What can I do to boost my energy levels? All I want to do is stay at home all day long

What can I do to boost my energy levels? All I want to do is stay at home all day long.

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Have you tried experimenting with the occult?

stop smoking weed if you are

No weed, I'm straight edge.

I wish I could lie down and sleep forever bros

nofap and noporn.

Workout, 3~4 hours per day along with cutting any unhealthy junkfood/sodas and be on a very low sugar intake. Try to eat only full course home cooked meals.

Alternatively, stop being a lazy neet coomer and go and work and then workout one hour instead. Keep the same diet as well.

Who works out for 4 hours a day?

Nobody, but if you're sitting in your ass doing jack shit for the other 20 you might as well.

How can I bring myself to do that if all I want to do is sleep all day?
I'm always tired as hell, when I wake up it feels like I woke up from a coma, I need a full hour at least to shake myself awake. When I wake up I spend an hour rolling about in bed massaging myself with my pillows, it feels insanely comfortable.

Don't jerk off, do push ups instead

Unfortunately, by forcing yourself to do stuff. Willpower has a large part in it.

This is litterally how you force yourself into a depression, you need to come out of your house more often man. Staying in bed for too long is also suprisingly taxing on the body, your muscles begin to waste and your blood flow worsen, the lymphatic system is also designed for you standing up. How is the mental and financial situation? because that greatly affects the advice

caffeine. yes it sucks to become dependent on a substance to get anything done, but it fucking works. just be careful it doesn't fuck up your sleep schedule.

Just get a job.

you sound weak. physically and mentally. if you are seeking advice on how to get out of bed then you are truly lost. you have to have some standards for yourself and be accountable. a random post on an internet imageboard isn't going to suddenly give you energy, make you less tired and get you out of bed. stop being a fuck about

Same problem here. I was considering workout out 4-6 hours a day as well.

Become a coffee addict

Minimize constant diatractions like phone, youtube, tv etc.
Stop smoking cigarettes.
Eat clean.

Also its not that you get the energy and do the thing but more that you do the thing and get the energy.

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nofap make me really angry bros, but fapping make depresed wich is better?

Not OP, but Ive tried going out but I just never feel like I relate to anyone, my last real friend was probably from 12 years ago. I am generally friendly but quite literally have 0 idea of how to relate beyond simply being"nice" especially with women. Most people I've met find my nutrition and fitness routine something odd. I don't think I know how to relate my hobbies and I usually stay at home watching lets plays or any other YouTube video just to have a simulation of interaction.

You're low in vitamin d and iron. And no, I don't care that the doctor says your levels are fine, you need to be in the higher end of the normal range.

force yourself to get up and give yourslef reasons too. Picture the person you want to be and think of the ways that can help you get there that you can make in that moment.

Also pick a beginner 3-4 day a week workout schedule and look into the dieting side (which will help a lot with the lack of energy and track your lifting and it will make you feel really great about your self as within a few weeks you'll notice numbers rising and a sense of satisfaction.
either way you can do it.

Anger. Always.

Thats one angry mofo.

try to find interests that can get you socialising and going outside maybe try a sport in your area if you like it or anything going to gigs

200mg Magnesium + 3 grams Omega3 a day helped me a lot

I had a similar problem before I started working out in the mornings. Two things made the difference for me :
-find something to get you out of your home in the morning,with a fixed schedule everyday. My job didnt motivate me enough for that, but going to the gym andworking out did. I get to the gym at 7 everyday, so I wake up at 6:20
-Healthy, consistent sleep schedule. I know I need at least 8hrs a night, find what amount works for you and stick to it. Furthermore, match the circadian cycle as closely as possible by going to sleep no later than 11 at night. This plays a huge role in keeping my energy high and getting up easily at morning

In the end, its gonna take some willpower to get you started. But if you experiment and find a routine that works for you, you will never go back and your whole life will improve as a result

Get Adderall, it'll change your life srs

>29 replies
>28 of them are surface level stupid memes targeting his conscious life

U have a brain parasite. It's too late.

try not being a total faggot

I didn't drink any coffee lately, I think that's why I felt like shit. I drank some now and I feel great, I'm gonna have another cup. God I'm a caffeine fiend, this shit's worse than alcohol.

That guys a psychopath. So stronk

At first it makes you angry, then it makes you much calmer and stoic

if you just want to stay at home then what do you need more energy for?

Did the first guy die?

yep, gonna say this is based

early morning natural light is super important

I want to change and be the best man I can be

What's that mean?

That almost every symptom isn't a surface level choice by a supposedly weak willed person that needs to 'discipline' himself or be motivated to 'just do it', but an indication and reply to deeper drives/relationships he doesn't want to revisit

This, but you will eventually have so much energy that you can't sleep and wake up every morning wanting to kick someone's skull in

Nofap seems bloody impossible

>vitamin D
>vitamin B12
>physical exercise
>stop eating junk food and anything with refined sugar

Key thing is actually doing stuff and getting outside, because lethargy makes you more tired and lethargic. Actually exercising and getting fresh air and seeing the sunlight will give you more energy.

This is why they say a lion will never fear a herd of sheep kek
That dude is an asshole though

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I'm in the same position. Last year the thing that got me out of the "winter rut" as I like to call it was going out on walks early in the morning when there aren't that many people around. I gradually moved up to biking and managed to cycle around the town pretty much wherever I wanted. The first steps are the most difficult, after you accomplish them you will come to a realisation that you needed the movement outside because it gave you enjoyment. And you will start chasing that enjoyment through repeating these steps.

Lifting, or just exercising early in the day makes all the difference
every single hikkomori should try it once.

cold showers, meditation and more importantly go /out/...being in nature really boosts energy.

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also cook, don't rely on prepared or processed food, you'll eat better and the act of cooking makes you more focused and alert.

meth works well


The fuck you expect a stranger over the internet to be able to do about that?

Fapping isn't gonna make anything better.

U can do both but make sure its sequential

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sounds like lo t


How is your sleep? I had sleep apnea for years and didn't know it until my roommate was like "Uh dude you were sleeping with your door open and I could literally hear you snoring and stop breathing like two rooms away." The sleep tests were a pain in my fucking ass but it made such a huge difference to get it treated, it's like I didn't even know what being alive was like before. A vit D deficiency is also likely, and B12 deficiency is another one that affects energy and mood.

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honestly just doing stuff gets your activity level up. besides my shitty pathetic job im a shut in incel loser. however, on weekdays due to work i wake up at around 7 AM and go to sleep around 11 PM and i make it through the entire day without really feeling tired, needing to nap, don't drink coffee or sugary/energy drinks, etc. however, on weekends where i rarely leave the house, ill wake up at 9 AM and be falling asleep in a chair by 3 PM