New /cbt/ last one dying out

new /cbt/ last one dying out.
im bulking rn trying to actually get some upper body strength since i got tendonitis on my knee rn from squatting every day.
>165lbs 6'0
>285 squat
>355 double overhand dead
>255 clean and jerk
>175 bench
these 1RMs were tested 8 months ago

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Because I got in late on the last one.

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Damn your lifts suck.

LMFAO do you even lift?
skinny bastard roflmao

gee, thanks faggots!
>sup alan

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wtf is going on with your abs

dude you have a serious mobility imbalance in your back. you should do some scapula mobility and thoracic spine release stretches

what indicated that i had that? the pic is just me trying really hard to do a lat spread, my back feels fine lmao.
the lighting also might make it seem that way, since its positioned to my left.

169lbs 5'8

I don't know my PRs

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6' 78kg
nice back
my only 1rm was 90kg on the incline bench press.

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pretty lean, do more lats
nice delts
whats up with those tats?


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150 lbs 5'9

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nothing really, the only tattoo that has a 'meaning' to it is the stalker in my arm, a game that i used to play a lot.
huge arms mate

180 something

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thumbnail makes you look like a turbo framelet

Jesus bro lean af. Looking sick
Mirin that width

>6'4" 220

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decent back, but looks a little imbalanced dont know might be the angle
but shit lifts
dude your abs look like dog shit, just perma bulk you'll look infinitely better
actually nice body congrats user, except your chest is kind of gaping.
8/10 nice job
delts and traps say cycle but your shitty chest makes me think otherwise
literally shit physique dude, sorry.
bumpy tits too
look like all you really do is arms and then cut.
that's a yikes
nice body bro.
your back is logging your arms though, looking kind of flat
also shit chest RIP
meh decent kind of bogged by this guy >that nipple
>the low bf with essentially no return
>horrendous insertions
bro I guess natty lifting is a meme but lifting with dog shit genetics is a bigger meme.
might as well quit gear no point in furthering this.

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170lb @5’10
Bench 185lb 3x10
Squat 225lb 3x10

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173lbs, I believe between 19-20% body fat

Not sure if I have enough mass to start cutting for summer or to continue to gain weight.

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average upper. ungodly lower jesus dude nice quads.
I mean you're not aesthetic at all in totality, but nice legs brah.
really nice
>cope hair
>cope chest
you have a lot to be proud of aside very aesthetic

zero potential bfs.

>average upper. ungodly lower jesus dude nice quads.
>I mean you're not aesthetic at all in totality, but nice legs brah.
Thanks brah. Got any recommendations on fixing the upper? Aiming to lose like 10-15 lbs so hoping that helps.

Post body

How do i get rid of my love handles Yas Forums? My bf% is pretty low already

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Lower it more, obviously

lose weight and train upper.
if you get big lats it'll be more proportional, but then you'll have an ungoly back and legs with baby arms.
arms are fuckign shit to grow.

You don't have love handles those are your hips you body dysmorphic silly boi.

190 / 6'1

Still a chestless T-Rex. Don't max out, focus on slow lifts w/ pauses on my overloads, current split's at CDL 285x5x3, HBSQ 255x5x3, BP 185x5x3 - going up.

RIP all pants forever since my hip adductors are exploding.

You are more like 25% AT LEAST. Can't tell w/o legs and back.

I'm 15-18% at best.

Pick parents with more narrow hips. Add more oblique work to get wider above them.

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I know tanning is bad, it was dumb of me. I also dont know how to rotate the picture. 145 to 165, pic is like 2 weeks old.

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6’1 165lb
Slowly but surely escaping lanklet status but it’s so hard to make my long ass arms grow

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Absolutely savage calves bro


Oh yeah I'm 6 1 barefoot but I say 6 2. One from today. Dyel but feel blessed to be out of death mode.

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Thanks, I used to be fat but now I just do carries and make sure to feel them on my squats/ DLs. Never once isolated them.

>6ft 152lbs
Left is where I’m currently at, right is where I’d like to reach. Any thoughts on how long it would take Yas Forums?

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Thanks bruh.
What do you recommend for lats? I do a dickload of pull-ups and row a lot. Back is strong, but not building as much width as I'd like unfortunately.

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Once you're reincarnated with less garbled ab/oblique insertions if you want that exact look.

Progress on your bench, do serratus work (pushups/dips with pushing through all the way on top), eat & sleep well and you could be there in a year (natty).

right looks like he is taller than you, based on proportions. You won't look exactly like that, but within a year of consistent training and eating you could be there in a year.

I'm faggot with sideways pics. I'm doing between .5 and a full gomad. Helped me jump from lighter than you to a bit heavier, and still rising. I find the key is twofold. Be willing to sacrifice on abs, and unironically lift really fucking hard. Who know though maybe I'll end up fat and sad. Lords will be done bruv.

I can finally feel mine now that I've switched to strict weighted chins w/ narrow grip (you gotta pull all the way through at the top with those), underhand grip yates rows, and going to failure after that w/ one arm cable rows.

You can compensate A LOT on pullups and rows, so eliminate any and all momentum and lower the weights till you can initiate just with the lats.

Cool, will give the underhand yates a shot, I usually go overhand. Thanks man

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It really comes down to feeling them. If you're gonna try one thing, try the one-arm cable row (Jeff C has a vid on them).

Your lats are not engaged/stretching with the forward shoulder blades, so that may be your issue based on that pic.

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Cut your hair and try lifting weights.

Nice lats my guy. I'll check out the vid.

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Actually just started new lat routine, feeling it but still only a month in.

Have weird ab insertions. Don't know what else to say.
Nope, permabulk my bjj and kickboxing will suffer.

Just posted in the last thread at the very end. Here again

DL one rep max 145kg
BP 95kg x 5 for 3 sets
OHP 60kg x 5 for 3 sets
Squats: 100kg for 5 for 5 sets.

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i would say its time to cut, but idk how your stats are so shite, seems like you primarily focus on hypertrophy.
you might benefit from some solo strength training for 3 months then go on a cut, if you care about lifts that is

Have always had problems with squats, any recommendations? Started DL have a year or so ago.

Hurr Durr high reps don't nuhhhhh
Low reps only real mussels derp jerp
Guh gih

>2.5 weeks into cut
>bench 2x6 205
>OHP 3x6 140
>squat 3x6 230
>deadlift 3x6 270

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190 6’0 I want to lean out should I?

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>my bjj and kickboxing will suffer.
I'm seriously considering taking boxing classes, and Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu later. I'm pretty strong. I can bench 355, squat 405, deadlift 495, and do 315 on lat pull-downs. (Yes, my legs are lagging behind my upper body, but it's not because I skipped leg day, rather because I tried doing high-resistance cardio on an eliptical for 20 minutes a day for a couple months instead of doing strength training during a cut, and I lost a good 80 pounds on my squat from that, and it could be another two to four weeks before I fully recover. I learned a lot of lessons from that.) Anyway, I would probably weigh a good 195 pounds if I were to become fairly lean, which would put me in the medium heavy weight class for BJJ and the highest to second highest weight class for boxing. I currently weigh somewhere between 305 and 310 at the moment, which would put me in the highest weight class. Would I be at a strong disadvantage if I were to compete in BJJ, or could I actually somehow leverage my fat to my advantage?

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Based hair



Based and hanzpilled


Very based and aesthetic

Aesthetic and weak pilled


Very sexy and 10/10 legs

5'10 204lb

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Those are some of the worst tattoos I’ve ever seen

Holy mirin'... Full body and no pump pic now :3


Just found out im another victim of Mr. Rippetoe, hold me brahs
8 months into SS

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I was not pumped in that pic .. routine

Monday: biceps triceps and back, regular curlbro shit, skull crusher, db dips for triceps and cable shizzle

Tuesday: shoulders, OHP, facepulls, side raises, front raises and reverse flies

Thursday: 5x5 incline & decline bench, 5x5 ohp and 4x10 db press with 4xF flies @ the end

Friday: diddlydoos 5x5, machines for back, bis and tris

Sunday: chest routine of thursday and 5x5 skwatz

Stats are: 95kg/160kg/190/250

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well it does look like you only did squats for 8 months but at least you didn't get fat

Bulking right now but the cut starts soon, only lift worth mentioning is OHP 75kgx5

>inb4 stop hiding your hips

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Holy mother of Jesus.

Cot. Damn.


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10/10 legs here.

Thanks & mirin. Hope to catch up, especially upper body wise.

Sick delt vein placement - sadly mine run right across the armpit.