Question to all fatties and former fatties:

Question to all fatties and former fatties:

Recently started seeing a girl not unlike pic related, and yesterday she revealed she was a former fat ass. I should've known, because her calves are fucking huge. Again, she's got a great body now, but she says she still struggles not overeating and all that /fph/ crap.

Can a person like her be worth it, or just pump and dump?

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1. the girl in your photo is fat
2. girls only get fatter as they get older, so you want one on the skinnier side

She should run the fuck away from you asap

>She achieved something most people can't do for themselves
>Has demonstrated she already has more personal willpower to change herself for the better
>Struggles with overeating but still made it and is working on it
>Suddenly, OP the humongous faggot is in her life asking in a thread if she's worth it

Do her a favor and fuck off, you stupid faggot.

If you need to consult with a thread on deciding what to do with a girl then you should actually kill yourself.

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lol mad fatties

I just don't want to be on the receiving end of pic related. That's not so weird, is it?

>1. the girl in your photo is fat

that's fair

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>>she achieved something most people can't do for themselves
Yeah, she got fat lmao
I'll give her credit because of the change but still, the fat mentality never leaves.

>t. seeting fatties and/or white knight betas

Once a fatty, always a fatty. Doesn't matter what the body looks like

Fuuuck she's extremely attractive

>1. the girl in your photo is fat
Fucking dumbass

Do you love her user?

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idd, and there are idiots in this thread who can't comprehend the value of self-control in a person.

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Very subtle bait thread to trigger former fatties.

Date her and get her fat again

based feeder

>dress busting at the midsection
>completely round face
>thick fingers
you gotta up your standards

unironically would rather fuck right

shes just objectively not fat mate unless you have a thing for anorexic whores

As if she can run lol
Anyone who still struggles to "keep the weight off" is still fat, in mind and soul. Im a former fatass and eating less is easy as hell, after the first month there was no effort involved.
She is just waiting to catch a guy so she can balloon again

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my post literally lists 4 things that make her fat. Post a picture of yourself, I think you are just fat so your standards are lower

>dress busting at the midsection
That's her tits m8

-cankles (which she doesnt even have) is genetic
-dress busting at the midsection, yes she has bodyfat there but women are not meant to be anorexic
-round face, genetic
-thick fingers, genetic

>She is just waiting to catch a guy so she can balloon again

That's exactly what I'm afraid of, and I guess I should've made that more clear in the OP

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let her get as fat as you dont mind then leave, chubby women are fun fucks anyway

so she's genetically predisposed to being a fatty? Makes the decision to next her that much easier. Women don't have to be anorexic, they just have to not be fatties. Still waiting on your pic, fatty-enabler

that girl in OPs pic is ugly as fuck and her annoying smile is fucking infuriating

yes she might be, but shes not currently a fatty is my point you autist.
also im 72kg at 5'10 so not fatty mate :/

That girl's got a great robust frame with a tendency to get larger. Right now she's perfect and I see no reason why she wouldn't maintain this.

Cute and attainable 6.5/10 = 8.5/10 gf material

Shh, he’s gay I think m8. OP’s pic is god tier body. Any male who says otherwise is simply low test. Round face? The fuck? What is your gf supposed to have a chiseled jawline like Cavilli?

>the absolute state of this board
If you think the girl in OPs pic is attractive or worthy of anything you are likely a low-value male with no other prospects so you'd settle for dumpster-tier, former fatties and try to justify it by saying she has other desirable qualities (like cuteness, attainability, and niceness)

off yourselves and stop poisoning the human genetic pool. We need to evolve

>big calves on a woman
Breeding material signifier, that wench will prove many hearty children

Look at this low T edgy faggot talking about “low status” males

>fatty-worship means I have high test!!!!
No it means you're a loser who can't get a desirable woman

Is there porn of this beauty??

only the black cuckold/hotwife kind

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t. no chin Yas Forumscel

Once a fatty, always a fatty. Check out her upper arms like in They're a dead giveaway and show up in the flattering pics girls post online. Knowing is half the battle.

go back to your containment board, just because a woman used to be fat doesnt mean shit you genuine retard. have sex

Does she seem intrinsically motivated to work out? Like, is she obsessed with never missing a run or the gym or yoga or whatever? If so, then she's probably solid, if not, then she'll eventually stop going and get fat again.

This is true of all girls. Never marry one who sees fitness as a chore, she has to enjoy it or she'll eventually get fat.

Once a fatass always a fatass


Lmao, are we back in 2011?

are the things i mentioned not due to genetics? i wasnt saying that shes genetically disposed to being fat.

>that girl is fat
IWhat the actual fuck man. That is perfectly fine and much better than most fit girls posted here.

t. mutt

This chick is built to fuck...

more of her?

Former fatties always have saggy tits. That being said, would smash your pic related and I'd be happy to introduce her to my frens

t. has never touched a woman

When did you find out you were homosexual?



the rest of it is bbc cuckold stuff

you are warned

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give me the name cunts

post the proof. reverse search only brings up a reddit user who claims she's his wife but that's the only pic he's posted

Gimme the name bro, I just want to see that ass naked

>Not wanting to eat her ass and thicc thighs

low test beta cuck

>Yas Forums full of people who were obese neckbeards who get self control and put in work to lose weight and get relatively fit
>Yas Forums: wow king, great progress king, you're looking good king, keep working king you're doing great king, kings stay kings king, keep kinging king

>Yas Forums sees woman who were fat but get self control and put in work to lose weight and get relatively fit

I wont belliev it, I cant believe it...


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Op is mentally ill

Am I the only one who finds girls like OP pic related (slightly fat, big boobs and thighs) incredibly attractive?

just read the thread to find out lmao, most of us are normal grown men so yes we like these kind of women.