Replace Red Meat With Plant Protein Or Dairy To Live Longer, 2 new studies suggests

>According to the results of two preliminary studies, eating more protein from plant sources or dairy while reducing how much red meat you consume could help you live longer.

>Plant proteins include basedbeans (edamame), chickpeas, lentils and other legumes, tofu, tempeh, nuts, seeds and whole grains like quinoa. Some vegetables, like broccoli, also contain higher levels of protein.

>"It isn't enough just to avoid red meat -- it's also about what you choose to eat in place of red meat," Dr. Zhilei Shan, lead study author and postdoctoral research fellow at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, said in a news release.

>Shan pointed out that nuts, seeds, legumes and whole grains contain more than just protein. They include healthy fats, vitamins, minerals and antioxidant "phytochemicals," which he said "have been associated with lower risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and some cancers."

>"Based on statistical modeling, if you replaced 5% of animal protein with plant protein, that was associated with almost a 50% lower risk of mortality," said study co-author Dr. Frank Hu, who chairs the department of nutrition at Harvard University's T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

>"On average, Americans eat approximately 3.5 servings of red meat each week, and about one-third have red meat daily," said Dr. Laila Al-Shaar, the lead author of the study and a postdoctoral research fellow in the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health's Cardiovascular Epidemiology Program.

>Dr. Eduardo Sanchez, the American Heart Association's chief medical officer for prevention, said it's understandable that people do get confused about the guidance on red meat, and what is usually characterized as a Mediterranean diet is the best option for most people.

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>Laila Al-Shaar
Sounds somewhat... semitic.

>live longer
>plant protein was invented last week

Nutritionism is the biggest scam since psychology

You say study
I say bullshit

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I don't want to live longer.

>"Based on statistical modeling, if you replaced 5% of animal protein with plant protein, that was associated with almost a 50% lower risk of mortality,"

So do I need to replace exactly 5% of the animal proteins or do I still get to keep the 50% lower chance of dying if I go over 5%?

Except that shit isn't true unless all you eat is pork sausages and McHamburgers with 10 cancerous preservatives in it

I have a study that says replacing all fluid intake with my semen will make you live two years longer. Come over any time, OP.

>wanting to live past 65 in sub-optimal living conditions (age induced /injury/fatigue).

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B-butI don't want to live longer

I tried the meat free diet years ago when the hype was first dawning and I lost strength, muscle mass and felt fatigued whilst doing any physical activity. I also tried the carnivore diet aswell and experiences similar results. It’s blatantly obvious that humans require a balanced diet of both plant and animal sources to function effectively

Link to the fucking study.

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yeah do that, personally im starting a carnivore diet

>eat the bugs goyim
>watch the porn goy
>don't have kids goy

>associated with
Only long term studied scientifically proven diets should be allowed to be officially recommend to the public by these so-called professionals.


Why live long when I want to live huge?

5% is less than one meal a week. I mean sure why not, it'll make Greta happy too.

>implying these studies aren't largely centered around the effects of low quality, high fat fast food and ready-to-eat meals being replaced by leaner meats, veggies, and other non-retarded dietary choices
spoiler: if you replace your big mac with a chicken breast and some green beans, you'll probably be healthier for it

I switched mostly to plant protein due to global warming concerns. I still get free range chicken and grass fed meat occasionally and eat a fair amount of first.

Beans, barley, wheat berries, lentils etc. should already be on the menu anyhow, but they are actually exceptionally nice for keeping you full on a cut.

in nutritional studies the term for processed meat is "processed meat", not red meat

should be a rule that everyone who posts studies to also post body

faggot kys

>he wants to live longer
wew lad

I ain't here for a long time, I'm here for a good time.

because red meat includes it all, fag


>red meat doesn't include pork or processed meat

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Yeah but is your bullshit sourced ?


The only diet proven to to increase life span is a calorie restricted diet. Basically if you’re a skelly dyel you will live longer.
Shit like this is NWO propaganda to turn you into an estrogenized faggot.

>I switched mostly to plant protein due to global warming concerns.

Am I the only one who hares red meat anyways? It’s nice to have a good steak once every few months, but mostly I eat chicken/fish with every meal. It says nothing about those.

(((They))) are getting more evident for each passing day.

It's trying to prove other diets work, there is no other way. As for whether it succeeds, well...

niether is yours you fucking bitch

>n the first study, which tracked more than 37,000 Americans with an average age of 50, those who ate the most plant protein were 27% less likely to die of any cause and 29% less likely to die of coronary heart disease when compared to people who ate the least amount of plant protein.
So compared to the SAD that obese boomers shove in their faces eating some more veggies is better. Science, dude.

To the extend that any “plant based” bullshit “works” it’s due to caloric restriction. Broccoli has less calories by volume than beef and is harder to gorge yourself on. If you have less nutrients that’s less fuel for things like cancer cells, and your metabolism slows down which means the aging process slows down.
You can achieve the same result by doing IF.
And the biggest factor in studies like these is that people who are paying attention to their diets and making what they perceive to be “healthier” choices are usually wealthier and end up making a lot of other decisions that benefit their health like not smoking, exercising, etc.

I don't know for some people they have some many food sensitivities something like carnivore might be the only thing that works for them even if it's not ideal

Isn't the problem the kind of red meat people are eating and what they're eating it with? If someone is going to mcdonalds 3 times a week and getting burgers+fries+sodas, of course they're way more likely to die young than someone who eats practically anything else instead.

Well I can’t find a link to an actual study so I’m going to go off and say this is another retarded bait thread.

>News just in diet consuming McDonald’s hamburgers is worse than eating beans. Wow the world has to know.

>lean meat good
>fat bad
>but add fat to your meals with oils


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>not understanding how varied fats are

Healthy user bias. Vegans live longer because compared to the general population they're more likely to exercise, meditate, sleep 8+ hours a night, cook their own meals, avoid fast food, avoid drugs and alcohol, and be women (women live longer than men across the board). It is NOT because meat makes you die faster. There is zero evidence to support that hypothesis.

>not understanding that saturated fat is the best fat you can consume as a human

>if you replaced 5% of animal protein with plant protein, that was associated with almost a 50% lower risk of mortality
So half the people who replaced a cheeseburger with a beyond whopper are immortal now? Who the fuck thought it was okay to write this?

> Plant proteins include basedbeans (edamame), chickpeas, lentils and other legumes, tofu, tempeh, nuts, seeds and whole grains like quinoa. Some vegetables, like broccoli, also contain higher levels of protein.
were these things invented last week user?

(((New study)))

Correlation can absolutely infer causation tho desu

Fucking based and redpilled

I don't want to live longer. Give me foods that make me live shorter.

Why? Even if someone posts their physique, it proves nothing.

For example, Scooby1961 has been lifting weights for 35 years, and for the better part of 30 years he used the "1g/lb protein" rule.
But a few years ago, he made a video about a new study that proves you don't actually need that much protein, you only need 0.62g/lb or something like that.

Now Scooby has an impressive physique, but the study has no relation to that, does it?? Because he got huge doing 1g/lb, he didn't get huge doing what the study says.

My life is shit and I like red meat. Fuck it.

>show nose
