Hey Yas Forums

Hey Yas Forums
Just snapped my collar bone wrestling.
I’m out for 6 weeks so what’s your worst injury and how’d you get it

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You shouldn't snap your collar bone, supposed to be strong bone surrounded by muscles. Drink milk.

Doesn't milk increase the risk of osteoporosis?
Conflicting information, what do?

I fell over doing box jumps, broke my cheek bone, cracked my eye socket and snapped my collar bone from ligament. Completely out for 8 months.

Body heals, you'll be better. Collar bone is still un attached but doctor said that I'll live as long as no pain.

Sprained LCLs, both of em, wrestling. Whenever I see college wrestlers do funk defense I wince now. Thank God you don't have much of that in patricianstyle, I mean freestyle

Inguinal hernia from going too heavy on squats/deads. I still need to schedule an ultrasound/surgery.

I tore my AC joint in my shoulder when I was way younger. But I manage that with extreme focus on rotator cuff health. But I'll never bench 3plate now.

t. no brainer
milk gives calcium. calcium is good for bones. what people tend to miss is vitamin d, which guarantees the absorption.

Dislocated shoulder during BJJ six months ago. Haven't gone since the injury. Too scared I might dislocate it again

I twisted my ankle when I was like 10 and now my right foot always points outwards makes squatting kinda weird but I put 2.5 kg plates under my heels to keep both feet straight

broke both wrists. one snapped after getting kicked in a fight, the other after ollying a sewer grate.

Also my worst injury. It hasn't slipped out since (6 years), but it's always tense and certain exercises (dips, wide grip bench, standard pushups, you get the idea) feel unstable

Sternum dislocation doing dips

> it gives calcium

You got memed (by the dairy lobby) into believing that it's some type of superfood that strengthens the bone.

T. Med student

how heavy was too heavy

This is my worst injury user, I got it doing squats two years ago (was able to do 60kg comfortably for reps, decided to do a 70kg 1rm, was tired/hungry so 35kg on that side meant a 70kg lift for me without taking into account the 20kg bar). Managed to rehab myself out of any lasting pain but my stamina is basically at zero (I get tired really quickly doing things like vacuuming that stress the area or pulling out lots of files from a shelf) and I've got a lifelong ban on deadlifts, martial arts and squats.
>Also I went from 178cm to 174
How do I get Yas Forums again? Low muscle mass is a bitch

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On each side*

you got a wedge fracture from squatting?

Collar bone as well. Fell off my bicycle bombing downhill.

I broke my arm (both bones totally snapped) from a guy doing a one-legged takedown during wrestling practice. Wrestling is unbased when it comes to injuries

Tore the rotator cuff in my right shoulder twice and my left shoulder once in the span of 3 years. Fuck water polo.

Past my limit

>Unrack 90kg bar
>On the way down, panic as I realise it's not the 70kg I was expecting
>Back arches forward a bit and I hear popping on my way down to the ground
>Land on one knee and roll the bar off my back
>L1 anterior wedge fracture and a massive bar shaped bruise
Despite being taken to hospital from uni via ambulance and getting dosed up with a ton of pain meds on the way they didn't do shit except for making sure I could still move my legs under slight pressure, then they diagnosed it as a muscle spasm that would go away within a few weeks. Took me 14 months to figure out what it actually was, I'm still seething

I fractured my ankle during lacrosse tryouts. The next year I fractured it again halfway through the season and was out for the rest of the season.

My sister was sliding into home and smashed into the catcher, tore her ACL really bad. She was out for the rest of high school.

sorry to hear, but after unracking didnt you think it was a bit heavier than it should?

Of course, but by then it was way too late to rerack and the only way to go was down. I also thought it was more under control than it actually was at the time and that I'd be able to get it to the ground safely, so I didn't shove it straight off my back ASAP (also because I was worried about creating excessive noise for the other lifters) which is what I'd do now in the same situation.

>Snap city on less than 2pl8
The bar has rejected you.

Got ran over by a car biking home from the gym on Tuesday. Bitch didn't even stop the car. Still can't use my left shoulder and I'm putting off the doctor as long as I can justify it.

You should at least get a scan done to make sure there's no impingement on the spinal cord (probably a cervical neck scan if anywhere if it's your shoulder). Although if you're in America I've heard it's really expensive, how much is an MRI there? Australian fees are around $200 for comparison when they're not able to be bulk billed

Passenger in a car wreck, snapped collarbone and sternum broke in 3 separate pieces, have two metal plates in chest

Shattered my elbow in a bike crash. Worst part was walking to the hospital bleeding everywhere because I was too poor for an ambulance ride bill.

Broken heart

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I know how that feels user, I shattered my kneecap at school on a table and then caught the bus halfway home and walked the rest of it

Two herniated disks L3-L4-L5 due to improper form deadlifting. Couldn't do that or squat for months until I was able to minimize pain through stretching.

Fractured a rib deadlifting too quickly. Some folks pushed me to see how many 3pl8 DL I can do. Felt it at the 10th rep. Took 6 weeks to heal.

Now, small posterior tear on my left shoulder (labrum). Happened during flat bench press. Going to therapy now and babying the shit out of my shoulder when I work out.

Had a fellow at my gym do this at a competition. he quit BJJ as far as I know. I don't blame you honestly BJJ guys are usually so fucked up from years of abuse.

>made my LCL pop like a gun shot trying a gogo plata like an fuck face
>tweaked my shoulde blade/upperback area and it caused me enough pain I couldn't sleep and went almost 3 days straight
>everything spazzed out and fucked my tricep and rotator cuff

I'm much better now and I've found that strength training has been a godsend for keeping my body healthy and everything working well.

Quick search says $2000 for an MRI

Broke my collarbone twice mountain biking. Never saw a doctor and I'm not sure if it ever healed right so now it just bends at that spot, doesn't hurt though so eh

>my bones are broken
>i dont have calcium in my diet
>lol milk sucks retard only retards drink milk
Negative IQ over here

>Fractured a rib deadlifting too quickly
Fucking how? I don't even understand how the mechanics of that could happen at all.

Haven't had any bad ones myself. But I'm a wrestler too and have seen and caused one. The last match I had there was this flaming homo I was up against. So I said, "We'll see about that!". Snapped his fucking collar bone. There was a huge commotion but most people were laughing.

I did the exact same only I was T boned by a car while going downhill on a bike. Completely out of school and work for two months straight and at about 8 months now I've finally got even strength in my arms now. However, the break was so bad that I now have one tiny shoulder and one large one and a lot of my clothes have shoulder pads so I don't look retarded. I'm struggling to properly get fit but I'll make it. I'm also struggling with girls now because my face is covered in scars, it's a bit depressing but I'm alive.

Breaking my arm and dislocating my knee pretty bad, both skateboarding. The knee still fucks with me today as it doesn't bend properly anymore and pops weirdly all the time.

When I was 7 I slammed my dick in a toilet seat to see what it feels like. And then again when I was 8 to see if I did it wrong.

Mountain biking, broke my collarbone and could feel it pressing up under the skin. Also broke my wrist, fractured my elbow and hip. Knocked my head hard. Basically flew off a small cliff into a rocky outcrop. Had retrograde amnesia so can't even remember how it happened.

did your father rush in when he heard you screaming and did he suck your cock to relieve the pain?

Worst would probably be a broken arm, both radius and alner were broken at the wrist.
Broke both thumbs skiing recently, one much worse than the last.
Collarbone was pretty shitty too.

Broke my spine skiing. Almost back to normal but it still hurts. Pic is of the gnarly scar.

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Shattered that bitch

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litterally the exact same injury, broke my right collar bone in half when wrestling my brother.

You know your opponent could have raped you if he wanted to, right?

And you got pozzed into drinking pasteurized milk. Probably pushing a plant-based diet at your pozzed school. Whole world is on that, retard. Ruminants were sent from God and we’re not even respecting them. There’s a reason pajeets worship them.

Shit nigga, a spine ain't supposed to look like that. What did they do to your spine to fix it?

Collapsed lung. Also wrestling. If you’re training Greco, exhale when you take a throw.

Congrats on playing a mans sport, OP

I had titanium rods in for around 6 months to stabilize while the bone healed. After that they opened me up and took them out. Now all I’m stuck with is constant pain. Doesn’t really effect my lifting any more but weird stuff like sitting in an office chair for too long makes it hurt.

Fucked up my knee at 17 yo, training too much badminton. Was top 10 national at my age category at that point. It was somewhat chronical, extremely painful on very particular efforts like jumping or going close to the net to the point where I could not play to my usual level (and for a while I could barely play).
Doc heard the symptoms and the sport, ask me to lie down, touches my knee once "is it here?" "no", slip a bit down, looks at me with concern, says "and there" and instantly sent me to paincity with just a small pressure.
Basically, articulation is fucked up beyond repair (even injection), I would need a brand new articulation. So all explosive leg sports are a no for me above casual level. Some years ago I said fuck it and stated muay thai and proceeded to lifting when it showed that my knee was not enjoying my improvements at sparring.
I also have arthritis above it, and I feel some pain on humid days. I am 34, but this started when I was 20 already.

What is your height and weight?

Face scars are badass bro

At the time, I was about 72kg and 178cm
Now I'm around 67-78kg and 174kg

I stopped bone wrestling years ago man, just give it up its not worth it, especially will how many collars I went through

Damn i have similar stats, right now im only squatting 115, been squatting 155 for years, i try going up in weight but around 125lbs things change and squatting just feels sketchy, i been tweaking my form, even trying low bar . But seeing how you went to snap city with that weight i reckon i might just give up on squats or just squat 95lbs at the end of leg day

Worst injury I got wrestling was nutshots and cranked necks, ur unlucky bro. My backs definitely permafucked tho.

Dealing with a sesamoid stress fracture in my big toe joint. Basically have to sit around for 6+ weeks and hope it heals bc it has shit blood supply.

broke the same collarbone twice wrestling

Worst injury so far has been patellar tendonitis. Gotta be real sure I don't fuck myself on squats/DLs