/asc/ Arnold Strongman Classic 2020

Stream here:

Attached: Mikhail Shivlyakov .webm (442x558, 985.32K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Is this the thread?

when does it start? thanks for info and link tho!

From what i remember, i think 10 PM on the East Coast

12:45 PM EST - Rogue Iron Game Show
1:40 PM EST - Arnold Strongman Classic Event 1: Trial by Stone
2:40 PM EST - Rogue Record Breakers: Women's Bag Over Bar
3:00 PM EST - Arnold Strongman Classic Event 2: Bag Over Bar
3:55 PM EST - Rogue Record Breakers: Women's Repetition Deadlift
4:05 PM EST - Rogue Record Breakers: Men's Repetition Deadlift
4:15 PM EST - Rogue Record Breakers: Women's Monster Dumbbell Press
4:40 PM EST - Arnold Strongman Classic Event 3: The Wheel of Pain
5:30 PM EST - Rogue Record Breakers: Dinnie Stone Hold
6:15 PM EST - Rogue Record Breakers: Women’s 300LB Log Lift
6 PM EST - Rogue Record Breakers: Men’s 500LB+ Log Lift
6:30 PM EST - Rogue Record Breakers: Men’s Atlas Stone Lift

Here is the days schedule. So about 30 mins to the first event

They did the same thing during the arnold qualifiers where all these fags could do is talk crossfit.

Thank you for this. Very sad that Arnold Strongman is ruined by women tho. They should have their own show

oh hell i'm jazzed boys, who's going to win? I'm thinking Thor because he's maybe in the strongest shape he's ever been in and second is going to be Licis

Santa Monica was a kino show in the end.

I really hope Martins wins this. Fuck crossfit tho

Don't forget Mateusz, he could blow away Martins

It was beyond wicked

I haven't watched anything Maeusz yet but i've heard he's EXTREMELY strong atm

I agree brother

I'm really thinking this will be close, everyone i can think of is insane strong right now

Martins winning by literally 1 point was just crazy to watch

Mateusz's english has gotten alot better

Especially with the dark horse Canadian throwing everything out of balance

it gud event for me

based I was waiting for the thread thanks op

i had never heard Maxime Boudreault before that event but he's going to be a monster in the future. same with novikov

Attached: Martins Licis 2.png (1920x1080, 1.63M)

so who do you guys think will win the trial by stone?


extremely based and monumentally redpilled

hafthor ez lol

Women's this women's that

Let's be real here

>Mateusz wins overhead dumbell press, timber carry, and will place top 3 in stones
>Martins wins wheel of pain, does mediocre in other events
>Thor wins deadlift and stones, and places 2nd on mateusz' events

mark my words

Attached: 1470233740149.png (500x500, 334.6K)

somewhat acurate but i think Martins will do better than you think he will. I think he'll get at least top 3 on every event minus bag over bar

I cant argue against this. The only way this doesnt happen is because of injury or some random lifter has the comp of his life.

he won bag over bar at arnold qualifier in 2019, he's fast

Martins sucks at bag over bar, it's his worst event. Thor is the best at it

Licis looks like a big Jason Genova

why is pritchet still around here kek

Hope JP Caron does well. Seems like a cool dude.

inb4 bobby thompson wins

man thor is mogging all of them hard as fuck. he is beyond huge

Who the fuck names their kid Bobby i'm heated

óne hell of a medley

Attached: trial by stone.png (871x450, 466K)

did they say what weight the husafell is?

Looks like he's still struggling with his hip injury

I think Husafell is around 400lbs.

for sure. he's not bending his right knee.

Attached: order of competitors.png (246x327, 42.94K)

thor's going to run away with this one. all of the stones are less than his bodyweight.

holy shit i hadn't thought of that

that fat icelandic fuck

and the motherfucker still has abs. He's not human

There is going to be handful of competitors where this will become a sprint.

Icelandic supremacy.

Where's the pull-up event?

Attached: 1583279477895.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

what the fuck

jesus fuck hafthor is on a whole other level


nice, I was looking for one yesterday but fucking corona virus dumbshit


holy shittttt

how will muricans recover from this?

Based Mateusz



Attached: mateusz5.jpg (1800x1200, 186.15K)

how big do I have to get to be able to have hair like this?

Attached: dfdsf.png (1096x691, 729.47K)

>mateusz winning stones, too

Attached: o-people-meditating-facebook.jpg (1536x1024, 177.77K)

in case you guys didn't get it, the dude with the rainbow color mohawk is gay.

Here's direct Arnold's stream without those clueless Rogue casters


>the united sharts of assmerica

Attached: Screenshot (249).png (1920x1080, 1.32M)

409 lbs / 185,5kg

Wait, I thought he was gay.

>Virginia man can't even do the first stone

Attached: 1534395510225.jpg (473x473, 19.59K)


Attached: 2020-03-06 20_20_56-(23) Full Live Stream _ Arnold Strongman Classic 2020 - Day 1 - YouTube - Brave.png (918x922, 1.05M)

how i get strong


He did the unthinkable!

Get dabbed on


Kino reactions in that pic.

This Bobby dude looks like a redditor.

Compared to others that came from Arnold Amateur (Mateusz, Shivlyakov, Novikov) this Bobby guy looks kinda weak

Attached: wut.png (134x165, 48.46K)

incredible how the beard+glasses combo makes him look like a soiboy


Attached: 1577249469142.jpg (768x1024, 78.73K)

alexei "BIG COCK" novikov

Attached: 1316686691122.png (404x408, 47.09K)

2 points bruh

>that joker got in when shaw didnt

I just want Shaw to get healthy and be 100%

Shaw is an over the hill has-been.

How many lifters get hernias from competing in this?

That was a good press Novikov getting washed here