Post legs you upper body cookie cutters

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No i just bought a treadmill actually

Just imagine a huge throbbing African American fellow doing his thing to these thicc white thighs

imagining it thanks

>doing squats ever


mirin the Derek haircut as well

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Thanks dude, just got it cut like that and I think it suits me. Mines not as long though

good thread OP

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Nice legs man keep it up

sup guys derek here from moreplatesmoredatesdotcom

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If this is actually you why do you still come here? Do/did you go on any other boards?

I used to post here when I was a fat powerlifter over in PLG, I currently have a lot of free time between jobs so thought I may as well come back for a bit.

I post on reddit bodybuilding a little now, or my instagram.

Trip on or it's not you, Sammy boy

Sorry man, forgot the pass I used

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looks like noone on this board trains legs


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Is that really you OP? Jfc.

Don’t really have a good mirror for a leg pic :/ best I can do to help a wonderful thread

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yeh except this is actually me

Yes sir, but thats a picture of your ass

Sammie Ive followed you on insta for years afterone of your threads. How do I get legs like yours?

Did you change your routine to bodybuilding memes or did you just eat less with the same strength routine Sam?



Thanks man! Squat heavy and get fat. Hack squats too I love those
I carried on with powerlifting training as best I could until very recently where I have switched to more control bodybuilding work

Any powerlifting meets at all in the next couple years? Or just bodybuilding shows?

Based thank you brother

Not a clue man, taking it how it comes. I will powerlift again though

If you do make a return do you have any idea what fed you'll compete in? A lot of the old BPU guys are moving over to the GPC for the prize money and closer links with proraw.

It'll be wherever my friends end up, if that's GPC then that's GPC

Here are mine

Attached: legs.png (650x439, 321.91K)

and here's a 500x5 squat. (today I did 511x5)
Now Op, post your squat

Attached: sq227.5x5.webm (300x532, 1.82M)

Oh man nice, but if you were trying to out squat me:

Heres 310kg at my current bodyweight:

And 381kg at my best:

Oh and just for some more fun, heres an official 375kg in competition:

Nothing personnell kid

nice range bro

I wasn't trying to out squat you. I just wanted to know if you squat seriously or your legs are just roids and leg press. Good that it's the former. Hopefully I can hit a 300kg single in the next year or two (natty ofc).

Sorry mate! guess diet brain has me projecting, haha.

Squats and hack squats built these my man. Don't rate the leg press much at all. Right now admittedly I'm not squatting at all for injury risk, 4 weeks out from bodybuilding

>And 381kg
More like 190.5 kg, since it was a half squat.

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Good luck with your competition.

Still double yours my guy

not to be rude though but how is your squat so much bigger than your deadlift?
in wraps my squat is about the same as my deadlift, maybe slightly more once I get more used to wraps and gain more weight

How fat are you?
Gaining weight around the stomach tends to be hugely beneficial for the squat and not so much for the deadlift. That combined with my leverages making me built for squats I guess my DL just couldnt keep up.

No offence taken mate its a fair question

mirin bro

not fat at all desu
we were talking a bit on here and on insta a few weeks back, I'm in the process of filling the 125s and even if all the extra weight from now on is fat I'll be happy since dat dere squat and bench leverage will be so much better

>hack squats
The machine or pull?

Shit I'm so sorry I never replied. Haha sorry my man

Unironically I used to do the barbell one when I didnt have the machine, but mostly the machine

Should I bulk or cut?

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Why? My lower body is just as shit as my upper
How much can you squat to that depth?

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I see. How much better is the machine? I hardly ever see anybody shill for the pulling version

oh lol its calm no worries
any tips or whatever else would be appreciated though

Is anyone even impressed by physique anymore in an age where pretty much everyone is slamming gear to get big fast? Like how can anyone even look at a dude who looks like he's barely twenty with a physique like he's been working out for two decades and go "wow man that is sick!" I just don't get it anymore

Sorry for what?

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the most important tip here is to take roids

damn bro thats crazy

OP is huge even by roider standards

Post physique or your openpowerlifting page

ty lad

My legs are average and hairy, I'm not posting them. I do legs 2 days per week so fuck off

None of you big legged fags could run a fucking sub 8 mile mile.

Why would I want to?