Can we have a Yas Forums confession thread?

Can we have a Yas Forums confession thread?

I've never ran more than 2 miles in a row in my entire life. My knees always get uncomfortably sore after running a while and I don't want to risk damaging them. For squats, they're perfectly fine though.

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Imagine being such a genetic dead end that you can't do the movement that humans are literally the best at out of all animals.

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I confess I want my face in those armpits

>gets out run by most species on this planet, even the ones that are more favorable in water

>Runs hundred mile marathons.

your running form probably sucks dick then. Apply the same logic you used in the gym as you do for any other discipline

>claims to run hundred mile marathons
>still can't even out run most animals in this planet
>animals dont even practice

Your body mechanics must be abysmal.
Maybe have someone look at your running form? Watch some videos?

I think he's talking about persistence hunting

Nobody runs long distance anymore. Its fucking retarded and useless. Everyone is doing sprints and HiiT now...and have been for a while

Imagine breeding these girls right after a race haha it would be so easy!

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I'm 28 and have never spoken more than 3 sentences with a women, I'm a khv and I can't even imagine a wome to even look at me as if she would be attracted to me, no matter how /fit I would be

what's causing this? be as specific as possible

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Every couple of weeks I buy a medium sized cucumber and fuck my own ass for like 3-4 hours.
Afterwards I have really bad diarrhea for a few days and feel like shit and can't lift but it feels so good and the anticipation the day before I do it I usually break PRs so idk maybe it's worth it

pointing out that humans are the worlds best animal for distance running is fair when OP complains of failing to do what should be natural

Haha imagine ripping her shorts off as she’s hyperventilating from exhaustion while she stares deep into your eyes as you rape her hard with an intense look of primal fear and you slap her hard and she passes out while you cum deep inside her and leave her in a bruised pile of sweat, cum, and vaginal fluids

thanks for the new fetish... god damn it

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No women in your schools, workplaces, etc?

that's gross haha dont' write something like that ever again lol!

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>be skinny dyel
>no gains
>ow muh knees, I should run more
do runners really?

based alpha chads
there is literally nothing she can do kek
what a dumb bitch

Look up ultramarathons sometimes it doesn’t just end at 100

>its natural to us
>its a discipline with levels of skill level
its either something easy or its something you need to practice. It cant be both

So I'm 28, I never had a date or any kind of emotional or physical intimacy with a woman. I can't hold a conversation to save my life. I neither have friends nor hobbies, nothing really interests me. The last friend I had was in elementary school. I don't have dreams, hopes or any kind of plans for the future. I barely got a job to fill up the shelves after my apprenticeship.
I feel like I'm rotting away.
I'm neither smart, funny nor handsome, quite the opposite actually. I think even my mom didn't love me back in the day.

I've been alone for so long the thought of a women liking me over a thousands of other men in my city alone is completly alien.

I think all this bullshit even keeps me from getting fit because in the end it doesn't matter if I make progress/ get fit.

Yes but why would they talk with the shy loser, who looks below average.

I'm a virgin male in his early twenties :/

me too but I also have no friends.

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I only do deads in the 8 rep range and calf raises for lower body.

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I just did legs for the first time in 8 months

maybe participate in some group activity, where you need to interact with others on constant basis. I thinking of doing the same, because it's hard to me to talk to new girls, i just don't do it.

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It's like being able to do a ATG bodyweight squat. You should be able to or you've pretty much got a dysfunctional body. No one's saying you have to be able to run hundreds of kilometres without stopping, but you should be able to run at least a few a day without significant pain.

I pretend everything is ok
Don't know how long I can keep it at it

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>its either something easy or its something you need to practice. It cant be both
This is the most retard thing I've read in a long time. Think about anyone who's amazing at anything. That person had to practice. Even if it comes easy, you have to practice to become good.
Holy shit, by four logic, humans walking is unnatural, because babies have to learn and practice. Human speech is unnatural, because we have to be taught and practice.
Also, you do realize that animals also learn and practice stuff, right? I mean, of course you don't, you absolute potato, but what do you think the purpose is when kittens and puppies and whatever else play when they're young? They're practicing skills they have to use later.
You're insanely retarded, holy fuck.

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>anyone can just get up and be marathon runners
>no training needed, its all natural
even marathon runners get injuries you dolt

just stop pretending and having this retarded idea anything will change after this long.
change who you are in a way you didn't expect.
take the philosophy pill and the clown pill.

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Holy fuck, absolutely destroyed, no remorse, no surrender.

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Nerds, you would take her home to be your cave wife?

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>either illiterate or terrible reading comprehension. It cant be both
lets see which one it is

im still paying for my gym membership despite not going in 2 years

Bruh you sound depressed.

you imply some kind of obligation

high test

Are you retarded? Untrained people used to outrun gazelles, it just takes time. Just because you would give up early doesn't mean you couldn't do it.

that picture hits me hard. How do people keep doing the normal daily tasks each day knowing someone they love is no longer here and you can't talk to them anymore? I have 2 other family member's on their way out and its just so trippy and sad to think I will never seen them ever again. Its like the world has gotten more quiet ever since they left. I only have the memories....

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>doesn't understand the point of the argument was to say it takes practice to be able to run long distances without injury
>just like any other discipline in life
jesus christ, this whole board is filled with retards or retarded trolls that can't troll right

No one's talking about fucking running a marathon you dipshit. All I said is that if you're a healthy human being you should be able to run a reasonable distance. If you think otherwise you're probably a fat powershitter or some shit.

It's no big deal, death doesn't mean shit, you're gonna die too and it's gonna come faster than you think

Bro if you need someone to talk to about anything my insta is @kaxgod
We're all going to make it

>a healthy human can never get injured
>its just impossible
ive seen people fuck their shit up doing 1 rep of squats. Are you really this dumb to think people can never get injured at any level of any physical activity? Is everyone here stupid or am I on crazy pills?

i feel the same. i cope by spending time with them while they are still here, and doing smaller things together, like taking a walk or going to store, or anything really. Because no time spend together will be small when you will no longer be able to do it. Spend time with them user.

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buy a proper dildo you fucking weirdo


I just fucked my back up from deadlifting. This is the 3rd or 4th time, I've tried everything to try and reduce strain on my lower back but nothing seems to help. I don't think I can deadlift anymore and I'm entering that r9k woe is me frame of mind.

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>Misrepresented and dodged my points in every response.
Yeah. Go ahead and fuck off you dumb fatty.

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you run like a toddler stomps out a tantrum

>my response to the discussion matters more than what was actually being discussed
>if you cant accept my factual statement that has nothing to do with the argument, then you are just fatty
imagine being this stupid to even troll right or being so stupid that you can't even enter into a conversation correctly. Which one is it user?

Face the tragedy of life and make the best of it.

i dont know how to cope after they have left. The ones that are still here I spend time with. And I love sharing a laugh with them but during the laugh I am quickly reminded that this isn't going to last and will end quickly. I dunno why such negative thoughts enter my mind when we are having a good time but it does.
I feel like I am just spending energy and not actually living if that makes any sense

being able to deadlift or not have no meaning in real life user, don't self sabotage yourself by going in to depression and stuff like this user


>I've never ran more than 2 miles in a row in my entire life. My knees always get uncomfortably sore after running a while and I don't want to risk damaging them.

Just run you absolute mongoloid. I have fucked up knee joints and I can run just fine. How are you fucking this up? Hit with your feet flat and sproing your feet as you go.

thanks user, I'll keep on the sunny side