What lifts will help me hold this position for longer?

What lifts will help me hold this position for longer?

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stiff legged deadlifts, thats gonna be taxing to the back and hamstrings mostly.

yeah, also do cardio

Farmers walk for grip strength on that ass

zercher raises, the ones kyriakos does. YOU HAVE TO LIVE IT

Deadlifts, squats etc. Literally any lower body lift you can think of.

Squats so you can have a good grip of his torso with your legs

>male is black
oh no no no redbos how can we compete

Her legs should be resting in the crooks of your elbows. 50% easier. You're welcome

Now. Once I’m banging. This girl I ask myself, who am I banging?
Who’s womanhood is my penis slipping in and out of as she moans?
This my friend is a simple answer that YOU can tell ME.

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have sex

the only acceptable answer in this thread, everyone else is a coping twink

Personality attempts × F

Why would anybody not take the fox wiafu?

Because there’s always that guy out there.
But otherwise yes is top tier waifu

Well, this choice is fucking obvious.

farmer caries

>"good" girl

Fox wife is better in every single regard, Jesus

I'm amazed how many "lifters" are so quick to publicly expose their retardation and basically shout out loud that they dont lift

the spinal erectors, traps, and abdominals are going to bare the majority of the load of holding weight out in front of you.

Cringe tradcucks, Ill take racoon all day as she will take care of me and I can easily convince a bitch that desperate to use her transformation powers to do anything I want during sex, obviously I will tell her to give herself bigger tits and a larger ass

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If you want to lift for sex you want to train the same way grapplers or wrestlers do.

front squats

Finally a legitimate reason to do squats.

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try not to fuck landwhales or be total dyel...

shoulders and upper back
kettlebell swings
strong core


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Replace traps with glutes and you're good otherwise.

Everyone here is based retard. What's your point?

If you can't hold a 55-75 kg weight in that position for a considerable ammount of time, why are you here?

>not being supported by cutthroat tanuki waifu and lifting all day just so you can live out trad fantasies

>not choosing the tanuki to have sex fights with
You guys are all gay

based and redpilled

His legs are 2ft long it's unfair

Heavy KB swings and front squats

I can do it for maybe for 1 minute then I get tired. Gf weighs 45kg. Might try zercher rack pulls.

I ohp 70kg, bench 110, squat 140

Lmao dyel

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A less fat woman

Okay is the death caveat entirely dependent on cheating? Because if not then obviously the fox is the only one to pick.

Grip is key for this, farmers are a great carryover for lifting up girls like this.

you're either fucking a child or a midget yet you can't carry her for more than a minute? maybe try cardio

You have been doing your Zercher lifts, haven't you, user?

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What an embarrassment of an etrance

Why not put her against the wall when you get tired? Wouldn’t that take some of the pressure off your back and legs?

Yeah dude that's the reason you aren't an olympic champion

Holy cope

So he can't fuck midgets then? Cope

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atlas stone lift and hold, literally the exact same hold

shoulders and arms for lifting are important. legs to not fall under the weight and back to not curve down until you trip.
>squats while she hangs on you like in sex pose
this will get your entire body used to lifting her. do this pose enough and I will naturally just work out

>implying stiff legged deadlifts dont target exactly that
>being a retard thinking he knows a lot but actually just a retard himself

pick two

Zercher squats


bitches are dead weight.

Third option: I pick squirrel

>gf is 185cm and 90kg

imagine not being able to handle 70kg girl lol

you can pick a 90kg slampig up and fuck her like this? what are your lifts lmfao

Kitsune, obviously. Though I can't help but wonder how someone uneducated to the point of illiteracy can nonetheless competently manage a household fiscally.

Because I want to be able to do that?

>black man red woman
Fuck off with your interracial shit

>What an embarrassment of an etrance
He literally gets to flex his way to the ring, how is that embarrassing? Get off Yas Forums you non-lifting faggot!