
post your bench edition

5’10 230
402lb bench

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i can tell from your body language that you're a beta male

275 but i used to be able to bench 315 on my bulk

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yes and?

OP here, check my form

If you post bare body to a image board full of men, does that make you gay? If I reply to your thread with my bare body , does that mean I am also gay but specifically for you?

5’7 - 116lbs. Swimming and boxing.

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damn that's a small cock bro :(

24 yo
285 bench

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OP post your ab pose

I did 190 for 3 reps at 173 body weight so idk

Gonna start cutting cause I’m looking fat as fuck

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reminder 3pl8 + claims require verification

Try doing fork downs instead

wtf is this real? Aren't you supposed to be swimming in pussy? Why are you here?

No. We live in society.

I would give you some of my pussy, if I had one.

Thank you bro id do the same desu

To you ofc

150kg at my weakest because cutting :( (90kg bw)

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6'4 225
Haven't maxed in long time- maybe 305

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WAIt i recognize this guy and this is not OP. but damn this video is hot

6'0 185~
Bench sucks because I only train for hypertrophy - probably 315ish

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I’m 6’1’ 200lb

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that's a good looking lift user

Going on 3 years lifting now. Sometime I doubt I'm gonna make it

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Please dont be serious.

Did you completely forget to eat?

19 years old
Bw 205lbs
Bench 225

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how do u work obliques if you seemingly dont have any at all

Reminder that you're a faggot

lifting what?

Only if it turns you on.

Lifting like 1x a week? Never eating? How?
E statting lmao.

185lbs 6’, max bench is 255

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I can OHP almost the same weight as my bench, in other words, it's fucking shieeet. My 1RM is around 82.5kg

Any quick bench strength tips? I'm currently running the Juggernaut 2.0 program to see if that somewhat fixes my bench.

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how to get out of twink mode lads?

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65kg, 169cm

65kg Bench for 10 reps
45kg OHP for 7 reps
11 Pullups
28kg Incline DB for 12 reps
reps and weight til failure

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Should I bulk, cut, or just finally maintain for once?

5'11", 195lbs

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do whatever.. how big is your dick?

5'10 173, 215 bench

Look like I bench 115 tho fml

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5'11" 96kg

Bench 135kg

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Did you try lifting something other than your purse? And nice milkers.

Lol, what pic is the progress?

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>middle peg
Okay manlet

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taking pictures of yourself is for insecure whores.

Don't own one I use the gyms :(

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5'11 188
255ish bench now, 275 last bulk

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Lol ok dyel copelord

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting

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wtf im 72kg and can bench 90, you really need to just train bench 3 times a week and eat a lot

arms look slightly thicker and chest is a bit bigger, lats a lil wider, thats the only change of note.keep bulking

I used to be in that situation. I'm still a benchlet, but it's not totally embarrassing now (best B/S/D are 275/410/530).
I took my bench from under 2pl8s to 2.5pl8s in 4 months when I switched from Texas Method to nSuns. In my experience, more is more when it comes to the bench. My best bench progress has always occurred on programs with high frequency (at least 3x/week), high volume and lots of submaximal work.
The other big factor is body weight: my squat and deadlift more or less stay the same when I cut, but every pound of weight lost is a pound off of my bench.

5'9, 215lb
Bench 405

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6'1 235 4 plate binch

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mirin/want to look like these

recently basically doubled my training, and am starting a week long 10 eggs/day fasting diet, too embarrassed to post my shitty form

Almost thought you were gone forever, bro! Keep up the holy work!

pls be in london

Some bro's in my local gym gave the same advice. All this time I've been benching just 1 time a week.

thx for teh advice fren

Kenny KO that you?

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That sounds like a terrible diet.
You should up it to 20 eggs.