

That’s Batman

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any more recent pics of this guy? curious what it takes to play batman in 2020

Lol this twink hasn't made a single gain in a decade.

Finally, the gay Batman everyone’s been thinking of.

oh no no no

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i dont get whats wrong here

>posts picture of Robert Pattinson lifting sandbag
>doesn’t realize it’s filled with fan mail from creepy 40year old women who write him their vampire sex fantasies and address him as “Edward”

he was great in that King movie. Also in light house even though I thought that movie was boring as hell

Man it fucking bugs me that they used tim chalamet as the lead character when he's twinky as fuck.


i think he fit the part nicely. Ive also been using the King's strategy in having more archers than infantry men in Mount & Blade and it works out pretty good.

Yeah he didn't fit at all imo. The vampire guy was great tho imo.

SJW pandering

Absolutely cannot wait for this to flop

Check out “Good Time” on netflix. He’s amazing in it, great film.

>ten years
>for this

Will my gf be able to sit through king if I out it on?

Props for him being one of the few natty male actors with a decent physique.


At least he's natty. Or looks it.


Pattinson was the worst part of that movie by far.

Good time

It's been 2 years since that last photo and they've only just started filming, he's also not the kind of guy to take steroids

Christian Bale Batman Begins was prime Batman. Like 15-17% bf with pure mass. That is how Batman would be built IRL, like a Mike Tyson physique or something.

Who cares tho lol
After the 5th or so Gf you learn to love yourself you’ll see

Lighthouse is fucking great you shut ur gab m8

>pale as a vampire

What’s with the ads

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I want batman beyond. I'm tired of regular batman.

from skelly to dyel

he looks like a bat

I want Batgirl to get blacked


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>few natty male actors with a decent physique.
I have a better physique than him and have never even looked at a supliment in my life let alone roids.

My gf made me watch this movie lol

Hes a good actor, was impressed by him in the lighthouse

He was great in Good Time, but mediocre in Lighthouse. Dafoe acted circles round him.

Are you an actor?

wew, i could kill this batman just by rolling over his body.
sad times.
No homo.

Why would you use gloves to begin with?

I find it a bit refreshing to go back to "normal".

Keaton has always been my favourite.

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You just admitted to being a fat fuck

At least he should be ripped, the sad part is that for what i saw the suit will fill the muscley bits.

95 kg 79 being muscle, so?
cope harder twink.

I get that he's supposed to be a young Batman so he's not colossal but I just miss Batman being a tank in a human body.

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Fuck off Snyder.

Post body bitch

95 kg is not that big you fucking tard. Robert pattinson is probably 90kg in that picture.

No-one mentioning how good he was in goblet of fire

Post body

>Robert pattinson is probably 90kg
He must be around 78,80 kg
>95 kg is not that big
He can't even lift that weight to save his life you fucking retard, that's the entire point of the comment.

no you dont

Stop being gay for Pattinson plox.

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It's fine, you didn't read, stop doubling down.

Post height

Are you fucking dumb

Robert Pattinson is 6'1", so 90kg sounds about right for him. I'm 6'3" and I look skinny at 90kg - pattinson looks a bit bigger than me, so given that hes 2 inches shorter than me 90 looks about right

5x5 2pl8 bench MAX

desu even bale was a little smol

Roiding for this

gay vampire is not even 80 kgs in that photo are you fuckin blind ?