to get lower, sit with correct posture in your chair.

I mean, not a lot to critique here. Might want to pick up a box of green tea and drink it to reduce hunger because 1400 calorie cuts suck.

That's doms and is natural, it will go away. You can still train if you like, take a warm bath, foam roll your shit, etc

Sometimes brands are specific to plate hole measurements. Stay safe user!

Good to know that it seems to be fine.

>Might want to pick up a box of green tea and drink it to reduce hunger because 1400 calorie cuts suck.
Yeah I've got a box already cause I used to drink it all the time

>That's doms
Without the actual soreness that's still DOMS? My body just barely works rather than being so sore I don't want it to work.

Any tips on how to use a belt while benching?

How to cope with body dysmorphia?



I want to improve ym forearms but I hate farmers walks and my gym doesn't have any grip training equipment.

Would placing the barbell on the safety rails and holding it be enough? It's basically an extremely exaggerated block deadlift.

>pic related
He qt


I dont even know what the fuck you're talking about

Does anyone have a full body stretch workout they are willing to share?

So how many grams of protein do you actually need? The sticky says BW in pounds, but is that for maintenance or muscle growth?

The online calculators are all giving diff results

hey Yas Forums
i've been working out for about 2 months ( 3 times a week) and since i've started i've been bulking. The thing is, i was already a bit overweight ( i am 1.91, was 84kg) and now after 2 months of working out and bulking i got to 87-88KGs...
Should i start cutting?

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How do I get sleep gains?

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My upper back hurts on the right side when I do dumbbell calf raises. What's with that?

I live in a pretty extreme place, so winter is very cold an summer is excruciatingly hot. With summer approaching, how should I manage my cardio? Are indoor bikes a good replacement for jogging outside?

if i am failing to complete 5 repa does replacing the volume with more reps later in the workout help as a form of replacement?

What you just described is a rack pull and it mainly works the traps, glutes and hamstrings.


what can i eat to bulk that i don't have to cook

I'd suggest maintaining/recomp if you're worried about getting fat.

Starting to get tendinitis around my elbow. Is it a form thing or do I have to stop doing lying tricep extensions completely? I feel like that's the exercise causing it.

Get off Yas Forums

Bros, my bench has been the same for the past 2 months, actually went down 2 reps. I've been lifting since June, started at 3x8 45kg and now I do 3x8 70kg. I actually did 5x5 80kg in January but I can't do it anymore. Im on a cut and lost 4kg the last 2 months, all my lifts stayed the same or even increased, except for bench. I started my cut because my bench was going down, and figured I could lose some bodyfat.

When I start bulking again, how should I go about increasing my bench? Currently trying to perfect my form with lower weight. During my last bulk I only lost strength (bench that is). How fo I prepare?

Grandpa has type 2 diabetes.
I'm skelly.
Is it safe to start taking mass gainer.

What do you recommend for ab work besides compound lifts and hanging leg raises (cant do that at my gym)?

Calisthenics fag here about to take the weight pill, help me bros: is mobility as important in weight lifting as it is in calisthenics?

Sometimes I feel like I reach "failure" in my cali movements more due to lack of mobility and balance than strength, so it doesn't feel like I pushed myself to my max. I hope this doesn't screws me over when I move to weights.

Make your own mass gainer

Similar to a rack pull, but instead of completing the exercise I just hold the barbell at the top of the rep

I want to get into yoga but the classes around here are either way overpriced or sketch af.

Can someone share some good resources to teach myself?


Ab wheel

Not really. The big compound lifts are normal human movements. If you can do a prison squat you’ll be fine.

You answered your own question. It’s a repetitive motion injury caused by an imbalance. Stop doing it for a few weeks. Switch up your isolation exercises every 3 weeks to avoid creating imbalances.

Start with a simple sun salutation. Plenty of YouTube videos.

>Currently trying to perfect my form with lower weight.

That’s really it. You might try Hepburn singles for a while. Perform 4 sets of singles. Add one set every workout until you hit 10 sets of singles. Add weight and drop back to 4 sets of singles.

So doing other tricep isos won't agitate it?