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Arnold Strongman Classic 2020
first for Mateusz Redditors getting BTFO'd by Thor.
Face it you're golden boy is coming second even if he wins the next event.
>m-muh 2021 arnold
>muh future of strongman
Seethe more faggots, you can't handle the THICC ICELANDIC COCK
so when will they add zercher shrugs for reps?
So is the elephant bar harder or easier?
thor is peak reddit tho
actually Martins is peak reddit and bobby actually is a Redditor
easier, you're able to use more momentum
harder, you're forced to control it better
MK has won 3 and will win the 4th event, thor has only won 2. thor is no longer the worlds strongest man
If you yeet it up like Eddie Hall it's harder.
If you're more controlled it's easier.
>thor is no longer the worlds strongest man
Is this 2019?
Why is reddit living rent free in your head?
It's actually the exact opposite but you do you.
What's the point total at rn?
I unironically believe we need more zercher in contests. Max axle zercher when? Yoke zercher carry would be cool too
We need the bloatlord to program the next arnold
>max zercher DL
>Austrian oak zercher carry for distance
>zercher hold for time
>zercher yoke to zercher atlas stone lift medley
>screaming at weights contest
>zercher shrugs max reps
when are the deadlift record attempts?
Based cop killing polack.
so since rogue is retarded, what are the current point standings?
god i wish i lived in that timeline
wait is bobby actually a redditor? I was actually thinking he looked like one lmao
every single time
anyway, who's /ourguy/
for me, it JF
fucking based silverback looking boomer
you know he was just /sip/ping on those sweet ultras backstage
Absolutely JF dude. Runner up is Jerry for me. I still like Thor though. Honestly I enjoy watching everyone do well. Wish ol boy shivvy wasn't injured
for me its shiv
imagine getting railed in the ass by some of these guys. not even gay, but just curious what that would be like.
too bad about jerry's deadlift
he was about just a couple kilos off 500 back in 2016, had deadlifted 460+ a couple times on the elephant, then fucked his hamstring and hasn't been back to full strength ever since
plus I deadlift the same way with a super wide stance and grip, only my max is 60% of his, kek
yea jerry's deadlift was disappointing today. crushed the timber carry though
yeah I'm always rooting for the shiv, complete and utter chad t b h
but I'm a deadliftfag and I'm french so JF (he's french canadian but that's close enough)
So when is the rest starting?
I knew he would, he's always done well at this
I actually had kiels to win, pritchett as second but thought thor would come third, didn't foresee his grip bothering him that much. that's because of the nerve damage in his hand I guess.
pritchett's dead has been disappointing for like 3 years unfortunately
also it seems like he's not able/willing to hich, if he'd fought through it like K or the fag do he would've locked his 3rd lift out imo
then again what do I know, it just looks odd but I'm sure he knows what he's doing.
> So when is the rest starting?
Thor and Mateusz started neck-and-neck but then after the second event Big Z who was a referee this year forcibly kicked out Rob Kearney (the gay one) and replaced him and since then he's been winning every event.
kinda looked like his back may have been bugging him, but who knows. i miss the days of it being pritch and eddie crushing the DL and thor hanging in there.
thor is not reddit at all. they want him to be because muh game of thrones
I don't understand what you're typing at all, what are the standings
>"robert keerney, Arnoldclassic strongman eevent is not eevent for hhhomosexual like you, you go now"
wow, and here I though ROGUE were all about being PC. didn't see it coming t b h
Hey man I don't have time to read.
t b h benni was in between the two
never understood why he never did full comps
he had a monster grip and actually a great log as well (there's a clip floating around of him doing an easy log and the weight that's listed is 200kg although that could be a mistake)
even in powerlifting it seems he was never interested in tapping his squat and bench potential at all, he always sandbagged it
benni is a monster but yea, once he got injured he kinda fell of the map. his record was crazy for raw
Thor is just a normalfag
Why the fuck isn't this stickied?
Also reminder that Thor is still nowhere near his physical limits and still RISING
my bad, benni's best log was 180kg although it did look quite easy and he didn't train it much
during his time competing he would definitely have been among the top guys on that as well
he was actually planning on trying 500+ again back in july and might have been good for it
he pulled a 440 that looked like he had maybe 5% more, 10 weeks out or so
and pulled his hamstring again doing his hype up ritual (can't make it up)
he then lost a ton of weight and nowadays he's pulling in the 7's iirc
I guess he couldn't sustain it, getting older and such. Good for him anyway, he has nothing to prove in my book.
I've actually heard a rumor that he's a Yas Forumsizen (according to some people on /plg/)
it's in the OP you faggot
I only read the subject no time for the rest you'ee the faggot getting mad.
I don't like it but it seems accurate.
Thor is YouTube
true enough
also is there a gayer and more disgusting website than imgur? i think imgur just falls short
tumblr or maybe chapo trap house. Not a website, but they're degenerates nonetheless.
kearney is probably either discord or tumblr
he actually has a discord
i totally forgot about tumblr's existence.
Now do it with just Yas Forums boards. Kearney will be either /gif/ or /lgbt/
/lgbt/ isn't gay enough for him
that's what i was thinking. but that's a tough one.
i welcome any suggestion
Okay, Kearney can be Yas Forums, /lgbt/ or /gif/ (he's probably a BMWF poster, too) imo
Thor = Yas Forums
Martins = Yas Forums or Yas Forums
Mateusz or Shiv for Yas Forums
he'd probably be Yas Forums as it's Yas Forums's tumblr
i was thinking this, but also could be /soc/