There is nothing more blackpilling then seeing with your own eyes how much better people will treat you over a very...

There is nothing more blackpilling then seeing with your own eyes how much better people will treat you over a very superficial change in your societal presentation, while you're still the same dude inside.

People are extremely shallow.


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It's absurd

People used to avoid eye contact with me

Now they try to "accidentally" bump into me.

It's retarded. This has made me hate people.

People make snap judgments but thats how we are. If someone doesn't make a good first impression, more often than not they aren't a good person.
It's evolution. The people who took the time to get to know OP and decide, yes, he is indeed a faggot, wasted that time that could have been spent with a better prospect.



Just admit that humans are shallow. Stop rationalizing.

who is this?

That lasts for 10min until they realize you are a buff autist and you return to baseline respect again.
You must be socializing with literal retards

True, I was treated significantly better when I replaced my high-prescription glasses with contacts.

of course. how friendly would you be to a homeless crackhead on the street wearing clothes that have never been washed? It's the same concept. A respectable person garners respect.

Treat all people the same, if you don't, you are a Subhuman.


This is unbelievably true and really contributed to my cynicism.
>Grew my hair out long when I was a kid because my cool older brothers all had long hair.
>Was a little bit chubby and short.
>Uggo face.
>Had friends but was basically a big loser till like 10th grade.
>Puberty hits
>Get tall and skinny
>Face doesn't look weird anymore
>Cut hair to a reasonable length
>Get a decent wardrobe
>People talk to me now and girls aren't grossed out by me.
The part about girls being grossed out by me is the worst part. At least the guys would treat me decently but the girls were just fucking disgusted. That shit really hurt.

>this so fucking much
>ages 14-18: semi autistic guy that was deemed just funny enough to hang out with the “cool crowd”
>19-24: spent college alone & am now 6’5 and 225lbs, get hit on sometimes and job interviewers always like me (some that even ghosted me before)
>fuck this gay earth desu

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gained almost 20 kilos in the past 6 months. now i actually exist to people and they think about me

>people prefer good looking people to ugly fuckers
how the fuck is this news to anyone?

Why should you respect someone who does not even respect themself?

this. changes in appearance come with changes in personality. looking good exudes confidence.

That cliche shit doesn't make sense please don't reproduce whatever you hear on normie media

Because they're another fucking person you fucking sociopath.

Christianity has lied to you about inner beauty and ugly duckling tbqh.

>everyone deserves respect
dumbest shit I've ever heard

Fuck you man.

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>people will treat me better if they see that I treat myself better!
Woah OP, such an intriguing discovery!

Just how many pill colors are there?

At least five

Just take the iron pill, only one you need or really want

The biggest blackpill was this girl I've always had a crush on hitting on me once I got fit and had a good job. When I first asked her out she obviously rejected me because I was a nerd fat fuck

>Knew this girl since I was 8 years old
>Always had a massive crush on her
>Ask her out when I'm 16 but I was a fatty
>She obviously said no because she wanted more adult guys
>Ffw now 24 yo
>I'm fit by normie standard and have a fantastic gf since I'm 18, knew her in the gym
>My old crush starts coming to my same gym
>She doesn't recognize me at first, when the gym owner greetes me by name she remembers who I am
>Wow user you look health, how much has it been since you started lifting blah blah
>Small talk with her
>Every time she sees me in the gym she comes to say hello and chat a little
>She tries to do the exercises near me and asks for my help to spot her
>BTW she is hot as fuck, if my gf is a 7/10 she is a solid 9/10
>Ffw 2 months
>Hey user, I was wondering why can't we chat some more put of the gym, like go for a coffee etc.
>Sure let's go for a coffee
>Tell GF, she is a bit jealous but she trusts me and tells me to go and have fun
>Go to take a coffee 2 days later
>Blah blah my ex bf was an idiot blah blah I've failed uni blah blah I haven't fucked a guy in the last 3 months blah blah maybe you can come visit me later and help me with my TV since you are an engineer blah blah
>I've already realized that she was trying hard to hit on me because I had to be autistic to don't understand her intentions
>Look I've known you since we were 8 and we always were good friends, you had your chance when we were younger and now that I'm healthy and have a good job you try to hit on me? I have a gf since I'm 18 and you are not even worth her shit so stop with this idiocy.
>I know you have one but I could be better than her, I know I rejected you but now I'm sincerely interested in you blah blah
After this I fucking stormed out. People like this are literally shit.


I know this is fake bc you told your gf that you were going to coffee with a girl that you were hitting on at the gym. Also gay

If you think I was really hitting on her then you are the fucking autistic gay here

Imagine taking 20+ years to realize human beings use their eyes

yes it's from manga


This is exactly why I don't settle down with any roasties. I used to be a fat fuck in high school, got fed up and started lifting a couple years ago and now all the girls who ignored me for Chad are trying to get with me now. I cant stand it bros, how do I find love in a sea of shallow sluts? I dont want to just pump and dump for the rest of my life

The woman's name? Albert Einstein.

Kind of overreacted to her there. You had the chance to be the bigger person and let her off with a genuine smile and kindness, instead you raged at her like some kind of nice guy incel (even though you have a gf yada yada).
Kind of goes to show the seething, rejected loser inside of you never died, he was just burried deep.

Well when everyone you come in contact with calls you hot and is flirting with you, it’s pretty easy to be confident.

>AH BLOO BLOO PPL SO SUPERFISHUL (Btw I don't date ugly roasties xD)

Physiognomy is real, faggot. Ugly people have ugly spirits. That's a fact

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Wrong, faggot.
You treat all people fairly, yes. That does not mean treating them all the same.
The very fact you're willing to call people sub-human disproves your own point.

It's kind of like Green Lantern comics.
Originally we just had red and blue then faggots started adding black, white, purple, etc.
We'll have the whole rainbow before long if we're not there already.

No it doesn't. I'm calling them Subhuman not as in insult but simply as a descriptor. Fuck off.
Whatever you have to tell yourself shallow faggot.

I go by vibe. If you have a nice vibe, I could give two shits what you looked like.

I get the opposite. People apologise to me first when I’m out at a club or bar.

Weirdest I get is chav skellys trying to stare me out.

Also A LOT more attention from women at work. Getting called the work hunk is weird.

A description that happens to be very insulting, yes.
And it goes against what you said of treating all people the same. If that's the case then either all people are sub-humans or none of us are.
You're completely full of shit.

why would that be blackpilling? it's redpilling. you got better, and now people treat you better.

What the fuck are you talking about retard. Commit suicide, you're a fucking Subhuman. When I say treat everyone the same I mean treat everyone with a base level of human decency. Fucking retard, kys.

It was the same for me dude, people respect you more just for being tall. It's a huge redpill but it isn't that bad knowing that you aren't on the receiving end

>get big and strong from 3 years of lifting and bulking
>use to be hungry skeleton with skinny neck
>always had some sort of issue at work with people trying to fuck with me
>now at current job as a big boy, no one does anything to mess with me

Wow it’s like size does matter

[Kabushikigaisha Toranoana (Ootsuka Kotora)] Deprives (Shinzui Vol. 7)

For those of you who have been with girls who were hesitant to date you while you were still working on getting into shape, do you think it's wrong to tell them that they might not have a chance with you in the future? I don't mean it in an "out of your league" way, but in a "I won't see you the same way if you'll only be with me once I'm in better shape" way. I feel a bit like a hypocrite because I agree that I am not particularly physically attractive rn.

That's when you bang them and ghost them.

There is nothing wrong with this user. If they cant see your worth during your struggle then they dont deserve to stand beside with you when you inevitably make it

if you don't live in a fucking cave then yes

that's how the world goes, especially for the ladies

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That makes the choice very clear. Thank you for the inspirational words user - I will not forget them.

Internet tough guy youd never say that to my face

I wish you the best in your endeavors user. May your gains be good and your love be pure

The same to you my friend


snap judgements? you are what you project to the world. not caring about how you present is indicative of narcissism or extreme anti-social selfishness.

wrong on so many levels. and soooo hypocritical, you just judged people as "subhuman"
rember never to take advice from unattractive people.

humans are the most dangerous animal. betas tend to hate attractive people and dump their hate on them.
example- your post

Uh huh. That's why people WALK FASTER towards me when they see me? That's why people TRY AND WALK INTO MY PATH to try and get my attention?

I'm fucking attractive as hell apparently and I hate people. They only want you for FAKE and PLASTIC reasons.

Out hiking I stopped being the guy to say hi first. Everyone notices ME and makes supplication to ME now. Except this one boomer on a mountain bike you called me "bud." I saw red. I'm calling him "champ" if I see him again, mark my words.