Why not you?

>Why not you?

Why not fit?

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>always wears a hat to hide his baldness

why not what? get self conscious of my hairline and where a gay fucking snapback around everywhere?

>Why not you?
Bradley Martyn blasts Lord knows how much gear. Not knocking the fact that he has made amazing progress, but a natty isn't going to make anywhere close to this progress. Blasting gear is cheating, and being honest about it just makes you an honest cheater.

I dare you to post body

Not to knock the work that he puts in, but he's blasting gear. You need to have at least as much chemical assistance as Brad if you want to look like him in the same timeframe.

sounds like a good solution to me

He went too far


I don't have the right frame.

Dare you to post your hairline brad

implying you will ever come close to looking like that on juice. you faggots who are newbies always say the same dumb npc shit.

Almost any male could get close to that with gear and training, unless you're missing limbs or disabled. That dude looks like half the people on here before he took all the juices

So are you ugly, fat or DYEL? Or some combination?

You dumbasses realize eventually you too will start balding, right?
>But you will never look as good as middle.

You don't know shit about gear. What Bardley Martyn has done is only impressive depending on what he actually pins. Not sure if he's ever disclosed what he runs, but it doesn't matter because 99.9% of gear users blatantly lie.

Pete Rubish is the only guy that I've ever seen in the e-celeb scene that is brutally honest about what he pins because he has literally done videos disclosing his bloodwork and shit. Pete Rubish has said everyone in powerlifting abuses drugs, and they lie about what they are taking because they've achieved way more impressive lifts than he has with allegedly half doses of what he takes.

If Bradley Martyn is just taking some test, good on him, he has amazing genetics and he looks like a Greek god. If he's using lord knows what (which I can assure you, he is) what he has done is not impressive, and there is no way to know how much of what he has done is from the drugs or from him. That is Pandora's Box about blasting gear: You'll never know.


brad looked like a fucking rat before, does getting Yas Forums somehow make your face better

I can look better than him after using my rewards points

I literally pin retard, whereas you read and watch youtube videos and think your nerdbrain is very smart for that. I can tell youre a turboautist and trying to explain AAS/PEDs to some turboautist would be like trying to explain what color is like to a blind person, or what pussy feels like to a virgin. Keep being an autistic smoothbrained faggot

>does getting Yas Forums somehow make your face better

is this guy nattier than bradley?

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>I literally pin
So you're clearly an expert. You're just a delusional roidhead, you'll never know how much of what you've done is you or the drugs. Seeing as how you're an actual retard, I'd wager most of it being the drugs.

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>gEaR iS cHeAtInG
cheating who exactly?
>uhh its not natural!
Neither is 90% of what you do in your life

>cheating who exactly?

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Nobody cares autismo. Go brag about your 3 plate deadlift to your wow:classic guildies. I can tell women do not fuck you.

To be fair, he did openly admit that and talked about his complex. Most of people here would never have the balls.


You cared enough to reply. Would I be on the money to assume you saw no or pathetic progress as a natty, and started blasting gear to cope? Nothing wrong with taking gear, but lets not pussyfoot around the fact that you're lying to yourself. I'm not shitting on you bro, I just want you to understand you're full of shit.

meanwhile women are fucking all the gear users because they actually look good and took the risk that your feminine self would never have the balls to.

enjoy sharing your powerlifting stats with your nerd autistic WoW friends, while I fuck the girls you jerk off to in porn.

Youre like 30 steps behind with your mentality. I remember being an autistic newbie like you too. Youre too retarded to talk to

This guy actually seems like a total bro. Good vibes.

>people who abuse steroids
>having balls
pick one

>Ruining your health for female validation and sex
Point made. By the way brother, you can get laid as a natural. Just because your confidence was in the gutter as a natty doesn't mean mine is.

because I don't have copious amounts of steroids to be running

im happy the majority of beta men think this way, less competition in the sexual marketplace. but im sure that 9 who is used to fucking with shredded, tattooed guys with money and nice cars is totally going to realize what shes been missing one day with a vanilla beta male like you

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wow user u are so unique and interesting you really set yourself apart from everyone else by getting that shitty forearm tattoo

This is correct


post body

post physique

Thats why you beta males have 0 ink, or some gay Zelda tattoo.

Heres a hint faggot, shredded with tattoos is the new level of competition. Its called sexual arms race, not looking like that just means you arent competing for top shelf pussy (unless youre high status or rich). You faggots have 0 understanding of women, and think that theyll just fall into your lap one day because you were such a good guy your whole life, lmao


that lion tattoo really distinguishes you from the crowd. now shut the fuck up and post body

That not taking any risks in your life really distinguishes you too. Just dont expect the same rewards as someone who did take the risks you didnt have the guts to

>I make permanent changes to my body because women tell me to

>getting a shitty lion tattoo because thats the only way he can get pussy


>doesnt get pussy
>talks about women

This is what NASA engineers must feel like listening to flat earth autists

post physique

post your tattoo bud. let's see this ink that top shelf pussy can't resist.

post yours first.

No one in my entire family is balding, this sounds like a cope famalam

Uncle Bradley sold me drugs. Who cares if he blasts. He has a crazy impressive physique and he seems actually like a good dude unlike a lot of people in the industry.


>liking roiders
Protip face>>>>roids. And charisma beats both.

>post yours
I'm not enough of a faggot to have a tattoo lmao


protip roids keep you lean/shredded which is #1 for facegains. But keep talking like you literally know anything about this subject, retard

>n-no you first

lmfao fucking pussy faggot

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typical beta male. criticizes and moralizes, but cant even do the thing hes asking someone else too. this is why women dont respect you, they know youre a worm

>talks big
>wont back it up

kudos to actually doing it, there may be hope for you yet

You really think your grandpa's hair is as full now as when he was 20?

t. dyel who watched a few youtube videos and has no fucking clue about gear

I don't Tren hard enough
I don't eat Clen
I don't Test my limits