How to get a body like this?
How to get a body like this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Pin and lift
blast gear and have amazing genetics
Ass implants
She’s talking about the black guy by the way.
based chang
Lol sissy white bois btfo how can we even compete
There's not a single straight many in that picture
You don't even lift.
Nah, you're the one who doesn't lift faggot
pin directly int your ass and do nothing but hip thrusts.
pretty disgusting having an ass that sticks out more than most womens tits.
Unironically 14 hours of sleep a night
He must look like shit on clothes.
>that ass
he's gay
Me between his cheeks
this pic has been photoshopped
by doing these workouts, yw
If you’re implying that guy isn’t on test and some sort of gear you’ve lost your mind. Dude is perfection, and perfection isn’t natural.
>He must look like shit on clothes.
Biggest fatty cope I've seen this week.
You're actually retarded, if I said a buff guy like him would look like shit on clothes of course I'd think a similar thing about a fat fuck. You amerimutts have the interpretation of a fucking monkey.
you're not wrong. (coming from an american)
So what your saying he would look like shit on top of clothing, like would the clothes be on the ground or on the wall?
>He must look like shit on clothes
Yeah, that's why he's a professional model bro
>thinks fatty means obese or overweight person
That's fucking comical
based pietro.
this makes me sad
roids and photoshop
The ultimate chad?
Where is the middle one from?
School, duh
School it looks like.
Him giving a lecture in mechanics for undergrads at UCL
Unironically thought he was solving calculus in uni. mb
From when he was a graduate student at University College, London.
Literally built for BBC
I'm fairly certain its an american
Same people?
Bushy black cunny?
Did you miss the watermark?
cmon bro give us a break, they’re not fluorinating your water to hell like they are ours
>muh roids
yeah, sure faggot, not as if you've got shit form that doesn't activate your muscles, low testosterone, a bad diet, or don't lift, he's just using dem MAGICAL ROIDS, it's the (part that I can't obtain easily), always that, I SWEAR!
Is this like the recipe to completely leave humanity behind or to destroy chemical and hormone balance levels in your body??
Jesus christ do you even realize how big of a cope this is ahahahahahhahqhah
Kek, this guy. Either oblivious or on roids.
>perfect nutrition
>lifting weights
>top tier genetics in everything
>and... steroids
Not even someone with the best genetics in human history looks like this natty.
Injecting a total of 900mgs of hormones a day is piddly shit. I take 1000mg of vitamin C TWICE a day.
this is obviously photo shopped, although Pietro is an unbelievably handsome dude
Dudes pp is just not with it clearly.
yikes and incelpilled
Why would he look shitty?
You just know hes packing a BBC. Probably 9” and thick as hell
ok but how do you get a body like his?
you don't need his body, you need his face.
>furries bring their fursona into every conversation
>europeans bring american into every conversation
Thus europeans are just furries with american fursonas
>Not Israeli
what kinda psyop nonsense is this