Fuck recovery from anorexia

Fuck recovery from anorexia.

I’ve gained 10lbs in recovery and still have mental obsessions with food and binges. I’m fucking done.

Despite hitting the gym 3x a week I’ve only gained bodyfat and it looks horrible. That’s why I’m goddamn done trying to gain weight. I’m completely physically healthy (148lbs at 5’10) and could be at 130 statistically. That’s why I’m done eating 3000 cals a day and am going back to 1700. Screw all this.

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Fucking stick fags are the worse. You just have to fucking eat more, that's it. It's not that hard. Literally every creature on earth does that by instinct. Do you forget how to breath too? At least fat fucks have an shitty excuse, you have no excuse. You're just a prissy faggot.

lol what are you, a 13 year old girl?

I do t have to eat more. I was once a 350lb landwhale and won’t let myself ever go over 150 pounds again.

So you went from one unhealthy extreme to another. Stop being a faggot, get some help. You're severely mentally ill.

>137 Pounds
>unhealthy extreme

If you're above 5'5", 137 lbs is very unhealthy. I'm 6'1" and my BMI is almost in the underweight category since I weigh 168 lbs.

Sorry to tell you but your obsessions will never go away. You'll just have to man up and try your best to ignore them.
t. former anorexic

Bruh, my mom's stepdad was the same weight and height back in the 60's, he was so fucking skinny the only service branch that would take him was the Navy. Imagine being so fucking under weight that prime-time US in Vietnam US Army, Marines, and Airforce wouldn't take you as a volunteer, back when everyone was thin.

137 lbs on a 5'10" male is an unhealthy extreme.

Not to mention, from 350 to 137, that's a lot of loose skin, get rid of that and you could easily be 120lbs

Anorexia it's the fucking best, the very best time to start lifting, basically all you have to do it's to lift and eat, you'll gain muscle and little to no fat.
I'd kill for being anorexic, those visible bones are hot as fuck tho.

your the type of skinnyboi at the gym who literally sits on the machines with his legs pointed inwards like a fag doing half reps.
mentally ill faggot. what was the point of this thread

I’ve just gained fat in the 10lbs I’ve gained over 3 months

>what was the point of this thread
So OP can feel superior to fat fucks, more likely than not, which shows the arrogance of the stickman. Fat fucks are either too pig headed to give a fuck and take responsibility, or they're too depressed to give a fuck about yet another person calling them fat. Stickfucks on the other hand are constantly seeking validation because they're severely self conscious. This is due, in part, to them being such failures that in modern society, a society of absolute abundance, they still manage to do the second most basic thing besides breathing... which is to eat.

It's basically like running into posts and signs, it's embarrassing once in a while but doing it constantly demonstrates that there's something fucked in your head.

I’m suffering, I don’t want to feel superior I want to feel okay

Why are you eating such a large surplus if you don't want to gain fat?

So just hurry up and kill yourself, you whiny little bitch.
>Nice blog, faggot.

Wrong. Naturally you eat as much as you need. If you are skelly you don't need much calories so you won't even gain weight by "eating", you need to force yourself.

>being skelly is basically genetic

Literally a hamplanet argument.

I don't care if you want to look like a little weak bitch. Those of us that lift and actually eat will continue to look that much better. Thanks for dragging the average down

you do you bro good luck to you with your mental health. go see a therapist if you need to. come back when you are ready

>137 lbs at 5'5 is extremely unhealthy
>im 168 lbs at 6'1, underweight

This is what Americans believe

I agree with the first half but, how exactly do you consider it a failure/weakness to abstain from overconsumption in a world of overabundance?

That being said, everybody overconsumes something. For fatties it's food, for skinny people it's often cigarettes coffee weed and/or video games

You can stay on your 1700 diet for a while until you're not fat anymore, then try bulking again on 2500. 3000 is clearly too much for you if you're gaining so much fat.

>t. Ethiopian born Swede

The ideal weight for somebody 5'5 is 122-150 lbs, and being below this range isn't necessarily a sign of poor health

It's just that in america we like to pretend humans are big, thick, and strong creatures and not skinny and genetically evolved for walking/running endurance+intelligence. Humans are pretty frail, and Americans aren't any genetically different, theyre just so commonly fat that they forget what a human actually is

>he ideal weight for somebody 5'5
>implying there isn't a difference between men and women
>implying BMI shit like you're getting your info for wasn't based off of malnourished fuckers back during the fucking Victorian era

>and genetically evolved for walking/running endurance
>what are body types
>everyone is an endurance hunting Khoisan or Kenyans or some shit from some hot ass part of the world where being lanky is good for thermo-regulatory reasons

Please KYS.

This is the ideal bodyweight for men at 5'5, for women, big surprise, it's lower

Also, are you implying that modern medical advice is based on information gatheted from victorian era atarving ethiopian children?

The measurements for a healthy human being are the same regardless of the era, and largely regardless of the genetic lineage of any given individual.

Granted weight is not specific enough to identify health problems in a person, you can make accurate predictions about the health outcome of a population based on their weight.

I say again, Americans are used to looking at bloated statistics, and so we don't recognize these numbers as being bloated. Particularly because now the idea that being skinny is abnormal and unhealthy is being propped in american culture -- and the divergence between fit people and the average person is growing larger so we're even less used to normal range people, but instead used to pictures of ripped models being looked on by 250+lb fatties

>and largely regardless of the genetic lineage of any given individual.

This is absolutely not true. Different populations are adapted for different environments. Sub-saharan Africans tend to be on the lean and lanky side with narrow waists, longer limb proportions, etc to lose heat more efficiently. Northern/cold adapted populations (the extreme being like the inuit) tend to be naturally chunkier and thicker to keep in heat, and then you have every variation you could imagine of limb proportions, torso sizes, shapes, etc. Not to mention these populations all have variation in type of body fat and body fat distribution and overall body fat, again, adaptations to temperature, life style, etc (for example, Pacific Islanders tend to be absolute units, even before western diets that have made them fat).

You're taking an extreme stance but to just flat out say that the healthy weight range of ALL males of a certain height is any value in that 122-150 lb range is retarded.

Attached: retard alert.png (1412x864, 1.68M)

He's deriving this shit from BMI, which is flat out not useful in the lifting population. BMI is only 'modern' in the most general sense and it's stunted on by a simple measurement of waist as an indicator of metabolic and cardiovascular risk.

Anyway, this thread is someone with an eating disorder who thinks they're getting fat when they work out and gain weight. I'll give you one guess as to what's going on with him.

>I'll give you one guess as to what's going on with him.

Jews? Sorry, I somehow ended up on here from Yas Forums.

I can send pics of how I look. I’m a failure. My food addiction didn’t go away from feeding myself. I binged twice today for fucks sake

Your brain is obviously still fucked. Fix that shit.

The workouts are what make you hungry. You don't even have to count calories. If you are working out enough, you will have to be eating more food.

Is 1700 low? I got sick a while ago and went down to 140lbs at just under 6'.

I've always been slim but never had to try and intentionally gain weight. Cronometer claims my BMR is about 1550 (without exercise), I thought that seemed low. I've been shooting for around 2000-2200 and am slowly gaining some lean mass.

I do yoga, calisthenics and cardio for 30-90 minutes pretty much every day also...

I’m not physically hungry though. It’s cravings. I can take 40mg of adderall and still get them.

Just workout all 7 days of the week.


Dude I can’t even jog a mile I have asthma. The most I can do is walk 2-3 miles every day

You, in particular, cannot over train.

and you should be resistance training, do you even know where you are?

5'8 at 165 is technically overweight. so you're retarded basically and you need to eat more too

I am doing greyskull right now. Here are my current lifts.

Even though I’m going to eat 15-1700 calories a day now, I’m going to try to still follow the program just without increasing the weight

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Apparently swimming works good for people with asthma. Go swimming 3 times a week, and do strength training 6 times a week.

>I’ve only gained bodyfat and it looks horrible.
You're a recovering anorexic. I don't trust your opinion on your own body image, and neither should you.

My biggest problem is the binge eating and food obsessions. I’m just gonna say fuck it and fast on adderall for a couple days cuz I ate 4500 calories today

so you just swapped pathological impulses and probably haven't dealt with the cause. Your relationship with food is fucked.

>swapped pathological impulses


I know it’s fucked


Chances are you've got a distorted view of what your own body looks like, due to your mentality and anorexia. Keep eating you stupid fuck, you should realize at some point that you're much healthier when you're no longer a boneybro

I’m not a boneybro

Are you the user with the Eva phone?

I'm a recovering ED user as well, I feel exactly the same as you do and I've been suicidal since starting recovery a few months ago, I saw myself in the gym mirror yesterday felt like vomiting, all I want to do I take my own neck with my razor. I've also struggled with binge eating and eating way more than planned after starting recovery as well, although thankfully they're becoming less common now

The one plus side is that I have more energy now, before I felt so weak and cold. The only thing stopping me from relapsing is how horrible it felt to feel like that.

Good luck user

I look fat

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>how exactly do you consider it a failure/weakness to abstain from overconsumption in a world of overabundance?
There aren't abstaining from overconsumption, they are failing at basic consumption

You are anorexic - you are mentally ill with body dysmorphia. Yes it may be a little fat, but you have put on muscle as well. You aren't capable of judging your own body
Stop whining, keep eating and working out. Or just end it quickly instead of slowly killing yourself with starvation

it must be rough having anorexia with all that extra skin getting to your head, user. from seeing your collarbones and your back in the mirror i don't think you have extra fat to worry about. the skin from being obese in the past is the problem. you will never get rid of it just by eating less. correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't surgery the only way to get rid of that? unless it fixes itself over time.

I looked better when I ate less at least

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mfw im 6'1" and 126lb, BMI of 16.6

why is it so hard to eat more

i know a dude who was genetically just skinny tho

You don't look different at all.
Look user, are you content with being a stick anny with a fuckton of loose skin for the rest of your life?
If not then you simply have to suffer the process a bit longer. If you keep this up for a few more years you'll have muscles to fill out that loose skin. You'll be glad that you stayed strong now.

I remember you saying you wanted look like Scrooby, KEEP YOUR GOAL IN MIND. Relapsing and fasting will get you nowhere, you'll just stay shriveled, weak and ultimately unhappy with you look. You must overcome your body image issues if you want to fix yourself.

Please user, you won't get Yas Forums overnight but you will one day, stay strong, keep lifting and keep eating.

lol no you didn't you fucking psycho