You guys are watching, right? Terrence looks incredible. Clean lines, granular, superb posing

You guys are watching, right? Terrence looks incredible. Clean lines, granular, superb posing.

Attached: Terrence Ruffin Arnold Classic 2020.jpg (1440x1440, 169.24K)

this shit is fucking gay
you're gay op

Attached: mnyDo721O7ydY0tseL-tq8gA2MkdE_Uor-aeS4StxSk.jpg (413x395, 23.65K)

Damn those calves really aren't up to par. Shame.

op gay

Attached: Girls.jpg (600x536, 80.54K)

Attached: LM6qDHk.jpg (489x366, 32.22K)

How back looks horrifying

if someone walked in on you looking at these images, they would come to the conclusion that you are gay.

op is gay!


Attached: 1478971261662.jpg (643x844, 27.61K)

Its a fucking fitness board

How the fuck is cbum Mr Olympia

Attached: updated-pic.jpg (640x746, 112.77K)

This shit seems kind of gay.

Just look at Arnie's calves, you can't be aesthetics with a giant up body and
normie tier calves.

>i-i'm l-looking at half naked men for fitness reasons!! uhhhhhh!!!

Attached: 1582939264736.gif (200x200, 3.89M)

Half the threads on this board is pictures of half naked men you fucking retard

Where are you watching this? On jewtube its the women currently

this looks gay as fuck

Nigger with shit physique (no dominant white genes)
I'm half european and mogg him to oblivion.

Attached: 1583250287491.jpg (2268x2393, 2.73M)

Yes. Granular, grainy. His conditioning is extraordinary and according to his coach he achieved it without any diuretics.
Zane was the embodiment of aesthetics and he didn't have giant calves. A little bigger, but not much.

Attached: 812wtYImb0L._AC_SX425_.jpg (425x534, 29.49K)

This looks so fucking gay.

Watching what? gay porn?
nah mate.
also Eww that guy looks fucking disgusting, eat a fucking sandwich brah I can so your fuckign veins.

OP you faggot answer me ----

Attached: 1583486707712.jpg (248x249, 26.3K)

seems like a cope to me


cope cringe dilate have sex based kek jej lel zyzz incel normie chad stacey manlet lanklet volcel

Why would I watch gay porn?


Why are you on a board filled with gay porn? Kys faggot

This sport seems like, super gay

What is this? A gay pride event?
I'm not interested, OP.

Wasn't the Arnold canceled because of the coronavirus?

>28 replies
>12 posters
Samefag fuck off
YouTube. Terrence was first call. Final later tonight.

The sameposter is the guy trying to say that this sport isn't gay, which the other 11 posters think it is

Cheers mate. How many hours til its starts so I know what time to check back?
t. Australia

Attached: 1583396973059.png (923x562, 41.06K)

You're a fucking faggot, OP. This shit is literally gay porn.

I don't know man...this seems kinda gay to me.

Attached: noisetracker.png (320x256, 6.69K)

this some gay nigga shit lol r u gay?

Yeah bro that nigger looks amazing. He's about to steal some nikes and be crowned king of the jungle

>You guys are watching, right?
I don't watch gay porn.

37 / 12 / 15 / 1

Kill yourself faggot

It was in his silhouette his calves were more on show

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 12.43K)

op is built for bbc

I don't watch gay shit.

where's the BBC?

Where is it hosted? ?

seems kinda gay to me

Ok non white

Post hand and timestamp faggot

Is this 10% BF?

Zane wasn't as top heavy as Arnold. He basically had a modern gymnast's body, minus the mutant biceps that gymnasts have.

>dick not working
Lmao, bodybuilding is a fucking joke.


[citation needed]

whats everyone talking about? Looks like a nigger to me

you gonna let him fuck you?

You choose to look like this.

Attached: imagine humiliating yourself for 4chan points.png (1172x1812, 3.03M)

[1] - low body fat

>poor weight/strength ratio
>lift bitchweights all the time
>strong bb-ers are an anomaly
>literally get cramps on stage and act like they die on stage
Kek, bobybuilders are cockslurping homos.

This is true. Zane cut a strong outline. Terrence wound up getting 2nd place, so hey his calves very well may have cost him.

Cccc-CCC---comboooo breaker!!!!

I think he looks pretty good but the calves are lacking quite a bit and his upper back looks really ripplely?

That meme is ancient. Welcome fellow boomer. 2007 Yas Forums?

Is this guy natty?

Of course, you can tell by the calves.