How do I achieve this physique? Especially the tummy, genuine question

How do I achieve this physique? Especially the tummy, genuine question

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5+ tranny posts everyday for 3 days in a row.

This board is dying, r9k zoomers are killing it

is coffee good for you

That pic is 90% angle, lighting and form.

that's a banana

Also the dark shirt makes the upper torso look less broad and catch less attention.
That's literally not even a good trap.

Eat a lot of cum from incels.

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Stop eating and throw up every meal

I've got the first part down but what about some cardio or something

Cardio ruins curves and makes you look like a zombie. Never just do cardio. Either do strength training or both.

is that a man?

so what if it is?


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If you aren't a fatty, you can just roll your shirt up, relax your abs, lean back, and suck in your stomach.

Can we stop with the whole tranny thing? There's such a thing as males who enjoy this aesthetic and are 100% male.
I certainly do it.

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Seriously though how do you get that thin and not have abs? How do you become such a failed male? Is it the onions? Plastics? Fluoride in the water? What?

what kind of strength training?

Just do what every gym thot does and neglect your upper body aside from "toning" exercises.
Usually the lack of real results is a bad thing, but if you don't actually want to build muscles and just get the gym bunny look I guess that's fine for you.

don't compare beautiful boys with fat hairy bald basedboys, there's literally no comparison you dumb idiot

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This reminds me that all western sex games with feminized sissy twinks are made for submissive faggots and don't let you be the guy who does the femizing.
And that makes me angry.

>beautiful boy
You mean failed male. A failure. Not even deserving of life. At least most basedcucks aren't trying to mimic the opposite sex like a bunch of perverted sodomite freaks, I'll give them that. These fuckups are on a whole nother level of onions though.

Would you rather have failed males try to be males and grow beards while watching Rick and Morty or have them be pretty bitches who kill themselves with 35?

Pretty bitches? Fucking homo.

I'd prefer they kill themselves early on but if they're gonna live they might as well get jobs and try to live as normal human beings unlike tranny faggot crossdressers.

If you’re a man and try your hardest to emulate a woman while rejecting masculinity. You’re a retarded tranny

Trannies and traps are different things, user.

not everyone born male is naturally masculine and it's retarded to force them to be if it makes them depressed, just let them be feminine, being a feminine male definitely beats being a tranny

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No, not really. Only difference is one takes hormones and larps harder as a female.

you need to go back

A trap can literally just put on baggy clothes and go to work whenever they want. Trannies go full retard and force others to see their self destruction.

I can appreciate that picture from an aesthetic point of view.

have you tried not being a fat bitch

Both are self destructing. Just to varying degrees.

As in the plural, not the new gay sjw pronoun convention

Heh imagine he surprise straddles your chest while you laying down and tries to poke your face with his bulge while you half heartedly try to get him off.
Lol bet that would suck

So are fat people, smokers, people who regularly drink alcohol and many more.
But a trap can put on make up and give you a blowjob that'll be no different from one from a girl. Their self destruction at least has some use.

>letting a trap use its penis

I don't try to emulate being a woman, I'm entirely normal as a guy, but I enjoy having a light body like this. It's comfortable and I like the look of it.

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when will you learn that Yas Forums is the gay board and /lgbt/ is the trans board? you're on our turf, get used to it.

I'm not fat lol, just need to know the secret to the magical fat distribution these twinks have because my body type is kinda blocky

Then why did you post a guy with an estrogen patch if its not a tranny?

That's me with a.. normal bandaid. I cut myself on my side.

please don't hurt yourself

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I didnt HURT myself stupid, it was just more of an accident. I've never self harmed, jesus.

Yeah tough guy, why don't you show up to my house right now and prove you aren't a tranny but a real man?

>their destruction has use
Beyond making people feel better about their own status in life they have no purpose.
>b-b-but muh girld-

Most people have no purpose at all, why are you complaining about traps in particular, user?
How do you cut yourself on your side? Sounds logistically difficult if you are naked.

be my bf?

I honestly dont remember. It's been a decent while. But I'll be damned if someone accuses me of tranny bullshit, i'm proudly 100% male and will continue to be


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Dumb fuck probably wasn't looking where he was going and scrapped his side against a doorway.

you will in a couple years

a reminder

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based tranny hating twink. Reminds me of /cuteboys/ posters.

Just once I wanna see a comparison pic with them straight on their back and their belly not pulled in.

I miss 8ch /cuteboys/. I was actually a regular there.
I was invited to a "femboy community" but I got banned when I told people I was sick of trans shit.

You should start homo
Because that's what this thread is about, faggots mimicking the opposite sex.
Feminine men is an oxymoron

Most people don't have stray nails in their doorway, user.

why are you so combative about how other men conduct themselves? secure people don't lash out at others for being different, are you repressing something?

Women have a bit more to them than not being fat and cheating in pictures through deceptive posing, user.

do you suck dick

Doesn't have to be a nail, just take a hard scrap against the corner of a wooden frame or table or something.


>Feminine men is an oxymoron
can women be masculine? If I posted a varbie you wouldn't say she looked like a man?

They almost always look disappointing, that's why twinks>traps

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>that much hair

There isnt even funny shit on this board anymore. I remember when people used to motivate each other and this wasn’t that long ago. Now its just lookism people, this shit and some pol. What the fuck

That's just a faggot with an eating disorder.