You seeing this bois?
Ya mirin?
You seeing this bois?
Ya mirin?
you dont look white. what is there to mire?
and that is a good thing
bro you look sad, but your jaw is dope
Stop posting yourself lmao. You’ll never be zyzz
I have a natural sad face. Feeksbadman
Train your neck, retarded
you again
Mirin the jawline, but your eye area is incel tier
Got my own thanks
Why’s Remi Malek on Yas Forums
im happy youve found a coping mechanism jamal! now get back to the cotton farm
user is that you? God damn that is one handsome man
>Remi Muttlek
This dude is even more mutt than your boy remi
dam user i bet your cock tastes great no homo
post body
was about to say that. its a shame about the eyes. doesn't really stop you from getting girls though
We have moved from the cotton feels homie, maybe you didn't get the memo but now we fuck you're women and there isn't anything you can do about it
wow hes actually a nigger, not just larping
My spelling don't matter to your girl when she's impaled on my BBC homie
>cotton feels
imgur link bbc pls
>grainy/blurry photo
>shadow from earphones
>beard fraud
Yeah, nah. Shave and post a well lit high quality pic
Trust me I know
Man I don't care how many times you post yourself here BUT You literally promised me you'd work on your quads man so at least post an update of them! You'd literally slay pretty hard if you put mass on those thighs bro
I got you senpai.
They look way better now than before but still got a long way to go. I had some pain cuz during squat so I stopped squatting for 1 month
retarded cow eyes
no need to be that mean, maybe tell me how can I improve them_
Only got a stubble pic srry
Cute and based gamerheadphones
Nice, keep going and speedy recovery bro
Also, try sumo Deadlift, really thickens your legs and butt Aswell
excellent. You look like some kind of pure race nazi
What kind of white are you? Why do you have those big sexy lips?
This fucking guy again, jannies clean this shit up
bruh he is the janny
>Janitor applications are open for the next ~48 hours.
Be the change you wish to see in the world, user.
Same breed as Tom Hardy by the looks of it
I'm Danish
Let's see that mouth on my cock bby ;)
Not behd.
Very nice user
Its like the nordic nord Yes meme without the gay and cringe bear and hairstyle
This one actually looks masculine
Not bad
nice brow ridge, thata all thats good
Based and BTFOd the whiteboi
*btfos entire thread*
You literally look like autism.
hahahahaha brasileiro imundo fedido sage
stop being delusional u fucking incel. Post a picture in which u have a good posture and from a normal angle and u will look like a recessed subhumanoid
>This faggot again
Someone post the imgur compilation of him fucking a fake ass on a couch
english isnt this faggots first language
Jesus op just got mogged into oblivion
You are a virgin, right?
>Chinese tier eyes
>where are the brows lmao