How does one stay fit and healthy when this is their daily commute?

How does one stay fit and healthy when this is their daily commute?

Attached: Sydney Train Virus Exposure.webm (800x450, 2.94M)

I’m actively trying to get it so I can go lift and kill all the fake natties

At least the Sydney metro is still mostly white people commuting
Look at photos of the London or Paris metros these days

>report any white racism
Is this a joke

Western society is indeed now a joke

Fake alt-right propaganda

it's real

Attached: Wynyard Wuhan WuhOh.webm (600x338, 2.94M)

>be Chink colony
>Get Chink bat virus
Imagine my shock


Attached: 1580297755128.webm (700x394, 2.49M)

*laughs in remote*

There is no way to stay safe in such an environment.

Attached: fuck off we're full of corona.webm (700x394, 1.14M)

Attached: chink square statistics.webm (868x488, 2.97M)

Racist whitey, how dare you try to protect yourself from Chinese carrying diseases like rodents?

Imagine hating other humans just for their skin color. How cucked would you have to feel every waking moment if your life

but user then how would i have other people to blame for my problems rather than accept responsibility myself?

Do you know the train from the french airport of Charles de Gaulle to inside Paris and its northern station. It's way worse than this, but instead of asians it's african people.

I genuinely hate non-whites on an absolute, fundamental level.

>admits skin colour is different
>implying their physiology is different
>this difference is also present in their bone structure
>difference in brain shape and folds
>difference in behaviour and thinking

You're a dumb cunt

Attached: mascot statistics.webm (868x488, 1.94M)

homeygym retard

Race is more than skin color

Attached: fuck off chinks.webm (1024x576, 2.95M)

Diversity is a health hazard.

Attached: TRAIN FULL FUCK OFF.webm (320x570, 2.89M)

I live in Tokyo and my local gym and all other public gyms are closed until April bros. I've been reduced to pushups pullups and dips at a local park and it fucking sucks

>the hateful wearing of masks by non-asians
Jesus christ.

>almost everyone is a chink, pajeet or arab.

Blackpilled again. there even a solution to this? Some of them have been here for generations. There is literally no going back

Accelerate capitalism to collapse industrial society
Begin romanesque society where the amount of land/property you're allowed to own is directly proportional to how much you can lift

not being an urbanite cuck
city-dwellers deserve the death

>difference in bone structure
minimal, of little practical effect
>difference in brain shape and folds
minimal, of little practical effect
>difference in behaviour and thinking
There is no good evidence to suggest that groups of people inherently behave and think differently on an ethnic level. It's cultural.

what do you do about all the non-whites already in the country?

I don't hate them; but third world shitheads can fuck off, they don't share my culture or values and they destroy wages and rent prices. The real problem is humans are inherently tribalistic and so multicultural societies will never work.

>is there even a solution to this?

Attached: Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-S73495,_Oskar_Dirlewanger.jpg (2832x4710, 2.16M)

Rather working chinks than raper niggers and killer mudslimes

Have fun being bred out of existence by a foreign race.
>a-at least they paid their taxes and aint blacks!

Lol so the whites are the minority and needs to fuck off back to Europe. Face it you lost. Shouldn't be too hard since you rent anyway?

T.Chink in beachfront home

Nah but man, stop worrying about the world. It’s only you and your family that really matter. Of course you should try and help everyone pick a good path but if they refuse and choose this instead, that’s on them. Especially if they react with hostility. Don’t let your empathy poison you.

This is text book example of projecting.
>n-niggers and muslims ain't breeding 5x faster than white ones

i don't understand the question.

Why does it matter if a race is "bred out of existence"

>just for their skin color
4/10 for making me respond

Attached: 7 top myths about race.gif (2406x1936, 860.92K)

Asians massively outnumber whites too. Fuck off Chang. You're just as much of a pest as Muhammed
Do you care that if your family gets displaced? What about if your own hosue gets flooded with squatters and displacing your mom and dad? Do you care? Race is your extended family
You're not gonna have that ideal romanesque, traditonal society if it's 40-something percent white, 20 percent blacks and the rest asian and hispanic. Demographics are the most important issue. If you can't solve it, you won't get LE TRAD society that you want

I would love to individually address every single graph in this picture and why it's essentially a cacophony of misinterpreted data and not accounting for confounding factors, but I would go over Yas Forums's character limit and also I'm fairly certain you'd just call me a jew and dismiss everything I said

Attached: GTAB.jpg (900x900, 117.79K)

Enlighten us, mutt. Tell us why race is a myth

My race is not my extended family in any capacity, what a stupid fucking thing to say. My family is important to me because I've lived through decades of experiences with them and we have close ties and love each other, not because we're just blood related. Also, even if I agreed with your "race is extended family" meme, how the fuck is squatters displacing my family in my own house even remotely the same as people immigrating into a country? I would be pissed of squatters of any race displaced my family in my house. The issue in that situation is the fact that it's my fucking house that I get to control because I paid for it and it is my property.
Fuck me you neofascist nazi wannabes are retarded as fuck

I didn't say race was a myth, faggot. I would also bet my pink fucking nipples that I'm whiter than you are.
If you mean "race" as in there are groups of homo sapiens that are biologically distinguishable, yes, race is real. But when you say "race", you think of all the cultural aspects of that race too. Biological essentialism is fucking retarded and so are you.

Maybe you don't understand because you're a rootless mutt, but generally in non-conrete, urban hellholes, you have more of a connection to your neighbour than some somali immigrant. Chances are that the ancestors of your neighbours interacted with your ancestors at some point; toiled together, interacted, sexual relations, did business together...etc

It's the same thing as yours cousins or your extended family. Yeah your immediate family is probably the most important but you probably still care about your cousin or your uncle more than some person who is a completely different race than you and doesn't even speak the same language
Ok Chang. Still no proof. You will never be white

>chances are that the ancestors of your neighbours interacted with your ancestors at some point
And we can continue this tradition with non-whites too. Why can't a somali immigrant be my neighbour? Why's it got to be a white guy? Maybe I live next to a somali immigrant, then my children and their children are friends, and their children after that. There's no need to bring race into this, you're just mad because all you have is your whiteness.
>no proof
here's a pic for you to jerk off to, buddy.

Attached: nip.jpg (958x1278, 198.58K)

t. poo

>Why can't a somali immigrant be my neighbour?

Attached: 1581315393601.png (710x577, 29.53K)

look what's happening in south africa dipshit. Even in america too. It doesn't matter that you don't think in racial terms because every other non-white does. They will see you as white and see you as the outsider. But you're just gonna stand there by yourself, as LE INDIVIDUALIST. Bro...

I literally am an afrikaner jou fokken poes. South africa is shit because the black population, which was subjugated for their race for a long time and is resultantly still very poor despite being 80+ % of the population, is sick of the inequality which still pervades the country. And also because the government is inept as fuck. You can't pull your MUH SOUTH AFRICA argument on me because I actually am south african and know far more about the topic than you do.

Go hang out with your black brothers then. Lets see how they treat you

So people should stop making a fuss over genocide? And we shouldn't care when species and breeds of animals go extinct?

1) A race gradually ceasing to exist because their birthrates don't match the birthrates of other races is strictly not genocide
2) We care about animals going extinct for 2 reasons: 1 - ecosystem stability which directly affects us and 2 - because we as humans subjectively value animal life. If stability of a given ecosystem is not in danger then yeah sure there's no objective reason to care about animals going extinct.

How about neither?

based aus pol poster

>1) A race gradually ceasing to exist because their birthrates don't match the birthrates of other races is strictly not genocide
I knew you would interpret this differently to how I intended. I'm NOT claiming declining birthrates is not genocide. In saying that - I do believe that replacing a population via colonisation could count as genocide. I'm saying why should we give a fuck if a race ceases to exist via genocide?

>2) We care about animals going extinct for 2 reasons: 1 - ecosystem stability which directly affects us and 2 - because we as humans subjectively value animal life. If stability of a given ecosystem is not in danger then yeah sure there's no objective reason to care about animals going extinct.
Why should be care about ecosystems? And do you think if indigenous Europeans and their descendants disappeared the ecosystem would be better or worse? After all the third world contribute most of the worlds pollution.

>He had to mention the somalis

>Subjugates for their race, unequal

They, however, treates the Khoisan like angels, right? I'm sure all that maternal Khoisan trace dna just means Khoisan women reeeally liked Bantu men

Genocide isn't bad because the race ceases to exist. Genocide is bad because of the killing of millions of people. The targeted race in any given genocide has no inherent value.
You should care about ecosystems because we rely on natural ecosystems for many things (pollination, birds planting trees, detritivores and certain predators etc) and them ceasing to function would be directly detrimental to human life.

Im not saying the bantu have clean hands. You are engaging in blatant whataboutism. Racial prejudice is bad regardless of who it comes from and who it's directed at. Anti white racism is bad. Anti black racism is bad.

Don't commute. Simple as.

Everything around Gard du Nord is African now

>Genocide is bad because of the killing of millions of people
Why is that bad?
>The targeted race in any given genocide has no inherent value
Are you sure about that? Why then are certain groups targeted?
>You should care about ecosystems because we rely on natural ecosystems for many things (pollination, birds planting trees, detritivores and certain predators etc) and them ceasing to function would be directly detrimental to human life.
Why should we care if human life exists?

I'm not engaging in whataboutism. My point is that these guys are complaining about whites while hypocritcally not acknowledging their own ancestors were a couple of times worse. What does that tell you? That universalism is often joke and you shouldn't be obsessed with pandering to other groups; like anyone, they use universalism to complain about their problems while ignoring the problems they caused themselves.

Imo whites shouldn't have settled in Africa in the first place. Maar daarvoor heb je ons te danken, niet?