Does Yas Forums drink energy drinks?

Does Yas Forums drink energy drinks?

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does the pope shit in the woods?


No, they are expensive.

I recently stopped. I drank a lemon drop or cotton candy bang almost every day for months, before that I drank rockstar. I’m trying to make the switch to black coffee.

Bang or reign almost every day

>tfw daily energy drinks for some months
>getting heavy chest and heart palps at night
I've managed to tone it down to a few a week now
I just recently seen reign in my country for the first time and it's 10/10. The blue razz and the melon ones especially.

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One everyday.

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Usually a 5 hour energy before a workout.

My tolerance is high at this point. It doesn’t phase me

Monster Energy every day baby

A mixture of whey protein isolate, creatine, and a scoop of G-Fuel in water

Sippin right now

I used to drink 1 every day but now I literally can stand them

White Monster.

no I’m adult not a edgy spotty teen
I drink thermogenic coffee it’s unreal and recommends only drinking two cups a day so I’ve cut down on coffee over all
>Radiance coffee
would recommend

They're like 2 dollars you cuck


i now only take caffine before a workout

maybe i should try taking some to help me study

Where my venom chads at ?

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be a phd student, and try to survive on 1k

Everyday and I’m addicted to them. Harder to kick than cigarettes

I replaced all energy drink-drinking with preworkout

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only on push days

I did but now I'm on some meds that have increased my heart rate by 30BPM so now I avoid caffeine

The green low cal one is high tier and sold for $0.79 by me. Can't be beat when you need a boost



>Does Yas Forums drink energy drinks?
I'm 28

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disgusting swill dont ruin your body

Like my life depends on it

My apologies user didn't know. What do you study? And why do they pay you so little it's supposed to be like 30k a year

I work construction so it's pretty hard to get by without some sort of caffeinated beverage desu. I'm not really sure I can make the switch to zero caffeine until I find another less physically demanding job. I like being active but it just makes my recovery window so much harder to take care of

Wtf does desu autocorrect to desu?

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It's the "to be" verb in Japanese, but Anons end their sentences with it for whatever fucking reason

how fucking new are you?

I started browsing Yas Forums back in 2009 but I didn't really lurk Yas Forums until this time last year when I got sober. There was a couple years where I hardly browsed Yas Forums too because i actually have a social life

Yeah i know that much; I tried to type out 't b h' and just didn't realize it had an auto placed on it

blue raspberry sugar free rockstar

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desu desu desu

Sugar free redbulls are the best on a long day.


This message was brought to you by the cuppa joe club

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Watermelon AMP was the shit while it was available by me

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Real Chads only drink Monster.

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Too much sugar.

so original


get this retard OUT OF MY THREAD

I love the blue flavor of redbull but don't drink it that often. for me it's usually just half a pot of coffee.

Sounds good ngl

>these nails

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For me, it's sips.

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I used to do a bang or quake a day.
I am on day 6 /nocaff/ though.

Monster used to make my asshole itch somethin fierce. It would be absolute pleasure to itch, then hurt the rest of the day like I wiped with sand paper. I was doing about 4 cans a day.

1 (rarely 2) Quake and Bang a day didn't eliminate it, but it was much less. However I just wanted to see if it's entirely them that caused the problem.

After day 3, not only did the itching go away (not 100% that it is the caffeine but doc did suggest that it stimulates gi motility) BUT, I fucking sleep like a rock and feel more refreshed waking up, I don't seem to have hunger drive my decisions and a few other smaller benefits. May stay off the caffeine/energy drink.

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I get red bulls free at work since there's nobody around to tell me not to take them. I only drink the sugar free ones though. I'm not really counting calories specifically, but I am trying to stay away from completely empty calories like sugar as much as I can. I get my caffeine and carbs separately, and try very hard not to intermix them.

Real talk I fucking love the embossed sip cans. I started drinking sips ironically when I turned 30 but over a year later I'm still on them because I just unironically prefer it now.

Mountain Dew Kickstarters, dew flavored
>For whatever reason
Go watch Rozen Maiden then you will understand.

love this taste of monster

Based. All the zero sugar flavors and the rehab teas are good

>so original

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is coffee bad for you ?


One cup of black coffee in the morning is all the caffeine I need in a day you sleepy faggots.

lmao this is literally me except i drink coffee too and turned 28 last week

Where my /comfy/ daily sippers at?

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*sips monster

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