Alright faggots.... sit down, shut the fuck up and listen.

I've been on an animal based diet for 7 weeks now and this shit is fucking unreal. The changes I've experienced have been so profound and too numerous to list, that it's not even believable. A few months ago I wouldn't have believed it myself. Unless you're already 'an enlightened one', I wouldn't expect you to believe it either.

When I first started taking notice of the carnivore trend, it seemed way too extreme. Like OK... maybe there are some benefits for a handful of special snowflakes that have some special snowflake condition (I have an AI disease myself), but there's no way this could be a good idea for most people. It just couldn't be. It goes completely against the grain and is completely opposite to everything we've been told for the past 70 years. It's even becoming socially unacceptable to eat meat. Corporations are entertaining plant based alternatives. Impossible burger? Beyond Meat? Obesity, diabetes, and heart disease have only been getting worse yet we're doubling down on this notion that animal products are still to blame and plants are our saviors.


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Other urls found in this thread:

The more unbiased research I did... the more I started opening up to the idea that there MIGHT be some validity to this animal based diet thing. Things started to make more sense and it started to seem less extreme as I put more of the pieces together.

Still not convinced.... 7 weeks ago today I decided to give it a try. I was still skeptical and a bit nervous. I expected to have a horrible arthritis flare up or get deathly sick and quickly call it quits, but nothing bad happened. Quite the opposite. I felt phenomenal. I had been feeling shitty for so long that feeling shitty was normal. Now I'm incredibly aware of how abnormal it was, and how much I was actually suffering. I didn't plan on sticking with this bullshit past the weekend, but here I am 7 weeks later and there's no fucking way I'm ever going back.

My libido is raging.
My aggression is at an all time high.
My energy levels are unbound.
My mental clarity is intense.

I feel like a million bucks for the first time in my entire adult life.

Ask me anything?

"unbiased research"
post studies

what do you eat

>It goes completely against the grain

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Do you cook your own meals? If so with what, butter, tallow?
Do you lift and what kinda routine?
Do you eat any kind of plants for supplemental or nutritional reasons?

the way you write and think i s cringe
But carnivore is legit.

>sit down, shut the fuck up and listen
No lol

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I also enjoyed carnivore for 8 weeks and would have stayed on it if my last body comp scan didn't show me barely making any progress in terms of lean muscle mass.
Now I do carnivore but I eat around 60-80g carbs (brown rice or potato) before and after workouts. I've found this to be ideal for optimizing muscle protein synthesis.

>My mental clarity is intense
You must have been a fucking retard of the highest order when you were eating vegetables, because you write like a fucking retard even with "mental clarity"


Soon carnivore will be more popular than veganism.

Keto already BTFO of vegans despite them shilling against it as hard as they could.

what was your diet before and your diet now. If you went from processed sugar, refined grains, fast food, high carb, high inflammation diet directly to carnivore then ofc you're gonna notice lower inflammation and better mood, but it's not cuz ur eating 100% meat it's cause you cut the bad shit out.

This is true largely
Even Sverige and Bobby's Perspective admit this
Small amount of white rice or potatoes pre and post for optimal performance/gains
The main issue is if you're not eating large amounts of fatty meats you're not getting adequate nutrition

how has Keto btfo veganism?
not a veggie btw, just want to laugh at dietlets being put in their place

>unbiased research

Yeah fucking right. You aren’t smart enough to read and comprehend legitimate research

Also post body

Break down your meat consumption
Beef 30%
Chicken 30%
Fish 15 %
Eggs 15%
?? Rough estimate

Bring us studies not anecdotes.

At worst this is a LARP/troll, at best it's placebo effect.

I hear ya and when I was on strict carnivore, I was hitting 66% fat to 33% protein consistently. Ribeye, liver, kidney, beef heart, NY strips we're all regular for me.
What is interesting is nearly all of my lifts went up during the 8 weeks yet my lean mass stayed the same. Honestly I think my electrolytes were abnormally low when I took the InBody resistance body comp scan and the results were out of wack.
Either way, carnivore is definitely in my arsinal for weight loss. I went from 194 to 178 in those 8 weeks.

Reminder there are:
> Omnivore pro and olympic athletes
> Vegetarian pro and olympic athletes
> Vegan pro and olympic athletes

& none doing carnivore

> mentions subjective measures of libido, aggression, energy, mental clarity
> no mention of objective measures like lifts or PBs

It killed your gains didn't it?

>people actually think these athletes are doing vegan/vegetarian diet and not just virtue signalling when they have a camera rolling.

whats ur diet, also post sources

I'm really starting to feel disgusted by all the plants in my house. Why am I delaying burning my fat stores for these inconsequential foodstuffs? Carbs are here in one moment and gone the next, and they leave you hungrier than you started. I'm just gonna finish all this shit and get some steak.

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I started with obviously biased sources because those were the people touting the benefits. I would use those sources as a starting point and validate from other multiple sources. Mostly .edu and .gov, sources surprisingly.

Anything that had feelings.

Today for breakfast was liver, 4 eggs, and a bunch of bacon.

Yesterday I skipped breakfast and dinner. I had a half rack of some big ass ribs for lunch. The day before I had ate a lot so I wasn't that hungry. I also worked 9 hours came home and worked on a remodel project for 7 more hours and still wasn't even tired (or hungry).

I cook everything. I'm still expanding. I recently found a good source for calve livers and the shit actually tastes good. As with everything.... butter and salt!

I lift off and on. I have just started to get back in the gym because I feel so good.

Only plant based food I've consumed in 7 weeks, has been drinking lemon water.

>>the way you write and think i s cringe
>>But carnivore is legit.

Ok zoomer. I care about how my writing style offends you. Take a number.

I knew someone would make the comment. too easy. 10 gym in midwest city OK. I'll meet you there anytime and you can say that to my face.

I don't doubt it.

I have tried a lot of different things. SAD, Mediterranean, vegetarian, pescetarian. I'm not a picky eater.... no style of eating has even come close to what I'm doing now.

Post body

carnivore is far less common in base population so obviously you would expect less athletes to have that diet. Its not necessarily less common in population because its worse either.

post the studies dipshit. saying .gov and .edu isn't a study showing evidence of something.

How many carnivores include milk? I want to try carnivore for the skin benefits but I'm a skellyfag and if I don't drink 2 litres of milk a day my weight plummets.

are you worried about the possibility of getting heart disease from this diet later in life

>It's even becoming socially unacceptable to eat meat.

No, if you are reading bullshit online that's what you will perceive, i've been on a vegan diet for the last 2 years and get trashtalked 24 7, not even preach, just eat because i think it's the best for me idgf about animals

Can someone tell me the difference between carnivore and paleo? Thought they were the same shit

I really don't keep track or count calories. I eat when hungry. I mix it up to prevent getting burned out or bored.

A lot of red meat... eggs often... chicken and fish mixed in for variety...

You just want all the answers without asking the right questions. Tell me it's placebo and how I'm a troll, yet you're the one clearly lacking. Intelligent conversation takes two sweetheart. Try harder.

Good point. The thing is I am not basing results off of lifts, medical tests (although I've been tracking), or anything other than how I feel and how my body is responding. PB and lifting for numbers / you ego is kid shit that has never appealed to me, so I wouldn't know. To be honest the first day back in the gym after a long hiatus, I felt too strong to have been out for so long, and then ended up with the worst&longest case of DOM's I've ever had. It was brutal.

Again, dipshit, learn to be specific. Just asking for a bunch of studies is missing the point. The shit is complicated and there's a myriad of things that are involved. I learned some very interesting things, but gain, you need to learn to ask the right questions.

I haven't been drinking milk, but I have definitely noticed my skin is way more elastic and my joints are much happier.

so as a carnivore do you avoid all seasoning? I imagine you wouldn't be using a sugar based bbq sauce right? Do you just bake everything? Eat raw? Boil? how do you cook your meet? How much do you spend a week on groceries? Also, do you cheat a bit? some broccoli here and there? A bit of spinach? Do you go for grass-fed, organic meat or is factory farmed good enough? I've tried this in the past but gave up because of how bland it was. Do you go for expensive cuts, like tenderloin or prime rib? or mostly cheap like ground beef and shank?

i'm trans by the way, not sure if this may explain why it worked for me so well

Random tidbits I didn't know prior to starting carnivore:

The human body is incredibly efficient at digesting animal products. Muscle meat, organ meat, fat, connective tissue and all the grizzly bits... etc...

I take maybe 1 tiny shit a week. I'm not bloated or gassy. I'm not constipated. I have literally zero digestive issues. About 2 weeks in I had the meat shits, but that was essentially my body shedding all the bacteria in my large intestine that's no longer needed. The large intestine is essentially the last stop for getting nutrients that weren't properly dealt with in the stomach and small intestine (like meat). It's why carnivores have such small colons and herbivores are the opposite.

What's interesting is how much food goes in, and how very little comes out. This is telling.

The funny thing about fiber, is that it's often recommended for being regular and gut health. The thing is... studies show that the best thing for someone who is having digestive issues is to eat less fiber. Your body doesn't digest fiber (should tell you something) so it has to pass it through. It's like having a clogged straw, then passing through even more shit that caused it to get clogged in the first place. Fucking insanity.

Another thing I learned was vitamin C and glucose are extremely similar, but the body will always favor glucose. (vitamin C can affect blood sugar readings) The more glucose you supply, the more vitamin C you need. Current Vitamin C recommendations are based off of a SAD that is extremely high in carbs. If you aren't eating all of those carbs, your need for vitamin C is greatly diminished.

Also learned about Vitamin K1, K2, and vitamin D3, and how they all work together for calcium metabolism, in synergistic way.

A simple google search on any of these topics will lead you better sources that myself.

People will hate you for it, but there has to be some respect for people like you who are brave enough to do their own thing. Hope you're succeeding

Ah yes Mongolians used to enjoy potatoes before their CrossFit sessions

Carnivore is basically only animal products (meat based) with the occasional fruit on the side. Paleo is what Paleolithic humans, our prehistoric ancestors, ate.

Your gut bacteria digest fiber and produce short chain fatty acids that carry a host of nutritional benefits.

Gut bacteria are good, the majority of contents in human breast milk are oligosaccharides that can't be digested by babies but instead by their gut bacteria, the composition of the oligosaccharides will change depending on the age of the infant (and human breast milk contains more oligosaccharides than found in the breast milk of any other species).

TL;DR - We evolved to feed our gut bacteria so starving them to death with a meme diet is incredibly stupid.

That's a lot of good questions. See if I can summarize all of it.

I only use butter and salt when cooking, and and with high quality foods that's literally all it needs. I have been cooking rib eyes that are absolutely the best steaks I've ever had.... and it's just salted, pan seared while being basted in butter and finished in the oven. That's it. I can tell a HUGE difference in a grass fed rib eye from whole foods and a cut from sams/walmart... there is no comparison. I'm probably spending a bit more on food than before, but I also don't need to eat as often so it's possibly a wash in the end

If I'm out and about, I'll eat meat that's probably not grass fed and has been seasoned with other things, although it's not often or frequent, so I don't fret too much about it. It's also SUPER easy to fast on this diet for well over 24 hours, so I can easily skip a meal until options open up... without any problems or hunger pangs.

>Your gut bacteria digest fiber
Gotta step in. Gut bacteria adapt to what's been eaten or die. Changes occur in the gut, that is true, however lack of fiber =/= lack of nutrients.

damn, so you're living off grass-fed rib eye. Those are like $26/lb here in Canada. I need to make more money. That's good information though. Once I get a good job and move out of my parent's I will transition to this Godly diet. I love meat.
Do you miss things like asparagus or certain veggies? There are some plants I really love ie. blueberries, asparagus, a nice salad etc. just wondering if it would ruin the magic effects.

You missed this question: Post your damn body

No, they pretty much only eat fiber (everything else is essentially digested prior to getting to the LI).

Milk? Kefir?

That's not how the body works. "Everything" isn't digested. The absorption of nutrients isn't 100% efficient.

you can't compare their raw milk to rice/potatoes

Cheap steak,+ make your own bone broth.
Cheap join bones boiled with salt and acv for 12-20 hours, strain. It should be like jello with sayer of fat on top. Put in small mason jars and freeze have one everyday, dilute with water

Yes, and most of it is insoluble fiber and completely inert for human nutrition.

The bacteria are only needed to break down things that couldn't be absorbed by the prior 90% of your intestines. It's essentially a fermentation factory and it's a last ditch effort to extract nutrients. People tout how plants are loaded with all these different nutrients.... but the composition of something and it's bio-availability are two wildly different things. For instance, just because spinach is high in calcium doesn't mean you can absorb any of it.

Breast milk and babies are pretty irrelevant to this topic. Tons of cultures are lactose intolerant because they stop consuming milk after a certain age and they lose the ability to digest it.

The human digestive system is incredibly robust and able adjust... if shit gets real you're going to eat whatever you can to stay alive.

Staying alive and thriving are also two very different things.

The fiber doesn't directly don't contain the nutrients, the bacteria themselves produce it, go read about butyrate.

It is clearly beneficial to feed these good bacteria, as evidenced with the breast milk we evolved to do so (why would that be?)

Yet another carnivore thread, yet another lack of carnivore body.

At least the fucking vegans sometimes post their bodies

You stupid faggots are more insufferable then vegans, and they're already annoying cunts

I find this weird, because apparently on other boards they appear shredded

>suffering because someone is embracing a different lifestyle
you sound cucked

I'm 40 years old. I've suffered from an auto-immune disease for more than half of my life. It fucking sucks and the struggle is real, but you don't see me crying.

Given the circumstances, I'm pretty stoked to be where I'm at today. Most people don't know I have health problems, and most people think I'm about 10 years younger than I am. I'm good with that, but if you judge someones credibility based solely on what they look like, you're setting yourself up to miss out on a ton of good shit.

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I'm doing this to fix a stomach problem. Working really well for me

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OP here... that looks like some good eating to me.

You might want to go easier on the pepper, especially if you have a stomach problem?

Took you long enough

it's all you need.

can't believe I'm saving a pic of another man's groceries


The fish is steelhead trout. Tastes better than Salmon to me. Its also worth it to buy the expensive eggs. The yolks were very orange not a sad yellow.


Too expensive and socially destructive