everyone here shills >post body
anyone can get a good body but not everyone can have a good jawline
everyone here shills >post body
anyone can get a good body but not everyone can have a good jawline
why did you leave out your nose?
I’m not balding fucker, its just a mature hairline
nah m8 that is a legit receding hairline, and you have no sympathy from me hahahahahaa
Why does the back of your head look so strange?
how much to suckle on your nipples bb?
gay alien skull
user I...
I can tell you are ugly
LOL this user got a head lookin like a dorito chip im dying
user, if you have to ask...
are you saying you'd let me do it for free?
"but not everyone can have a good jawline"
youre one of these people sorry bud
user, your jaw line is the least of your problems.
Gigs had no even joking. Proud of you king.
I just traced a picture of myself. An orthodontist told me to get surgery several years ago and I haven't been able to get around to it yet. Can I make it before the surgery?
No, it continues curving upwards
Fucking phineas looking ass nigga
Get the surgery. I’m getting it soon to fix my fucked up jaw. It’s a long recovery but lasts a lifetime.
>I haven't been able to get around to it yet
Nigger, jaw surgery isn't something you just "get around to" when you have time or whatever.
I had a double jaw operation a few years ago. My orthodontist and orthognathic surgeon had to plan this shit two years in advance. I was in braces for I think about a year before the operation and 8 months afterwards. The operation itself was planned and scheduled I think 6-8 months in advance.
They told me when I was in high school, and they said it would cost tens of thousands of dollars. I refused because I didn't want my dad to pay all that money and I couldn't afford it myself. He discouraged me from getting it because he was afraid of the dangers of going under full anesthetic. I recently found out that it may actually be covered by the government, but I don't know if I'm going to be in this country much longer.
balding, tiny chin, shoulders, neck and frame with shitty glasses forehead and skin
its over boyo
Where did you leave the rest of your skull mate? Did you walk backwards into a wall at super speed?
My surgery cost $146,000. Under my dad's insurance at the time, we had to pay a whole $19. I'm glad those cunts at the insurance company paid for everything, because those bastards refused to even humor the idea for 8 years, saying it wasn't "medically necessary" even though I had documentation from 8-10 different orthodontists, orthognathic surgeons, plastic surgeons, etc. all saying it was in fact medically necessary.
Also, being anesthetized is fucking fun. I've been anesthetized 3 times in my life and it's always rad as hell. The morning of the surgery, every doctor that would be involved came to talk to me to tell me what their part in the operation would be and what they would be doing. The anesthesiologist was a total dudebro who was telling me how great that shit is and how he likes making more money than practically any other person in the hospital.
love how you traced your glasses kek
>Also, being anesthetized is fucking fun
I'm not afraid of getting bored, I'm worried about side effects.
Also, the main setback is that I don't know which country I'll be in two years from now.
you look fucking DYEL bro. proof this board is full of jealous skinny soifaggots.
I've had that same hairline literally my entire life OP, you're not alone
>he's been recommended a fix
god I wish that were me. My jaw is recessed enough to make me a beta but not enough for orthos to say anything
If that's your silhouette, you look fine.
no occipital bun.. spiritually defunct
Bless you, kindly cope-user
do me next
the Chad trips
Had a jawline when I was a lad. Gone now to the eternal bulk
It's not cope, you look like a regular guy. I wouldn't have noticed your slight recession if you hadn't pointed it out, and I'm the guy you originally responded to, so I'm hypersensitive to these things.
Bruh nice armenoid skull
Y'all going to hell for this fr lmao
OP eternally BTFO
I wanted to see if I could make some point doing this, but couldn't get anything conclusive since we just have such differently shaped brows and noses. I am putting this in the thread anyways because it is hilarious.
You're probably right
This is now a NECK thread
What a cock that is. Wow.
dude your head has a super weird shape
>I’m not balding fucker, its just a mature hairline
It's worse than mine but still not bad. I got a haircut and I think it's looking pretty good.
Is this what happens when the Annunaki breed with basedboys?
Ok lol
Because your jaw has nothing to do with your fitness experience
im sorry mate but thats not a mature hairline... its just receding
>not going for massive forehead gains
a-user, is that a small castle in the background? also cute ears.