ITT: The negative sides of getting fit

ITT: The negative sides of getting fit

>have gf of 8 years
>have unbelievable connection and love for each other
>sex is amazing, she’s a cutie, we want to marry and have kids very soon
>but I’m soooo fucking horny for other women it’s unbelievable
>I just wanna cheat once or twice to get it out of my system and then continue on like nothing ever happened
>don’t want to lose this perfect thing we have going on tho
>furthest I’ve gone is making fake dating app accounts and jerking off to these women’s prom file pictures that I could potentially be fucking
>struggle with these feelings daily

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The more I love my girl the more I want to cheat

what a fucking faggot

you're just thinking with your dick. Jerk off once a day so you have a clear mind

Your regret will be unbearable when you cheat and ruin your relationship.

Stop taking roids if you are

A king does what he wants, sadly you act like a peasant

we are trying to make it here.
you seem to have done that and now you spit in God, the almighty´s, face. or am I wrong?

grow up

The thing about any high test man is that they cheat. It’s just a way of life. Men who are married for 50 years have cheated. You’re only doing something wrong if you get caught. Joe Rogan cheats on his life, Dana cheats on his wife, it happens. Just don’t get caught, have a fling and then continue on with life. I cheat on my wife every summer, I just can’t help if I get so horny around all these babes walking around in short shorts. Last year I cheated twice and I got it out of my system, now I’m getting horny again for fresh Pussy as summer draws near so I’ll be making a bumble and PoF account soon to try and score some thots
>tfw you genetically gifted with a handsome face and a tall muscular body
>don’t capitalize off it

Men need to fuck

Ugly Boys stay with 1 girl forever


Don’t listen to incel virgin advice on here.

> prom file pictures

Hahahah. Thanks, user. You gave me a good chuckle. Have a (You)

What do your GFs feet smell like, user?

I know this is probably bait but I'm with the same girl, yet chicks come up to me literally every time I go to the bars. It 100% isn't worth it if you've already found a good girl who wants to play house. Too many skanks out there these days.

You fucked up by being wuth a white chick.

White men are cucked to the max, in every other culture men cheat and the women cry and bitch and in the end of the day they will still cook dinner for the family and pick up their husbands socks.

I've been in your shoes user, I cheated with a friend of a friend of a friend. Shit came back to our social circle, gf found out. She forgave me. I did it again. She found out. She left.

>6months later break up hit me.
>depressed, melancholy.
>she gets in another relationship.
>gets married.
>I date a series of women over the next 10 years. Never getting that feeling I had with the ex back.

whatever your choice, I wish you the best of luck.

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who is this?

Serious question: what steps are you taking to ensure that you aren't caught doing this? One sloppy misstep and she gets your name, contacts your wife over facebook, and you're fucked. All my friends that have played this game eventually get caught and the relationship is over. Is it chad to get some ass on the side? Yea. But I don't think its chad to lose half your marital assets and become estranged from your children.

Yeah but 90% of the world is shitskins living in amongst trash and open sewers in barely-functioning societies. Not a stunning endorsement of acting like a nigger.

Losers, you deserve to lose her

True high test men can control their urges. Try it with something else first my negro friend

Why do you whites always think you are the only people that have money?

Have you ever been to Hong Kong, Singapore, any of the UAE countries, Israel, Bahrain, Quatar, Macao or Kuwait?

These countries are very comfy to live in and in all if them husbands can cheat on their wives without having their whole life cucked by some judge who will take your shit away because your wife had her feefees hurt.

have sex

Only do it on business travels in foreign countries

Never give those girls any real data

Use a burner phone to get in touch with them

No pics at all

Or just fuck prostitutes


Just don’t cheat it’s not worth it.

I’ve been in this situation and decided to cheat just to “get it out of my system”. It doesn't work like that. You do it, think your fine and nothing bad will happen. Then you’ll start thinking about how easy it was and start rationalizing that it’s just sex. Not a big deal, no ones getting hurt as long as she doesn’t know. And you’ll keep doing it. Then it escalates because you do it a bunch of times with no consequences. Then it escalates more. You start taking more risks, doing it more often. Eventually something is bound to happen. I thankfully got a wake up call when my gf noticed a small bruise on my neck. It only happened once so I was able to play it off as “IDFK I must have hit it on something”. Was definitely from a hookup. That was way to close and I stopped after that. But not gonna lie I went from one time when she was out of town for a week to like once every two weeks when she was away for like 2 hours. It was bad and I’m awful for ever thinking it was ok. Just don’t do it man.

you need to knock her up. you've tricked your body into thinking she is infertile and that's why you crave strange.

Once you start cheating you can't ever go back to having a normal relationship OP

if you're so high test why settle for a woman that can't satisfy you, or since you're so great why hide and lie by cheating when you could just have a girl who gets turned on by dating a man who gets to have some on the side.

> Hong Kong, Singapore, Macao

asians are fine

> UAE countries, Bahrain, Quatar, or Kuwait

oil, oil, oil, oil

> Israel

lol, easy to be prosperous when your every move is backed financially and militarily by the US (including aggressively taking territory)

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hold on everybody we've made the darkie upset

I’ve never done social media and I’ve never allowed my gf to put me in her social media pictures so there’s no way anyone will know

You deserved it, you piece of shit. Acting like a woman, imagine what your great grandfathers would think.

Definite beta virgin

Roleplay cheating on her with her.

>live in a city surrounded by hot thots
>Hookup culture is thriving
Haven't been laid in 3 years. This is bullshit

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You can only cheat with a woman that is either married or has a bf, hoes tend to want a relationship so thats makes her a risk.

>The thing about any high test man is that they cheat. It’s just a way of life. Men who are married for 50 years have cheated. You’re only doing something wrong if you get caught. Joe Rogan cheats on his life, Dana cheats on his wife, it happens. Just don’t get caught, have a fling and then continue on with life. I cheat on my wife every summer, I just can’t help if I get so horny around all these babes walking around in short shorts. Last year I cheated twice and I got it out of my system, now I’m getting horny again for fresh Pussy as summer draws near so I’ll be making a bumble and PoF account soon to try and score some thots
>>tfw you genetically gifted with a handsome face and a tall muscular body
>>don’t capitalize off it
>Men need to fuck
>Ugly Boys stay with 1 girl forever

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This board constantly says that all women are whores, degenerate culture bla bla
Same board says to literally cheat on ur girl and its no biggie.

I fucking hate you guys

You need Jesus

Imagine being on this level of slave morality

Lmao you go to all that effort just to cheat? What a fucking loser.

I'm already there? So after work i just get laid.

Where is the effort in that except buying a 50€ China phone?

Not going to make it

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lmao imagine being a slave to your impulses

Do you also skip the gym because your body is feeling lazy you child?

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Probs bait, but do it and fuck up so someone else can have your girl.

Bro, just invest your time in something more constructive. Between hanging out with my girl, hanging out with my friends, training, writing and my practice I don't have time to cheat. Just be busy and invest your limited time in something more worthwhile.

Or listen to the coombrains high t dudes in here and cheat. I don't care. You will regret it either way.

Bust a nut or two so you can think clearly. If you still want to take that risk then it means you really want to cheat. If not you were just thinking with your dick and it's not worth it.

> Cheats
> Gets caught
> Cheats again
> Gets caught
Man that was fucking sloppy

only whores cheat on their partners. recently a female friend i was really close to cheated on her bf. the dude was a low life manlet that smoked weed all they. insecure as shit. but i still cut her off when she cheated on him. be a fucking man stop wasting your time and your gfs time. if you are still thinking about other women then stop thinking about marriage. thats why people shouldnt have fucking 8 year relationships that start in late teens/early 20s because you dont get to fuck around when you are supposed to.


>tfw want to be loyal, but gf's libido went to shit a long time ago
She's great, but I just want to smash and have fun in bed.

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I am not sure I see the relation with getting fit. Anyway, did you discuss this matter with her?

The true duality of man

Remember the main purpose of a gf is to have exclusive access to her pussy. Without that, nothing else is worth it. You can get everything you get with her at better quality with a male friend. Its like having a birthday party and not getting any gifts. Everything else is a nice gesture and part of the package, but we all know the main thing you want and expect out of such a celebration is a nice present. Having a gf you dont get to rather go back to my old overweight incel days then be stuck in that

every single one of those countries were unlivable third world shitholes until whites fixed them, their wealth entirely relies on being propped up by whites.
singapore being the only slight exception that even slightly resembles self-reliance, but even then it's a former british colony that was a random jungle gook shithole prior to that, and half of their economy is building graphics cards for white people

thing is, if this is the girl you want to wife up, don't do it.
if you're in a relationship for the convenience of having someone consistent to fuck and what not. Go ahead cheat, just be smart about it,
>if she already has access to your phone you gonna have to be deleting your messages,
>if she has access to your social life you're going to want to be making different friends,
> have contingency plans in case you run into her while you're with your side hoe,
>know where she is at all times while you're out cheating.
>cheating is a full operation, there can be no holes in your story or you're done
I've cheated in almost every relationship I've been in while in uni. My friends don't give a fuck cuz id be dating dumb hoes. just realize that the more often you do it the more likely you will get caught.
OH for the love of GOD USE PROTECTION. if you cheat and give your girl a std you are a fucking dummy and should kill yourself

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Congrats, you're trash.

>be me 27m
>get into relationship a month ago and she is my first gf
>she is 30 with a 10 year old kid too...
>lost virginity to her
>I would consider her attractive but she is kinda bottom of my "standards"
>sex is really great

I kinda need help here. She really cares for me and the things she does for me honestly melts my heart... I know when people put effort in dating and it's great knowing she is very mature, overall a great person and there no bullshit with her...which I'm looking for. Her kid doesn't scare me from dating her either. Thing is I hate that fact that I feel like I'm "settling", and I could do better. I hate cheating but if I broke off things with her I would also hate giving up a good thing I have with her. I feel like since I got so late into dating I missed out on casual sex now.


thank you
i never claimed otherwise. best part is that women willingly slept with me, knowing i had a gf and that they were friends with them. women are just as trash as men.

> virginity lost one month ago
> "sex is great"
This has no value. You have no point of comparison.

Why do I need a comparison? If I'm enjoying it, I can say it's great.

Agreed, gender is not related to having flexible morality standards.
I guess if you'd tell your regular partners that you are not in for real it would probably lead to a break-up. I understand the rationale, I just find it morally shit to lie to someone, particularly on this topic

I fucked my boss's wife in college

Earlier in my life I would have said "sex is great" is like "water is wet".
So, yeah you can say this, but how is it unrelated to the struggle you're describing? You are mentioning emotional matters.
Or is this a key point that you are afraid to lose since you discovered sex so late? Then as I said, you had one partner so far, so you can't know if you would lose something or actually get an opportunity to find even better.
I summed up in "discard this in your thought process".

i do this without being in-shape.

sometimes i think it's a blessing that i'm not what i'd consider to be an aesthetic god, bc if i were, my narcissism would go through the roof, and i'd probably have 3 kids by now.

wouldn't mind the shredded body though, maybe in 2 years. #1 goal is to get visible abs, and then have a girl lick my stomach. I've always wanted that specific experience.

Man if you want to fuck up your life then go ahead. Eventually you’ll get comfortable and fuck something up and all the time you invested into that relationship will go to waste. By all means be a moron. I’m just telling you the truth. You poor decisions do not affect me.