is lifting worth it as a 5'2 male who has let apathy consume every aspect of his life?
i don't really care much about girls. i don't care about money. i have lost interest in all hobbies i used to enjoy. all i know now is my brain makes me feel bad 24/7, and i feel disgusting in this horrid inferior flesh vessel. im 22 if it matters.
Be honest fit
who cares
go lift faggot
no kill yourself. at that height you are a joke
not really. 5'5 is the absolute lowest manlet cutoff where you start to look bad no matter what under that.
Apathy is death
Lifting is always worth it
If you’re a faggot you’ll be a faggot ja matter what height you are.
literally leave this place and never return. coming to fit as a 5'2 male is just like willingly drinking poison and it will eventually kill you
how do you fix apathy. the universe doesn't care and i don't have it in me to care about anything back.
listen to me user, everybody has their strengths and weaknesses. You're short, I have a small pepe, even the most chad user goes on Yas Forums and takes steroids to compensate for his sense of worthlessness. All any of us can do is play our cards the best way we can, and that's all anyone has ever done. You're short, big fucking deal. Look at Kevin Hart, he came from fucking nothing, is really fucking short, now he's got a babe for a wife and is richer than all of us will ever be. Put in work user, accept your the cards you were delt.
this is probably true, but its also true of everywhere. every site. i don't leave my house anymore. everyone is obsessed with height.
honestly i shouldve rephrased this. the apathy is my bigger issue here. i don't care about being short, but if i were taller at least i could indulge in hedonism. i just don't want to exist anymore because i don't think anyone or anything is worth any effort.
Not like a meme, actually learn a fighting discipline and it will change your life
this is what fucks me up. i don't enjoy social contact, or anything. idk how to motivate myself
this idea is lost on me because i don't have anything to fight for. its a frustrating loop
motherfucker I don't enjoy social contact either. But you're gonna enjoy something. I don't give a fuck what it is. If you don't know, look around a bit. And finally, tomorrow torture yourself in the gym. I mean fucking bring yourself to point of death. I gauren- fucking- tee you this will put your mind into perspective.
It's fun to punch shit
>this will put your mind into perspective
dont mean to be a dreadful faggot but i really don't see how it would. i used to go running a lot, id really push myself to my limit, till i realized that i was just needlessly tiring myself out.
then you didn't hit the limit. Volunteer yourself for some suffering, and life will renew itself for you. Cold bath, sleep on floor, fast, and break yourself in the gym.
I think it's worth doing anything that will make you feel like you have something to live for. Lifting helped me with that enormously. I do also have body dysmorphia and feel small constantly but lifting is just fun. Exercise is one of the few things that helps alleviate depression symptoms too. I think you should try lifting, user. It might just be the catalyst that helps you get yourself back in ship shape
I’m really tall and also kind of
>male who has let apathy consume every aspect of his life
The hedonism got old about a year after I figured it out so I don’t bother much anymore. Dancing, drugs and sex are legitimately fun but as with everything: novelty is key
I’m sad and alone pretty much all the time but I can tolerate it so suicide doesn’t really appeal to me. Why is it unbearable for you? (genuine question)
>tell the turbomanlet to learn how to fight
lmaoo he's gonna look like the napoleon poster child of fighters.
just twinkmaxx or transition already, no one cares about your height problems
The answer is always the same.
Dedicate yourself towards something and achieve it. You wont get a feel-good buzz overnight. You need to look back on years of hard work and see the results, then you will be happy.
Dont worry about impressing others work on impressing yourself.
If you've ever even considered doing something, like joining the army, or going hard in a sport, or leaning a trade, or getting fit, or whatever it might be, just go do it. The only person stopping you is yourself.
>everyone is obsessed with height
nah you’re projecting
you're probably right.
im just baiting for some magic answer that doesn't exist.
i feel bad and i have no spark or fight in me to save myself, so im just here.
And OP, do it right now. Dont put it off until tomorrow. In the next 5 minutes you should have started making moves towards achieving something.
Go to r/short and sort by top of all time. There are some guys shorter than you who have gfs and cool lives.
i have a brain that permanently procrastinates lol. i dont even know what i could do in the next 5 minutes since i don't want anything.
bro suffering is the magic answer. You're too dam comfortable and thats why you don't have any fight in you. Deprive yourself of some comforts and see how you feel.
Force yourself to then. No third party is gonna come help you. You need to help yourself. The only reason you're depressed is because of you. I went through this mental rut myself and I'm giving you the answer. Its not a sexy cheap answer its the truth. You've gotta suffer to improve.
Like Nietzsche says the highest mountains came from the depths of the sea.
You have two choices OP.
1. Be a healthy manlet with good habits
2. Be an unhealthy manlet with bad habits
I have been in both positions and am currently in option 2. Trust me option 1 is far superior in every way.
God dealt you a bad hand my dude, up to you if you fold or keep playing tho
Hey man, can you maybe go gay? I know we generally don't care about height. Actually a lot of us actually like manlet bottoms.
Ok, OP I went through something similar so here´s what I did:
1 - I first recognized that, even though everything is bound to dust, I have the choice to enjoy myself until that happens.
2 - Since I do not care about material wealth nor my friends and family, I will not be swayed to do or become something for the sake of another. The choices I make are my own.
3 - I will employ discipline and order to achieve what I recognize are benefits for mental and physical health.
4 - I stopped smoking, quit drinking cola and eating shit. I started to take my studies seriously.
5 - I started lifting.
How is your face? If its decent you can still get a girlfriend and it could help make life better. If you have a bad face plus a shortcel sorry but it's probably over mate.
i know this is the truth.
i just wish i had a single thing i enjoyed or cared about so i could start the compass with something. instead i have to pointlessly question practically everything i consider doing beforehand.
why aren't you in option 1?
im not convinced to keep playing
would if i could
>I have the choice to enjoy myself until that happens.
what do you enjoy when material wealth, friends and family are out of the picture?
average, balding though
kevin hart has 2 inches on OP, is rich, and is still ridiculed. op needs surgery, and lots of it
Kevin Hart is 5’2 tho just like OP
go yell at some bagel shop employees
Disclaimer: I still look like shit and am weak as fuck by Yas Forums standards. Yes, exercise is absolutely worth it. You'll feel better, have more energy, and gain the satisfaction of making progress. Measurable improvement feels really fucking good.
You are obsessed so you think everyone else is
>i don't really care much about girls. i don't care about money. i have lost interest in all hobbies i used to enjoy. all i know now is my brain makes me feel bad 24/7, and i feel disgusting in this horrid inferior flesh vessel
I am exactly like you and about to be 39.
Instead of heroing i decided to spend my time alive suffering in the gym because i hate myself.
2 years later i've lost 35kg and consistently gaining muscle.
I still hate myself but now i want abs.
nobody really cares about height until you are near midget size (5'2), i've had looks and comments from people i barely knew constantly
would you say it was worth it?
>why aren't you in option 1?
I got lazy and depressed and unmotivated and it's hard to pull . yourself out of that. I'm working on it tho.
>would you say it was worth it?
I started feeling disdain for others instead of selfhating myself 24/7, it's almost funny.
I found that maybe the reason why i hate myself that much is because i didn't had anything to brag about to begin with.
In any case find something the let you mog others, it's pity as fuck but being better at something than the rest will help with your other issues and insecurities.
>mog others
>at 5'2
this is an impossible slippery slope
Maybe he hangs like a fucking horse, maybe he's a great singer, who knows.
feel this hard
i definitely don't hang, and my voice is nasally and weird on account of how short i am. i don't have any natural redeeming qualities and my personality is worse
>and my personality is worse
You are just depressed faggot. go talk with someone.
idk man, im just as shallow as the people who look down on me, i realize my inherent worth. im not bitter towards my circumstances, just numb
You are constanlty dragging yourself down, that's not bein numb or aphatetic, it's being depressed.
valuable traits aren't evenly distributed as if we were in an rpg, op is proof of this. some people are just born to be nothing.
how do you differentiate being objective and dragging yourself down? i can assess that i don't bring value to anyone or anything and not hate myself because of it. just like how i don't hate the pigeons outside or the rats that crawl around on the street.
>how do you differentiate being objective and dragging yourself down?
You just compared yourself to pigeon or rats.
You don't sound smart to be honest, being a midget isn't your real problem.
yeah i know im retarded too
hey pigeons and rats are cute at least, don't compare those to manlets
Based as fuck. Hope you feel better about yourself though mate.
surgery, there. logical practical answer
how has no one mentioned grow grow grows yet