What if you don't make it

What if you don't make it.

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Then I just become a priest and go to the Vatican to become the next new young pope. If I can’t dedicate my love to a wife and children I will dedicate it to God.

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Ill pave the ways for my sons to continue where I left off

Based and lennypilled

Will pray for your gains user

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No such thing,
I either make it, Or die making it.

That is fucking beautiful

If 'making it' doesn't work out, I will gladly settle for plan S.

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Ngl I considered becoming a monk at a local abbey. Looks pretty based, woodworking, farming, they even let you shitpost and game. Figured if my Mum ever died I'd either start blasting roids or take my dog and live at the abbey.

who cares

Shes holding the baby exactly like I'd hold my nieces and nephews when they were infants that age..

Is she autistic?

I will die trying, likely from exhaustion.

I'll just go on tinder and adopt an entire family

ugly child

they expect one of us the the wreckage brother

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There is no not making it. I will push myself further and further until I do. Achieving godlike aesthetics will open the doors thst lead to made it land

I'm married with kids, it is not making it, being married is hell because women are absolute fucking scum who make life unbearable. Being fit and fucking girls up till about your 40s then transitioning to high end VR porn or sex bots is truly making it.

You don't make it only if you give up.

I may not make it, but I'll be damned if nobody does.

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not an option

The fire rises

>Figured if my Mum ever died I'd either start blasting roids or take my dog and live at the abbey.

why not blast roids and live at the abbey with your dog?

If i don't make it then im buying all the second chances i can, from young blood transfusions, to organ swapping and fucking cloning if possible.
Ill buy as much time as i can, and use all of it into making it. Its only over when im dead


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>Disgusting coronavirus incubator that shits and pisses everywhere

No thanks, I'll keep my money and travel

But you have your kids and company.

Ngl order of roid monks sounds based

I’m joining a monastery in France once I finish my degree. Dead srs. They pray all day, study Latin, physical labour AND brew beer (also drink it)

> N-no you’re a quitter and that life sucks you have to stay in the biggest cosmopolitan city you can and work 10 hours a day and maybe when you’ve amassed a fortune you’ll be able to land a dirty used up single mum hag and you get to kiss her and taste chads cum too!!1!

Fucking kek at anyone willingly living in this society

Yeah, I'm sure that when you're 50 years old, sitting alone in your sad fucking living room with nothing and no one to live for, you'll reminisce fondly about your "travelling". Who needs a family?

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I have a fiancee, we both don't give a shit about children. I've got a large family; my cousins have kids who I get to play the cool uncle to, and spoil them and leave to do my own shit. We've got a good friends groups, all of us bought houses in the same-ish area (all early 30s), we hang out most weekends. If I don't get shot by the cartel while I'm in Mexico this summer or don't die in a gruesome motorcycle accident (I travel by motorcycle and motocamp mostly), we're gonna go to the same nursing home and fuck around, shitting ourselves until we all get dementia and die.

That is incredibly based af user

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I'm not making it to begin with.

holy based. bon chance. ton dieu t'adore. wisdom-pilled.

>Plan S

You'll heavily regret this someday, and you'll be seething that the only warning you had came from an anonymous stranger on a Vietnamese basket weaving site

Shit mam it is based As fuck no irony. I have a badluck All my life thanks to god i have finished best university in my country. Your reply and this thread is making me think about becoming A catholic priest. Think about bringing back respect for The Church and saving young men with lifting authority and pure faith. Becoming A based and redpilled catholic priest should be next nofap for/fit/

but I've already made it though...

btw that baby ugly af. Karlie a kute though.

I didn't make it and I'm kinda just living till I die

I won't. Thats ok

Blessed is the mind too small for doubt

Killing all the blacks?

This is Casey Neistat's baby. Karlie is just holding her for the vlog. They aren't together. She would never go with Casey because of his big labial face flaps.

>That webm
Literally all i ever wanted

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Not an option. You try until you do!

fuck having kids.

who in their right mind would want to spend hour and thousands of dollars raising a literal retard for 18 years?

t. 29 years old

this kek


Came here to post this.

i thought that too... when i was like 21

Not to mention raising a girl is the ultimate cuck

>the jew pope
hi Schlomo

cope? lmao no what's cope is thinking some little shit is going to improve your life in some way shape or form
I can PROMISE you that the majority of parents deep down regret having kids. the sleepless nights, the piss-shit-throwup, the wasted money on clothes that only fit for a year, the toys, the cleanup, the complete loss of any ability to go out on a whim, so many things needing to line up in order to even have a night out. I could go on and on

honestly, the ONLY people who can have kids and be remotely happy are married couples where the husband makes AT MINIMUM $100,000 a year so the wife can stay home and raise the kid and even at that when you come home from a long day's work your wife is going to hound you to do some sort of house work or something with the kid so she can get a break.

and this goes on FOR YEARS. its only until the little shit is 8 or so where you start to get some sort of normality back in your life but by then you're middle age.... AND THATS IF YOU ONLY HAVE ONE KID.

all or this, for what? so you can pass on your genes? I can fucking guarantee the vast majority of you people DO NOT need to be passing on your genes and even less of you need to pass on whatever cousin-fucking """traditions""" you have.

having kids in by far the absolute dumbest fucking long term decision anybody can make these days. in the past it was to have an extra set of hands on the farm or tribe and to insure that someone would be able to take care of you when you got older. but nowadays none of that matters

having kids is low-IQ, period, end of story

Not everyone makes it, Only the ones who don't give up and keep trying make it

you say all of this as if someone would ever actually want to have kids with you.

lol bitch I've creampied over a dozen girls, get fucked moron

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I have two kids. "You have to stay up late it's totally not worth it!" is just ridiculous. Nerds stay up late to play video games. Having kids is far more rewarding than that. Just about every single parent will tell you that having kids can be challenging but it totally worth it.

Surely you are a NEET with no real options to have a family. In your free time you don't do anything interesting, you just stare at a screen.

Spoken like a true faggot.

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and obviously none of those scags has made a child from your cum so what the fucks your point?

massive cope
"I wouldn't be doing anything else so I might as well raise kids"

bro, I have a typical 9-5 office job. want to know what I do when I come home? WHATEVER THE FUCK I WANT TO. If I have a girlfriend I can leave the house and go do something with her, If I want to play my piano and peace, I can do that, if I want to go to the gym at 5:30 when I get home or at 9pm, it doesnt fucking matter because I'm FREE. unlike you. your entire existence now depends on if the stars align because that is the ONLY way you'll be able to do what YOU want to do.

and for what? so you can go look at some little kids sleep? any parent says thats the best part of being a parent, when your kids are as close to being dead as they can be without actually being dead. fuck that. have fun being a prisoner in your own house

the point is if I wanted a child I could have one you illiterate brain dead dumbass. 100% you're black

how are you going to have a child if a women does not consent to carry your sperm as it develops into a child?
you are aware of plan b, general birth control and abortions right? are you actually twelve? that would make everything you're saying make a lot more sense

Ive had 3 girlfriends in the past 5 years who have wanted to marry me. i have a fucking diary from a girl who wanted so badly to have a family with me. your point is invalid and youre extremely butthurt and coping hard as fuck by believing the only reason I dont want kids is because I'm incapable of having them.

>what matters in life in enjoying my time
>i am an island unto myself
>[feeds off of the labors of men as a perpetual child]
you know what would be an even simpler solution: remove your frontal cortex, then you won't even HAVE desire to waste your time satisfying. in fact, even that is pointless when you consider that you don't even have to exist at all.